The importance of working with energy and understanding the service of the light worker

In these days of acceleration in which the understanding of the Universe and its processes is completely distorted for most of the beings that inhabit the surface of the planet, it is necessary to remember once again what the Service consists of and what are its main expressions and manifestations .

When an incarnate being is told about SERVICE, he immediately relates it to some form of action. And when, in our messages, he receives the instruction to expand and improve the Service, the personality of the Self automatically intervenes to plan what else he can do, in what other fields he can act, etc.

Being, then, immediately relates (that is, your three-dimensional mind) the Service to some kind of performance and also three-dimensional movement.

So, many will recognize you thinking things like What do I have to do? What can I really be useful for? Where should I go to intensify the Service ?, etc. ...

These doubts are increased when, in addition, you hear that the Service is NOW; NOW is the time to manifest and intensify the task.

Very few realize that the Service, to be real, to be really useful and effective, must be performed from the Self, and not from the DO.

It is not, therefore, to DO more and better, but to BE more and better. When Service is born of Being, it is centered on its correct vibration, and everything is produced in harmony with the Universal Plan.

It is important that the Brothers in Service understand that they are primarily incarnated to work and serve in the anchoring and irradiation of subtle energies.

We can send very pure energies, but these, to become useful, need to be:

1) Catalyzed, transmuted and adapted to the least vibrational frequency of the planet.

2) Anchored, subject, protected and preserved so that, later, they can be irradiated at a vibratory level in accordance with the planet and its evolutionary moment.

Thus a triple purpose is fulfilled:

- Allow beings on the planet to have the opportunity to make the evolutionary leap with him.

- Respect the laws of vibratory affinity, and contribute, each from its level and evolution, to Plan One to which we all belong.

- Because only in very exceptional cases are the greater Beings allowed the great sacrifice, totally voluntary, of descending to levels lower or much lower than their share, to intervene in the evolutionary processes of the planet or beings.

The vibrations have a spectrum and a hierarchy of vibrational purity that should not be exceeded so as not to break the cosmic order and harmony prevailing in the Universe.

Each being serves in the vibratory spectrum in which it meets the energies that are related to it.

Therefore, we need you, dear brothers, to anchor and radiate the cosmic energies to the planet and to your incarnate brothers, including the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms.

You must be, and from the complete Being, centered, balanced, you will feel multiple expressions of Service and task. But it is important to be clear about what is important, what is essential and where it is born.

Service is born of Being.

BEING, you are doing much more for the planet, for your beings and for yourselves, than DOING thousands of things, however useful and good they might seem.

This is because these processes are energetic.

If I AM, I am attracting towards me, by affinity, higher cosmic energies, which in turn I will radiate, and that will not only help me, but the planet and its process.

And that is just what we need from you. There are many beings capable of DOING, but very few are capable of BEING.

We know that from the intellect, this is impossible to understand. Go to your interior, and from there you will intuit, you will feel that all this is true.

You will remember that this is and should be the process: as internal as possible. This, of course, is not detrimental to being able to perform Services in the third dimension, where they are also very useful and necessary, provided they are born from the Self.

Because if they are born from the intellect, you can never be sure that it is not a personality trap.

From now on, instead of wondering if they are doing something, they should observe themselves internally and ask themselves: Am I being? If the response is positive in yearning, in faith and in conscious intent, then the Service will be being served usefully and correctly. It may be done in other planes; It may be done at the energy level and may take action later, but the most important thing is that it will be fulfilled, at all times, what corresponds. Receive brothers, our Love, Gratitude and Harmony.

-> seen in: source unknown

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