The importance of liver and gallbladder cleansing

Liver and gallbladder cleansing is one of the most important revulsives for our health. The contribution of Andreas Moritz with his method to eliminate the calculations (see the post we wrote about him in this blog by clicking here) can be crucial to make us recover our health. We recommend reading Andreas Moritz's book on the same topic where all the details are explained.

In the magazine Discovery Salud, Jos Mar María Cardes n, chemical engineer and expert in Chinese medicine, warns us about how the accumulation of toxins in the organism ends up blocking in many cases the drainage system giving rise to very different pathologies, cancer included. Who really produces most of the stones is the liver, an organ of filtration of the venous blood that ascends through the portal system and whose dirt is what ends up producing the grounds and sand that the time they agglutinate and they form the stones of greater size or calculations. The filtration organ, the kidney, retains squirrels and forms stones but to a lesser extent. The pancreas also produces sediments by filtration that are removed through the pancreatic duct but are less important because it is short.

Both food and emotions play a key role in our health, which can directly affect our liver forming stones.

Click on this link to read the full article.

In another article appeared in the same Dsalud magazine entitled: "The importance of removing stones from the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts" expand the information.

The majority of adults in the industrial world, especially those who suffer from a chronic medical condition such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes or coronary problems, have in common the presence of hundreds of stones or stones that block their liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. And gallbladder removal or its operation, a common response today, does not usually solve the problem. Well, the well-known therapist Andreas Moritz designed years ago a unique method of surprising efficacy to clean the liver and gallbladder of sand and stones in just seven days.

Doctors can claim what they want but the truth is that when hundreds or thousands of stones congest the liver preventing its normal functioning it is impossible that the organism does not suffer negatively and the most diverse pathologies appear.

A netizen in a forum commented: I told a doctor about the liver cleansing he was doing and he laughed at me. He told me that cleaning my liver is impossible, that his liver has no stones, that what I cast was the result of the mixture ingested on Saturday (salts and oil is supposed), that the bile ducts measure 1 mm and that if I was trying to expel a stone of almost 2 cm not only would it be absurd, but my ducts and small intestine would crack, it would turn yellow and I would die. As I have investigated and the bile ducts do not measure 1mm but between 7 and 8 in normal adults.

In short, the experience of those who have carried out this type of cleaning is positive in almost all cases. Most doctors and therefore people in general, have no idea that we can develop sediments or stones in the liver ducts. Why? Because they are not seen on ultrasound. Andreas Moritz's book explains all this very well.

The body has no material time to form those stones just by taking the oil. Also, how do you explain that there are people who don't throw anything at times? How do you explain that you no longer throw anything from the sixth or seventh cleaning? How are we going to form cholesterol calculations by drinking olive oil? They have been analyzed and are the typical gallbladder stones. In short they do not know and their arrogance makes them laugh at their patients. There have been people who have been diagnosed with gallstones with the recommendation to have surgery. After cleaning, he came back and was told that he had no stones, that it must have been a diagnostic error ...

Click here to read the full article.

How to perform liver cleansing

The cleaning proposed by Andreas Moritz is simple but the instructions must be followed step by step. The process lasts 7 days, 6 of preparation and one of expulsion. The day of expulsion is recommended to be a weekend or a day that we can be calm at home and near a Wc.

Necessary material:

- Epson salts or magnesium sulfate.

-Middle glass of virgin olive oil.

-3/4 glass of grapefruit juice (preferably pink) or ¾ glass of lemon and orange juice in equal parts.

-6 liters of apple juice, it is not essential that it is organic juice.

Previous step to perform the cleaning is to perform a colon cleanse if we do not go very well to the bathroom. It is also advisable not to eat anything cold or food of animal origin, dairy and fried products.

During the first 6 days you must take between meals (2 hours after each meal), in small sips, 1 apple juice every day.

On Saturday or the day chosen to do the cleaning it is better that it does not coincide with the full moon or the 2 days before or after. That day we will eat a light meal with rice for example and it is advisable to finish eating before 2pm.

At 18:00 we will drink 1 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of Epson salts.

At 20:00 we will drink the second glass of water with 1 tablespoon of Epson salts.

To go well between 9:00 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. we must have evacuated our intestines from food scraps.

At 22:00 we will take ½ glass with virgin olive oil and ¾ glass with lemon and orange juice mixed and well stirred. We will go to bed immediately (there are those who recommend on the right side and in the fetal position, but it is important to relax and rest, do not make any effort).

Then you have to try to sleep.

At 6:00 we will drink the third glass of water with 1 tablespoon of Epson salts.

And at 8:00 we will take the fourth and last glass of water with 1 tablespoon of Epson salts.

It is likely that during that morning you should go to the bathroom several times. The stools you make will carry the liver duct stones. If possible, it is recommended that you use a filter strainer and then check the size, color and quantity of the stones that are expelled.

The cleaning process will be over. But this does not mean that all the stones have been expelled. You can have more. Andreas Moritz recommends doing several cleanings until they are gone. At the rate of one to the most, never more frequently.

Two hours later you can eat some juice or some fruit. Later you can start to live a normal life, considering that it is as if you had just had a surgical operation without any side effects.

According to Moritz with eight or six cleanings it is enough to restore the balance in our liver, then you can do a cleaning a year of maintenance. The reward is unpayable, since it is one of the most powerful means to restore our health and avoid unexpected problems in the future.

Here images of some of our liver cleanses.

Visit by clicking here the liver cleanse forum.

Visit click here the official website in English by Andreas Moritz

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