The confusion during the change, by M. Sant Germain

Many souls have awakened to the changes of the Earth and have understood their purpose while others, who have been touched by them, are confused and are no longer prepared to accept ideas such as those of the Ascension. n. However, once this is considered, there is no more than waiting within the subconscious mind for its opportunity for further enlightenment. While time does its thing, the idea that change is a personal matter to be decided will become more pressing.

It seems that Humanity cannot continue its present march towards destruction and must take another course. The issue for many is perplexed because Man is in a state of seizure and finds it difficult to see when the main changes around the society that is falling apart can be provoked. Where is the force that a new path can bring when darkness seems to have control? Some will continue to embrace the idea of ​​a Second Coming of Christ or an Avatar, which will focus people's attention on the Light and lead them into a new era.

The drawback with respect to the traditional and long sustained idea of ​​being saved is that the ancient teachings paint a portrait of disastrous and agitated events before the Savior enters the scene. This belief therefore becomes a part that is fulfilled because of the strong focus placed on it. In the Christian teachings, great emphasis has been placed on the condemnation of those who are perceived as sinners and are condemned to purgatory. As we have said before, no soul is excluded from the opportunities to ascend while closing this cycle. In the great drama deployed on Earth, everyone is evolving and their ultimate destiny is ascension

It is never too late to change the course of your life, and you will find new opportunities that cross your path by offering you openness. You are invited to walk within the Light and leave behind your feelings of guilt due to bad behavior in the past, since we see nothing greater than a soul that "has seen the Light." As they begin to understand the reasons for their previous transit through darkness, they may be able to forgive themselves and thus free themselves from this burden. The ideas about punishment or retribution should be left to the past, since they were never part of the true spiritual teachings, but of those imposed by Men.

The cycle of duality corresponds to experiencing both darkness and Light and so they can contemplate the reason why the Creator has invited them to act and then proceed to punish them for having acted in that way. Of course, part of his experience has involved accepting karmic responsibility for his actions but this has been in order to open his understanding of the evil they may have caused to others. You have accepted it as a means to rise and overcome negative energies. In general terms, it is a means to evolve towards the levels that will enable them to leave this cycle behind. It was never intended that they will remain within duality indefinitely, although some souls have progressed slower than others and are still unable to take the necessary steps within the Light of Understanding.

Be assured that each soul will be stimulated to help change its path and finally no one can claim that it was left behind or denied the opportunity to find the truth. The present period is of a nature of transmutation of energies while great bursts of Light are reaching the Earth and Great Beings in the Heavens play their part raising the level of vibration on them. It is a paradox that many souls on Earth are sacrificing so much to bring the Light and often, this implies great suffering. Through the example of others, a great awakening occurs. His Third World is an example where for centuries people have lived meager lives and have been exploited by others. They have lived hopeless conditions of life and suffering through rejection and attacks on their lives and livelihoods.

In an ideal world grounded in Love, there would be no imbalances that you currently have. However, the Masters have taught you that you are responsible for the welfare of others. All of you, at some point have experienced desire and deprivation but when you have incarnated into other more pleasant and abundant lives, you have found it easy to forget those experiences that underlie your subconscious. You know what it is to be rejected and suffer, and events such as the great Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina have brought you back home. Here, you have palpable examples of Beings who have determined to go through these events to ignite the Light within you.

Those who have awakened their Higher Self are strongly aware of their duty to love others. They will find themselves giving of Yes and in doing so, they will allow their Light to shine on those who need your help. These are facts that leave an indelible mark on their conscience and upon receiving such love and devotion, they are enlightened. How else do you evolve except by sharing your Love and Light with others. Wonderful spiritual teachings can open your hearts but the measure of success is to put into action what you have learned.

A wasted life is one that focuses on the Self, although lessons are learned that will be a stepping stone to advance or progress towards a greater understanding of the purpose of life. Man has been led to believe that material life is the most important, inviting him to greed and self-aggrandizement. Look around and see the point where man has come since if the changes do not take place, negative energies could destroy Humanity. Do not fear, however, since I only give an example of how close you have been to unconsciousness. Fortunately, many have awakened from the pathways of darkness and now understand how they are being led into the chasm of complete chaos and destruction.

I am St. Germain and looking forward, I see the glorious victory of the Light, transporting them into the realms of superior beauty and great happiness. Become your inner God through recognizing your Higher Self, as long as you have everything inside that is needed to help you elevate. The darkness will then become unable to influence or remove them from the path of Light. You will see more clearly what needs to be done to ensure your Ascension and how your example assists others within the same path. In this way, you do not impose on them and allow them to reveal their own Light. Be patient and compassionate with others, since this is a very personal decision to change course in the middle of the whirlwind. I send you my Love and Blessings to help you on your way.

Thanks St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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