What is the Indestructible Drop?

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 at heart level…. 2 Pure land of Budha amitaba or Dewa chen…. 3 Essential nature or Rigpa…. 4 like a diamond in the mud… 5 intention and action….

This is a very important aspect in Eastern cultures, specifically in India and Tibet.

at the height of the heart…

It is common to hear accomplished teachers say, especially in the field of meditation, that we focus on the place where the indestructible gout resides, at the height of our heart and visualize how a light beam radiates from it to all sentient beings wishing that they are free of suffering and obstacles in their path, especially in the path of the spiritual path.

But why is indestructible gout important? It is, neither more nor less, that the place where the soul, spirit or conscience is protected according to the spiritual tradition in question.

At the time of death the indestructible drop is broken, so to speak, our conscience (soul, spirit) is released in the direction of the kingdom in which it will experience Renaissance, whether it is a lower or a higher realm.

Pure land of Budha amitaba or Dewa chen….

If we have a higher rebirth the conscience (soul, spirit) will come out through the crown of our head in the direction of the kingdom of devas, titans or human beings, at best it can be directed to a pure land like that of the Budha Amitaba or Dewa Chen.

In the case of experiencing a rebirth in a lower realm, the conscience will go out through other holes in the body, especially the lower ones, and will go to the realm of hungry spirits, animals or demons.

This is how, for example, when we are sad we feel a tightness in the chest at the level of the heart, and when we cry we begin to feel relief in the same area. At the height of the indestructible drop!

Essential nature or Rigpa…

In the Indestructible Drop our essential nature, primal consciousness or rigpa is protected.

It is important to remember that your nature is kind and compassionate, free from afflictions, duality and conceptuality.

It is also known as Buddhist nature .

This is how, when the realized masters affirm that ultimately all beings are buddhas and refer to our last nature as goodness, generosity, patience and equanimity.

However, if we display permeated activity of aversion and attachment, we stain, as it were, our last nature. Thus we find that we are something like the sky with clouds (hatred, jealousy, resentment), but if we observe carefully what remains in the background is a space free of impurities, our ultimate nature.

like a diamond in the mud ...

It is also said that we are like a diamond hidden in the mud, which despite being stained, its ultimate nature is bright and bright, the mud represents our afflictions such as anger, attachment and ignorance.

The visualization of the Indestructible Drop is very useful in the field of meditation, this practice is known as Tong Len, the practice of giving unconditionally. This is how in this we wish that all near beings, those who are not so much and those who are indifferent, are free from suffering and full of peace.

When we think about it, we observe a light beam that comes out of our chest (indestructible gout) and reaches all beings without exception freeing them from their afflictions.

This practice requires nothing more than a genuine intention that no one be in pain and suffering and that somehow we also do it in our daily lives helping as much as possible to all those around us.

intention and action…

The recommendation is as always to keep in mind that the visualizations strengthen our intention and that the adequate complement in our inner development is to carry out activities free of double intention and manipulation, with the enormous joy that every being without exception knows happiness, ignores suffering and more in equanimity free from aversion and attachment. Be an integral intention and action. So is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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