The self-acceptance Sanada Master

  • 2015


In the next few hours, there will be an outcome in your realities, a new leap of consciousness, will open the acceleration of reality.

That will allow you to advance on pending issues and in your life, in soul harmony.

Beloved girl, you are a wonderful world, full of effervescence.

The hearts vibrate to the maximum in the opening of the pineal gland from the star farm of Gaia, thousands of strands of light consolidate you as multidimensional beings.

Failure is your greatest regret; THERE IS NO FAILURE !!, roads are cut after releasing consciences so that you can open the joy of living.

There are no more trials, only internal consolidation. (Refers to judgments to oneself)

Doors of memory open and the Soul shows the true path, so things that do not allow you or do not belong to you are accelerated even if you fight to sustain them.

If the "miracles" the synchronicities do not really happen in you, it is because you are not yet aligned.

Respect and Acceptance are the keys to the new time.

Self acceptance is the key to the heart, which unites us to the divine purpose.

We lighten your burdens as you can not imagine, open to receive.

Breathe and raise the vibration and everything will happen. We love you from the sun of alci n. Sananda

Channeled by Elsa Farrus


The self-acceptance Sanada Master

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