Bach flowers and state of super-consciousness

  • 2016

It is known by all the ancient traditions that are dedicated to the search and experimentation of the latest truths of existence, that before reaching certain states of super-consciousness, one must do a deep work of purification of the personal aspect, that is, the ego. In other words, to contact the impersonal plane you must first purify the personal aspect and then transcend it.

How can Bach flowers help us develop and impersonal aspect of existence?

Crab Apple, will be one of the first remedies chosen for its purifying and cleaning power of impurities, both physical, emotional, spiritual, and Karma level.

It is obvious to think that, whenever you intend to come into contact with the purest and highest aspect of human consciousness, the first thing that can happen to one is that you feel impure, and this feeling can manifest itself at different levels:

  1. physical level: for example, for having been feeding on food excessively loaded with toxins. Crab Apple is known as the remedy that helps in fasting processes thanks to its cleansing and purifying power of toxins.
  2. vital level: if one feels that he has the energy sheared, perhaps a sedentary lifestyle or feels that he has the dirty energy, this remedy will also provide a cleanliness at the level of the energy channels and help the energy to be fluid and clean
  3. emotional level: if one feels some kind of personal shame, or the feeling that one cannot show oneself as one is for fear of discovering something impure that one does not want to show, such as feelings of anger, resentment and desires for revenge, or well hidden guilt ... In this case Crab Apple will bring openness, inner freshness and the feeling that there is nothing wrong to hide, that everything is part of this life and that nothing we feel can be censored.
  4. mental level: when one observes that his thoughts are dirty perhaps because they are loaded with obsessions, imaginary discussions, hidden pride ...
  5. Causal level: when there is the conviction of having to purify past mistakes and / or the feeling of being paying the consequences of a known or unknown Karma.
  6. Spiritual level can also give rise to situations in which one feels impure, for example, for not being 100% faithful to the divine aspect of existence.
  7. Divine Level: This is the optimal level that can help maintain this remedy. Being the level at which one experiences oneself as an undifferentiated whole, there is no good / bad duality so it is the expression of divinity on Earth and the maximum realization of harmony in the human being.

Other floral remedies that may be useful for those who have begun in the path of consciousness are the following:

Rock Water for those who are following an intensive program based on perseverance and discipline in meditative practice. This remedy is able to counteract the self-imposed hardness from the iron discipline and help to carry out the meditative practice fluently and effectively. It is worth remembering that, in order for meditation to take you to states of super-consciousness, it is necessary that the electric and magnetic poles are balanced and in perfect balance, that is, to be able to maintain a care without rigidity and an abandonment to the infinite that Does not mean neglect or laziness. When we have the unbalanced electric pole (too much rigidity in practice) Rock Water will be the “holy remedy” to balance it.

Pine: When I feel that there is an obstacle at an unconscious and deep level that does not allow me to contact happiness because I feel that "I do not deserve happiness", "I am a bad person". One of the worst obstacles to realizing the nature of consciousness is the charges of conscience. Not forgiving oneself for the faults of the past constitutes the greatest obstacle to realization. That is why forgiveness will be the key to being able to free myself from the weights of the past and to be able to access the true conscience nature. Pine will help us to free our guilt, forgive and rise.

Clematis can be a very effective remedy if we find ourselves in the situation of: "When I become enlightened I will be happy", "When I get to live a state of super-consciousness, I will begin to feel better." If we are in a situation where we find ourselves postponing happiness, Clematis will help us to contact the present and understand that it is only at this precise moment that I can enlighten, that there is only this moment and that it is just in this moment that I can reach Happiness, when I abandon the constructs of the past-future mind and contact with who I really am: pure consciousness without limits or form.

Scleranthus can help us in those processes in which we move from consciousness to ego cyclically. Or when we realize that we can live a situation from the conscience or from the personal and we doubt whether to live it in one way or another. Also for when we intuit that starting an initiatory path can change our lives so radically that we doubt whether to start it or not. If we feel this internal dissertation, Scleranthus helps us position ourselves and choose.

Oak can serve us in those moments when we find ourselves meditating by duty or obligation, having lost the deep sense of practice.

Larch will help us in those moments when we feel that "I will not be able to realize myself, " "reaching a state of super-consciousness is something I will never reach, this is not for me.

These are just a few examples of how flowers can help us in this area of ​​life.

It is worth saying that, each person is a world and that each one is presented with unbalanced states in a totally personal and non-transferable order. This is why we exist floral therapists, to help the person identify which is the unbalanced state and which remedy is the most appropriate at all times. We know that the theory is one and then the practice is another so if you are interested in knowing which is the most appropriate remedy for you, I invite you to contact one.

Fanny Mas-Jordana Sánchez. Psychologist, psychotherapist, floral therapist. Bach Flower Teacher at Vipassana School

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