Expressions of nature by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2015

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"


Sing the exercise “ Mahar-Benú ” and the second part of it, which represents a translation of the first. The translation is as follows: “In darkness, our life was dark, but the Sun of life shone on us. And we set ourselves on the path pure and holy to us, holy to us. ”

(Summary of the topic was read: "Qualities of the largest and smallest number".)

(The theme was read: "The strongest word in the Bulgarian language".)

Next time write on the subject: "The oldest tree in the world."

Now I am going to ask you the following questions: Is hunger a visible and tangible thing? - Hunger feels. What are the distinctive qualities of hunger? How do you know that some man has gone hungry? - His eyes are sunken; the face - withered, the body - a little hunched over; the voice - silent, soft; and the common appearance - like a humble man . What are the distinctive qualities of the sated man, the fed? - His face is full, fleshy; his eyes - sunk in flesh; his march - s egura, brave; The voice - loud, strong. The belly of the hungry man is concave, like the concavity of some bottles. The belly of the fed man is a bit convex, like the convex part of some bottles. When you bring together a full man and a weak man, the two together will form a bottle. Then, two people are necessary for a bottle to form.

In addition to the external side, hunger has and its internal side, psychic . Behind the hunger lies something important and interesting. In the physical world, hunger is an expression of a specific spiritual inner force that the human spirit and the human soul need. So when you see the spirit in matter, in the form of a man, he always feels hungry. In this aspect it is interesting that the man observes the changes that occur in time of hunger and satisfied states, both by his face, and above all the organism. The man's face is a mirror of all the internal changes that occur in him. This is a mirror in which the inner man is reflected.

Here is why he must follow all the changes that occur with him. Observe what changes occur in the features of the face when the man lives some noble feelings. Observe how his look is then, how are the eyes size, how is the shape of his mouth, etc. You say: “Fulano is pious, mengano is reasonable; How do you know the godly, and in what - the reasonable man? "You say:" The reasonable man is known for his thoughts, feelings and deeds. Imagine that some reasonable man reads a beautiful book and draws a few valuable thoughts from it.

How will you know that he is a reasonable man? If he has drawn a thought, he will have a determined expression of his. The reasonable man always serves himself with crooked lines: he always goes by spiral. For broken lines he does not go. If he moves along crooked lines, his life will be straightened. The reasonable man always chooses the longest path, and the fool chooses the shortest path.

At first glance these thoughts seem contradictory, but I am going to explain to you the idea that is hidden in them. We call the foolish man sick, and the reasonable healthy. In that case, who can stand a longer way: the healthy or the sick? The healthy one, of course. Therefore, the healthy and reasonable man walk along one and the same line, and the fool and the sick, even if they want, cannot walk their way. They will always look to shorten their path a little, they will always look for the short path. So, in the important life are the results. The long time with good results is a short time, and the short time with bad results is a long time. Why? Since the man will feel joy for a long time, in consequence of which he will forget this duration during which the redemption has lasted. In this respect the result is important, that you have redeemed your sins. If you have good results, none of you will shorten your time. And so, when we say that the shortest path is the straight one, we really understand the reasonable path with good results, and not the letter of things.

Many of the contemporary people like and many of you want in a short time to become scientists. Can a man become a scientist in a year? In 5 or 10 years can it become scientific? That is the most scientific or less man, who finishes 4 degrees, 120 years are required for this.

Dec s: A yes ? Well then what should be said about people who have finished university and have a diploma? This scientificity is according to the understandings and requirements of the people who live on Earth. They have a specific measure for scientific people. If so, we ask: Why when there are so many scientific people on Earth they have not fixed the world so far? If they cannot fix the world, they are not true scientists. Today there are so many medical scientists, doctors and in this diseases increase. There are many philosopher scientists, and in this the thinking of the most miserable people becomes entangled. There are many scientific scientists, and in this in the minds of religious people there is a big porridge. Everywhere you will meet with scientific people, and in this the most jobs get entangled, and do not unravel. So, today people need a true, positive, real knowledge , which will straighten the tangled jobs in the world.

If you find in Nature some symbol like this in figure 1, how are you going to interpret it? Similar fractions and displacements happen and with the terrestrial layers. What conclusion will you draw if you find somewhere such a fraction of the earth's layers? Many will say that this is some coincidence. I ask: When people sharpen their knives, is this a coincidence? Why do they make their sharp knives? If in these coincidences, as you call them, there is some goal, these are reasonable manifestations, or said in your language - reasonable coincidences. Twisted and straight lines are projections of certain forces in Nature.

Which line of those represented in the figure is the strongest? The strongest is the longest line. Broken lines (b) show that the process that has occurred between the forces was rapid, there was a large confrontation between them. Therefore, exactly a refraction of the lines has occurred. In (a) the process has occurred slower, slower, and therefore it is more reasonable than in lines (b). It has also been observed that people who write nervously, with sharp letters, are not very sensible. They have no patience. For the man to think straight, he must be very calm. If you worry about something, specific physiological changes occur in your brain, as a result of which and your ideas are confusing. Frequently this happens with people in whom some great idea is born for the favor of humanity, and at the same time it appears and the desire to shine, to glorify before the people. In these two different ideas, some confrontation occurs in your brain, which causes entanglement, interweaving of your thoughts. Such people resemble children who take a match, light it, but it goes out; they take a second, third, fourth, turn them on, but they all go out. At the end of everything in front of them lies a lot of muted matches, but neither their fire is flaming, nor their candle is shining.

The reasonable man, however, does not proceed. If he lights a match, he lights his candle, and begins to read in his light. If he lights a second match, he lights his fire and begins to heat himself. The reasonable man does not spend his words. He never speaks in vain. Every word of his is in place, and it has an exact sense. He never turns to man with the words: “Lord, highly respectable, honorable! I have the great honor of talking with you ”…

These are words from the language of higher diplomacy where certain labels are stored. These words are ordered as the tones of some sound symphony that influence man externally, but not and on his soul. If man is boastful and hears these words addressed to him, he imagines that he truly represents something specific. The reasonable man is served with simple words. When he wants to write or say something to a man who loves and respects, he will say: “ Good Lord, or respectable! “The words with which the reasonable man uses himself are of deep content.

So, there are words with content, there are and words without content. Words with content are these that make sense. Words with sense because they are these that leave the heart of man. If the silly man uses the philosopher's words, do these words make sense to him? If any man writes a love letter that plagiarizes a book, does this letter make sense to him? If someone plays a piece of music without understanding it, does this play make sense to him? Things are valuable when they have form, content and meaning. Here is why try and you elaborate a language with content . Everything that man thinks, feels and does must be with content, with meaning. Important and serious works happen in the life of man, whose solution often depends and on the language with which he will serve. They say of someone: "This man is an important bird." What do these words mean? To say to the man that he is an important bird, this implies that he occupies a high position, a high and responsible position.

I ask: What birds are important? Is the eagle an important bird? If you compare the eagle with the nightingale, which of the two birds resides in the first place? - The eagle is king of the birds, and the nightingale is famous as a good singer. According to you, what office is higher: this one of the nightingale - who sings; or the eagle - who dominates? If you observe a lion and a sheep, to whom will you give first place: to the lion or the sheep? Some will say that the sheep must take first place. If so, why is the lion called king of animals?

I say: all animals, plants and minerals are nothing other than symbols with which the Invisible world speaks to reasonable people. In each symbol a great idea is hidden. If so, can you determine which bird, which animal, which plant or which stone is the most important in your kingdom? Each being has its importance and predestination. The eagle, for example, says: "Just as I take with my beak everything that I find in my way, so that you from the top observe your thoughts, cut off the impure ones that you find in your way and throw them away!" lion says:

“Everything that is useless in your way say goodbye and take it off!” The sheep says: “When the grass grows tall and with this it drowns the other plants, you follow it, as I graze, so that all the plants around it can develop freely "The nightingale then says:" In each joy or affliction, in each difficulty sing, glorify God as I do. "

You say: "How can we take the lion as an example in our life when it is so fierce?" No, the lion is neither fierce nor cruel, but he is strong and as a result he serves with the shortened process, he shortens the time The lion says to all mammals: "I am king, I have the right to dispose with you, so all of you must work for me." Carnivorous animals have a high opinion of themselves; they consider that in the mental aspect they remain higher than the herbivores. Herbivores, then, are cordially more cultural than carnivores. Therefore, we have two cultures: a culture of the mind and a culture of the heart. Herbivores are representatives of the culture of the heart, so they are better, they have a pure, noble heart. Carnivores are representatives of the culture of the mind. They are more cautious than herbivores, but they are not good at heart. And now, you, as reasonable people, will unite the two principles, that of the lion and that of the sheep, and say: we will be prudent as the lion and good as the sheep. We will tear apart evil like the lion ; we will reap, we will graze the grass like the sheep and will give rise to the good in us so that it grows. When the grass is mowed, and for her it is good, because this strengthens her vitality. If the grass is not mowed - its upper part and without it dries. So mowing the grass is a good for her.

And so, when you transfer all these psychological manifestations of animals into your life, you will serve with them as with special methods to work. However crude a method may be, in a given case, this has its application. Then, you can use yourself in special cases: either with the lion's method, or with the sheep's method, or with the nightingale's method. Also, you can use the method of plants, minerals, in general with everything that exists in living Nature . The reasonable man learns from everything. In this aspect of all, not only the spirit of observation is required, but also an internal understanding, an internal juxtaposition of phenomena and objects with each other. If you acquire these abilities, when you see an eagle and a nightingale, you are not going to deny the meaning of one on behalf of the other, but you will reasonably juxtapose them, you will look for the connection, the behavior that exists between them.

When you see a dove and a nightingale, again you will not deny or underestimate the qualities of one in front of the other, but you will compare them and highlight the advantages of one and the other. And the dove, and the nightingale sing, but the nightingale is an excellent singer, when the dove is mediocre. And the dove and the nightingale feed on grains, but the dove never becomes unfaithful to its food. She always stays vegetarian. The nightingale, however, has an igneous character. You will see him and here and there. He feeds and with mosquitoes, and with granites. In this aspect the dove has a stable character. She is sober and highly surpasses the nightingale.

When studying life from the hidden point of view, it is interesting to know in what natural conditions, exactly, these two characters were created - that of the nightingale and that of the dove.

During the different periods of development Nature has created different forms. For example, when the pigeon was created and when the mammals were created, the conditions in Nature as and the ideas that circulated through space were completely different. Therefore, of the different types and forms that Nature has created we can judge about the past; of the forms and types present we can judge about the futures that Nature is preparing. If we can determine this thing for animals, on the same basis we can determine how the man that Nature is preparing will be. Nature has already prepared the model of the future man. She just waits for her time to express it and put it to work in the world. These are distant perspectives, really, but these will ever be realized.

One of the nearby ideas is that man self-study: that he study his thoughts, feelings and actions. That man be studied, this means that he is self-observed, that straightens his mistakes, but not and self-criticize . Self-criticism is available only to the most scientific people, the noblest, the highest. Ordinary man should not deal with self-criticism.

This represents a sharp knife with which he can be damaged. If you suggest to some weak man the thought that he is bad, it will not be long and by the force of self-suggestion he will really come To be a bad man. It is better that the weak man be told that he is good, to become such, instead of telling him that he is bad and that he becomes such.

You have all tested the strength of suggestion and therefore try to suggest good and righteous thoughts, not crooked and negative ones. For example, some of you start coughing. What should you do? Should you fear, find a doctor to give you some medications? Apply the following method to cure your cough: count how many times you cough today. For example, today you coughed 40 times. Then at night, when you go to bed, you say: tomorrow I will cough 30 times.

Count and this day so you can see how many times you will cough. If you have succeeded in your healing, you will cough only 30 times. At night, before bedtime, again decades: tomorrow I will cough only 20 times. Little by little, the number of coughs will decrease until you get to cough only once during the day. Exercise your will in this way and you will see what results you will acquire. Today many believe in medications, but they do not have good results.

Contemporary people carry canes, but with this they become invalid, take, for example, some old man who carries a stick and leans on it. While he has not begun to carry the wand, he still confesses his feet, his forces, on the day he takes his wand in his hand, his forces leave him. And you will see that this man day by day decays, because he no longer has faith in himself. He is self-suggesting that old age has rushed him, as a result of which he loses and his last forces. According to fashion and young people carry canes. That they carry, but that they do not support, that they do not trust these. If you want to carry canes, do not shake them in the air, beware of dogs, but do not stand on them, do not lean. Trust your hands, your feet, and the canes carry them only as fun, as fashion.

I say: before all man must trust his mind, his heart and his will. He must be advised with his soul and learn from his spirit. If he acts in this way, he will become a scientific man; If he does not act like this, great misfortunes and sufferings will come upon him. If you do not want to become invalid ahead of time, work with these four magnitudes that God has given you : with your mind and with your heart, with your soul and with your spirit.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"

Expressions of nature by Master Beinsá Dunó

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