Entering 2016 ~ The stellar councils of light

  • 2016

Dear tribe of the Light of Terra, we send you greetings in this new dawn. We come to assure you that you are progressing in your evolution. More [people] are now aware in their dense dimension of what they have ever been in the annals of their time as their historians would present it. But don't take our word - reflect on the questions we are going to ask you now, without hesitation or questioning your decisions or opinions, and we will make our point more lucid.

What are your primary concerns right now, right here, right now - which of these two categories fit best?

Are they mainly concerned with the accumulation of wealth, in doing better than their neighbors / work colleagues or in winning a battle against another person, group, clan or country?

Or are they more worried about improving their relationships, how to feel more confident, feel more calm and happy and figure out what their true path is?

The percentage of people on Earth that fit into the last category has increased over the course of last year, and this indicates to everyone in the highest dimensions how much they are progressing in terms of consciousness. It's not about clearly figuring out your life - it's about your priorities and the efforts you are putting into manifesting a more meaningful and loving life. This is what differentiated a seeker from a sleeper. All of you reading this are now aware that you are in charge of your own boat, that the more you let the oars go and let the omniscient current of life guide you forward, the more joyful your journey will be .

As we see the evolution of your DNA, there is also progress here. For some of you there is a quantum leap as 2 additional strands are merging simultaneously. When this happens, they may experience hyperactive periods, difficulty sleeping and discomfort in social situations - although all these symptoms could occur for other reasons related to the process of integrating code downloads - both occurrences are part of their energy evolution at this time. .

The remedy in both cases is to rest your body through pranayama - conscious breathing - which is more powerful in terms of rejuvenation than sleeping - and secondly, connect with nature more deeply and frequently. We often talk about the healing that you have available through nature, and note that only a few of you truly pay attention to our words. in this respect. Connecting with nature is not about taking pictures of the sunset dear ones - it is about sitting or walking in silence - so quiet that birds and insects no longer perceive them as a disturbance - and truly drinking from the nectar of the life force in all aspects of nature through all its senses. Only in this state of stillness are the restorative and healing qualities of the natural world accessible.

The year that has just dawned is one that offers opportunities beyond your expectations. [As for] his potential abilities to manifest at will in order to experience out-of-body states and to overcome evil in his world, everyone is taking a great quantum leap forward. All kinds of opportunities for expansion will be presented and should be taken directly. They must be alert to the magnificent opportunities for a game change, always vigilant of surprises and gifts. If they WAIT for gifts, they are more likely to recognize them when they show up, isn't it? And if they expect disaster and hardship, will they not, therefore, be more likely to find this by dirtying their path as well?

Stay connected, my dear ones, as you escort this new year - connected with your heart, connected with your breathing, connected with your gifts and connected with your tribe of Light. Maintain your connection with everything-that-is-above, your Guides and Angels, Mother-Father-God - and-all-that-which is below: the world of beauty that you inhabit. When you are connected vertically, you are able to replenish your prana at will at any time.

This will help you to witness the occurrences in your lives so that you can maintain a greater perspective on all things - those that you judge as bad and those that you judge as favorable. Thus they remain seated with their feet firmly on the earth of their glorious planet - and their relationships will improve, their health will improve, they will feel more balanced and happy - and the path they choose will manifest naturally, from their most enlightened perspective. of life on Earth.

And so it is. Namaste

AUTHOR: Solara An-Ra

SEEN AT: http://www.solara.org.uk/channeling.aspx

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