Bravely focused on love, on the auspicious creation of the new land you are creating

  • 2015

Stay bravely focused on Love, on the Auspicious Creation of the New Earth you are creating .

Finding your way through Life is an individual process within a support group, which does not always feel like a support, and your mind can process a great deal of evidence to the contrary.

Your heart, my dear, can find much Love within all experience.

He needs (needs) merely the freedom to flow to a new, expanded, connective perspective.

Courage is the domain of the heart, although you say it requires 'guts' because your perspective of security on Earth is important for the heart to flow free.

It has been associated with courage with action in your world where seeing is believing.

As a Lightworker, you are learning to believe before seeing; otherwise you would merely wait for Life to form and then respond.

As you become a creative participant in Life, you give and receive collective support.

Your coming creations have formed first in your heart and mind.

You feel them and think about them, mixing emotions and thoughts in a vibrational signature that emanates silently and invisibly from you.

Life responds with synchronicities (alignments) that help you focus, re-direct, support and strengthen yourself through opposition.

You do not need to experience all of them, merely that which best serves your creation.

Life wants you to prosper. As part of the whole of Life your prosperity continues Life.

Use any kind of opposition for your divine purpose, for you to prosper.

Life on Earth may seem difficult, although your heart knows the power that Love has to heal, sustain and flourish.

You are becoming living examples of this power. They are creating a new experience on Earth.

Stay bravely focused on Love, on the Auspicious Creation of the New Earth you are creating .

As we sit down to 'Enjoy Auspicious Creation', we are opening our hearts to have courage to love the opposition by turning it into support.

We are perceiving and feeling their desires instead of the lack of what has been stirring them to be focused.

We are forging a new soil that will sustain a community based on cooperation as we allow the nature of Life to flourish in transformative cycles.

We are resisting the fears that diminish our Light and amplifying the Love that consumes them in an exciting challenge.

We are bold, observant and choose wisely when we take the first step to change our inner world, and we emanate a new vibration of a Loving solution for old problems. Enjoy!

Feel free to share this work for a non-commercial use completely and without editing, publishing this information in its entirety.

Jamye Price About The Ego:

Ego - Too much, it's not good - too little, it's not good. The ego is part of a human being.

We are experiencing separation and individualization, and the ego is the vehicle we use to travel back to Unity.

A balanced ego recognizes its strong points and weaknesses and does not become attached to any.

For example, if a fireman had very little ego, he could not run to a burning building; However, if I had too much ego I would not respect the danger posed by the fire and could take dangerous risks that would result in a greater loss of life.

We can be said slave to our ego and we often don't recognize it.

Try to convince someone who is trying to control a situation that they are behaving like this because of a fear, or try to convince an abuser that you really only want to be loved because you do not feel you deserve it.

They would think they are crazy! Observing the emotional path will help them recognize the ego.

When they feel resistance, that is the ego trying to hold on to power; He thinks he is keeping them safe and alive. Lovely little ego.


Translator : Gloria M hlebach

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Bravely Focused On Love, On The Auspicious Creation Of The New Earth You Are Creating

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