Elementals, by Isabel Nunes Governo

The Units of Life and the Elemental that underlies each one.- Two fundamental characteristics of the elementary substance are its plasticity and, in the absence of a better expression, its photo-sensitivity (1) - that is, the ability to record any event . Taking that into account, we can understand how the construction of mental forms (according to the thoughts emitted) is easy and permanent (2), at the psychic levels, and to understand the process of structuring the physical matter that to that elementary substance is add to conform:

The bodies of living beings.
Any artificially produced material objects or constructions.

Indeed, the patterns and models of body structures and thought-forms tend to be replicated but, also, to attract new perfectional elements. This is verifiable both in the behavioral models (psychological) of living beings in terms of etheric-astral plots, which, endowed with magnetism, attract and sustain the most fundamental particles of physical matter, and confer each peculiar shape on them.

The human elemental

The human elemental is the aggregate of elementary entities that converge for the definition and characterization of a personality. Its characters include all the physiognomic / morphological nature, all physiological, temperamental, moral, aesthetic and intellectual conditions and predispositions.

As regards the human being, two basic and complementary factors (to some extent, interdependent) preside over the conformation of each individuality: the so-called biological (physical) factor and the psychological factor (temperamental, behavioral, etc.)

Basically, each being is born with a predetermined genetic pattern - a grill, (a mold) - that conditions a restricted range of possibilities of self-determination, in regards to its morphological / biological type (race, hair color, height, bone structure ...; greater or lesser subtlety or rudeness, of the physiognomic features; the state and predisposition of health in general ...). It also inherits or can inherit temperament tendencies, intellectual or artistic aptitudes, etc. All this, in effect, means some conditioning. However, from that conditioning, the human being will be able - by the influence of the external environment and by his own will and mood potentiality (the true nature of the Ego, which goes through and consolidates in the course of many successive lives) - to expand and derive, imposing new crossbars or master lines in the proto-elementary “network”.

We include, below, an expressive text dated in 1931 and published in the New York Times by a science editor that describes the proven scientific conclusions (at the time) of two renowned Yale scientists, Professors Harold Saxton and SC Northro (3 ):

“There is an architect in the body of living things that shapes and shapes individuals according to a specific and predetermined model, and that remains within the body from the pre-embryonic state to death. Everything else in that body is constantly changing; the myriad cells that are made, with the exception of brain cells, age, die and are replaced by other cells, but the electrical architect remains a single constant throughout life, building new cells and organizing them following the same pattern of the original cells, and thus literally creating the body again, all the time. The individual dies when the electrical architect inside him stops working.

The electrical architect allows a new approach to understand the functioning of life and biological processes. He suggests that every living organism possesses an electrodynamic field, just as a magnet radiates around it a magnetic force field. Similarly, experimental evidence shows, according to Dr. Burr, that each animal species, and most likely also the individuals within each species, have their electric field defined in the same way as the lines of force of a magnet.

That electric field, then, possessing its own form, models in its own image all the protoplasmic mud of life that falls within its sphere of influence, thus materializing in the body of the living being as a sculptor materializes his idea in the stone. "

Now, to this network of etheric-elementary nature, which integrates the aforementioned electric field, gene clusters, the most minute and fundamental organic entities that, coupled and organized, constitute the biological beings Logical (animals and vegetables, in their purely organic-biological counterpart). Genes are, in fact, autonomous, intelligent and organized entities, and their soul or substrate is precisely the elementary substance. They belong to a subworld, if we can call it that, to another (sub) plane of consciousness (in relation to our plane of consciousness and manifestation).

In each new life, the hereditary burden (genetic, therefore) is always conditioning the usufruct and full performance of the soul that reincarnates. Particularly as regards the psychological and intellectual field, it delimits territories and potentialities that, only in the course of the physical life that then begins, and by the inner strength of the true Ego, They can be submitted and / or overflowed. Only progressively is it possible for the innate force of the Ego to break in, which will be able (or not) to overcome the initial picture.

In any case, the choice of parents and family and the environment in which / where the Ego is going to incarnate is not random. There are countless links of affinity, and the Law of Necessity, which subordinate the Ego to the new conditions in which the new physical existence will take place. In any case, it is incumbent upon man to use the potentialities available in his new vehicles in the most possible way with the nature and purpose of his own soul.

Although often the intellectual characteristics of parents and children may be disparate, genetic inheritance is occasionally surprising in regard to the conditioning factors (lines of force) of action. Often there are cases of children notoriously more intellectually fit than parents but who exercise and circulate these potentials in structural delimitations (a kind of acting paths) similar to those used by parents, or by one of the two. Equivalent behavior lines or trends are presented: the same types of blockages, the same or similar reactions to external impacts, identical temperamental tendencies (example: shyness, or on the contrary, extroversion; placidity or nervous aggression; pertinacy, stubbornness or passivity ) all this, however, with a very different interior motivation or motor power.

On the other hand, we can observe how the peculiar expressiveness of a face is nothing more than the successive modeling of the corresponding characterizations of the character that are imprinted on it, qualities that characterize and define mostly each human being.

We can easily - instinctively say - read on a face, the tendencies and the general nature of its holder: if he is intelligent, or not; if it is cult, or not; if it is passionate, or not; what kind of education and what kind of environment was exposed, especially in childhood. We can also read an infinite range of momentary expressions that reveal sweetness, goodness, intelligence, wisdom, confidence, or on the other hand, affliction, sadness, pain, anxiety, envy, jealousy, greed. These expressions are not, often, or necessarily, physiognomic features already "condensed" and established. They can be simple and fleeting expressions of states of the soul. Where does this come from? And how can it be read? It comes from the astral / etheric matrix body (or Linga Sharira), which is prodigiously plastic, impressionable, sensitive. And it is read with the subtle (and synthetic) counterpart of our physical senses. It is not strictly seen with organic eyes, but is read with the sensitivity formed, precisely, by the same matter from which the face of a face was impressed.

The elementary matter is the substance of the "universal psyche" itself

In large groups that have something in common - terraces, civilizations, countries, religious groups, artistic groups, multiple "affinity" groups - we can recognize common features. Collective thinking tends to acquire and stabilize behavioral formulas and, after some time, including physiognomic features or morphological features. The so-called egrégoras are formed: elementary masses that are devoted to the purpose of a certain collective and that, as the number (and the impetus or strength) of the “followers” ​​in the physical world grows, they are also strengthened, acquiring cohesion, magnetic power, and, finally, some degree of autonomy over the human units that collectively gave them strength and vitality. Each civilization and religion have behind - in the etheric-elementary racks - a monumental egrégora, a guardian god who, in Power, far exceeds the sum of the parts that gave it existence. The gods of race, the gods of religion, the gods of civilizations or nations, have very long lives, fed by the successive waves of members of that group. (4)

The so-called affinity groups, by the tastes that are shared, build specific ways of thinking. Without being aware of it, they create and maintain rituals for strengthening the group, which in turn strengthen a certain emerging Elemental. It is the Egrégora of that group, which is acquiring very defined features and patterns that infuses, to all members of the group, similar, typical and particular thoughts and preferences, and distinctive behaviors of that collective identity. The members of the group become directed from outside but believing that all their thoughts, tastes and preferences are their own, free and self-generated ...

The great Civilizations are, in fact, directed and conditioned by huge patterns and formulas of thought. In them, individual beings have very little autonomy and self-determination. The question of free will is relativized between the borders of that immense thought-form. In truth, the elementary life-matter is the substance of the "universal psyche" itself.

The Elementals of "inorganic" matter

Machines and utilitarian objects also have a structural and, in many cases, even "psychological" elementary support. If, in fact, objects and, moreover, functional machines acquire or incorporate qualities of "affective" type (because of the psycho-vital currents that flow between the elementals of the habitual owner or user and those of the object or manipulated instrument). The utilitarian instruments or machines can also present patterns of behavior that we could characterize as "manias", "tantrums", "stubbornness", "blockages", as well as something similar to "envy" ... The instruments or the simple objects are like "magnetized" by the psychic influences (intentions, affections, affections, tensions / stress) of human beings and / or animals.

In short, and in particular, instruments and machines for personal use can thus be intensely impregnated with our magnetism (from Linga Sharira (5)), capable of attracting certain types of elementals, related to our own energy, and that, In this case, they tend to replicate or mimic human emotions.

The jewels and other objects that corporateize, frequently, personal attachment, which attract greed and other related feelings, easily acquire the same "negative qualities", being able to carry the so-called "bad effluviums". Behind this phenomenon, the same is manifested as in the talismanic nature of certain objects, magnetized (in this case deliberately) with defined purposes of influence. In addition and naturally and spontaneously, all matter (both organic and so-called "inorganic") acquires and registers itself the influences to which it was successively exposed. It is what allows a sensitive person, who manipulates a certain object, to reproduce the history of its owners, or, in other cases, to describe the events that happened in a certain place or between the walls of a house. A simple stone may be enough to tell a story or successive stories that happened in the presence of that stone (6). This is also due to the property, stated above, of the photo-sensitive nature of proto-plasmic or proto-elementary matter.

Forms Thought

Everything that has a name has a soul . It may have no spirit but it has a soul. Everything that has a name does not have to stop being part of the indistinct . Everything that has a name has characteristics, qualities. All that are qualities are Psyche, the elementary matter when called to the activity.

Thought-forms are repeated and synthetic models of thought, which seem to "coagulate, " and tend to typify, moving to "formulas." The matter of which they are formed is immensely plastic and dynamic, corporating or covering the simple images . These images are, in turn, a mirror of things, of each thing, being, object, intention, feeling, psychological expression, event (in each moment) in the root-substance itself or Akasha (7). Due to its extreme mobility and plasticity, the matter of which thoughts are made (although in different degrees) is automatically manipulated by living beings. The ancient Greeks had the iconographic, symbolic representation of this spontaneous and automatic replication of linked thoughts. to the sensations, in the form of a divinity: Eco. Eco and Psyche (another deeply symbolic divinity) walked "hand in hand" ... For the Greeks, Psyche was what the Theosophists, resorting to Sanskrit terminology, called Kâma-Manas ( the level of concrete thought, with form, at the service or integrated into sensations and emotions), the terrestrial animal soul, elementary (8). As for Eco, it was the symbol of the infinite and automatic replication of the sound of thoughts, within Nature. The "sound", or better, the vibration of thoughts, when encountering the innumerable "obstacles" (stimuli, frictions, responses) or "sympathies" (attractions, affinities) of collective life, repeats, flying, jumping, impacting, from mind to mind ...

The common man is absolutely convinced that he is himself and individually who creates his thoughts, he believes that it is the root of where they radiate. In fact, it is not like that. Few are the beings that extrapolated the circle of thoughts repeated by other humans. To conceive one's own thought is to segregate it, from the root substance of Mahat (the Cosmic Mind); it is to withdraw the essence of Mahat's Nature, interpret it and endow it with a form, thus converting it into concrete thought and translating it into the respective Sphere, common belonging of all human beings.

A vast majority of humanity never issued a thought of its own. It only articulates them, with more or less skill, sagacity and dexterity. In general, man barely makes use of the myriad model thoughts available in the mental atmosphere which, in turn, is directly accessible to him through etheric-elementary matter. Let us ask ourselves: can a cultured man integrate that realm of those who never created a thought? Yes. The accumulation of knowledge and the ability to reproduce and manage it depends essentially on memory and, finally, on accessibility to study and culture (accessibility in terms of physical / mental health, socio-economic resources or other external conditions ).

We can then conclude that, in a certain way, thought-forms are living units (they are autonomous and elementary life forms). In a way, they have a life of their own, although temporary. But also we, human beings, as for physically human beings, also have a transitory existence.

For many people it will be a matter of controversy, for others it will seem almost aberrant that the concept of “entity” be attributed to such demonstration units, singular or collective. However, what separates them from our established concepts is nothing more than different parameters of space (their own dimension and that of the space where they live) and of time (especially, the truly immeasurable chasms between the durations of their supposed lives). In these terms, entities such as an electron, an ion (9), a photon, a cell, a gene, a bacterium, a butterfly, a man, an elephant, a planet, a galaxy (10), despite having their Stocks in radically different spatio-temporal planes do not, however, still constitute equally valid forms of what can be considered "units of manifestation of life", and this is to say, barely speaking of existences in the physical Plane.

What "the soulless" means

We will now try to give a small explanation of the processes and links that bind a human soul to its elemental. As incarnated individuals, we are all like a coin of two faces, inextricable, composed of soul (in the sense of our higher Self; or true Self, linked to the Spirit), and of personality (also commonly called the lower Quaternary, of nature elementary).

In reality - and in the current phase of human Evolution - in most of us, who speaks and acts is simply our elementary. It is true that it is the soul that vitalizes him, that he is bound and infused with vitality. Even so, unless we are aware of a useful and positive life (for ourselves and others), which promotes our evolution in terms of mood individualities, the soul focused on its own Plane will pay little attention to its extension in the physical world. .

In definitively sterile cases and without return in evolutionary terms, in which the individual insists and persists in an evil behavior, the soul simply disinterests and refrains. The thread of life remains linked but only to promote the necessary vitality to the "elementary machine" in the time projected for that physical existence. As Helena Blavatsky said, “in the world, everywhere, hundreds of people without a soul cross the streets” (they were referred to as “ the soulless ”, and this was a source of disturbance and misunderstanding for many students of occultism). Even so, a soul can abstain and collect itself at its own level during the time of an incarnation without, however, the thread of life is definitively cut. Only in the documented cases of continued surrender to evil and in which a definite "counter-evolution" is verified, the soul is subtracted irreducibly and the "elemental personality" condemns itself to extinction or, even for some time ..., to be artificially animated by the organized "Involutive Forces" (the so-called Shadow Brothers), of which she becomes a slave, constituting one more of her terrible hosts.

Akasha and the Anima Mundi

Although in most Esoteric Science Treaties, Akasha and Anima Mundi are comparable, there is sometimes a small distinction between the two. Akasha is considered the mother substance, from which everything that comes to manifestation is formed. But Akasha is that substance-root in that it has not yet qualified, in other words, as long as its infinite powers have not yet been externalized. In turn, the Anima Mundi is the Akasha when it was already, so to speak, insufflated by the Spirit (11), sprouting from it, distilling the succession and infinity of worlds, in all its degrees of manifestation. The Anima Mundi is the bosom of Nature already fertilized, the Ocean (12) of Infinite Universal Wisdom, the Sophia of the Gnostics.

If there is nothing, absolutely nothing in the material world that is not condensed Akasha, that can be illustrative (or it can be another way of saying) that there is no matter that does not have a soul behind. Indeed, the vulgar soul concept tends to be very closed and restrictive. However, Alma is everything that projects and makes move and have existence to all the matter of this our physical world (13). It was, in particular, medieval Christian theology that left us with the idea of ​​distinction between animated (living, organic) and inanimate (dead, inorganic) matter. In Esoteric Philosophy such a distinction does not exist: everything is alive and animated. In addition, the same official Science of today tends to that conclusion and even perceives that there is nothing immobile, inert and inanimate. On the contrary, it has been revealed through the most powerful microscopes a world of movement and of evident will, will (or volition) that does not cease to be because we do not know (the) motivation or (the) purpose. It has always been ignorance or religious radicalisms that seal the verdicts that only man is endowed with soul, intelligence, will.

Naturally, the psychic origin of an insect cannot be compared to that of a man. Not even the soul of a galaxy can be at the same level as that of a plant. Not even the soul of a cat will be at the same level as the soul of a stone. In this material universe, the higher the level of consciousness of an individual (and even more so, encompassing the Kingdom to which he belongs), the higher will be the Plane where the soul that drives and inhabits it lies. Certainly, the mineral Kingdom is one that is almost confused with the last step of the manifested elemental essence. On the other hand, although the human soul definitely comes from a much higher plane, the Manas Superior, our human elemental, which also includes the physical body itself, is made up of infinite degrees and varieties of elementary matter. It is enough to think that our physical body / organism, including the neuro-cerebral system, continuously enters and processes plant and mineral matter, a vehicle of elemental / mood essence of lower levels. Two occultist axioms can be remembered for this purpose: "Matter is infinitely divisible" and "All beings are collective units . "

However, what interests and defines the human condition here is our higher consciousness in relation to the elementals that we house, and the use of the polarization that we give to our own and coherent Elemental, or aggregate of all particles (of all entities ) of that prolific essence or elementary matter. He, it can be said, is our lower self. Your set is, in fact, a me. A me that we have to guide. A self that our soul (spiritual and human) must subordinate, illuminate and elevate. In doing so, we, our true Self (Superior), will be raising and illuminating matter and, at the same time that we benefit and make good use of our Elemental, thus elevated and superiorly responsive, we will be participating in the Great and Universal Purpose of Redemption Of the mattery.

And, at the end of time, Matter will be transmuted into Spirit, and the whole movement will be suspended, until a new Dawn of Manifestation of New Worlds.

Isabel Nunes Governo


(1) The phenomenon of "Mirage", manifested in all the Realms of Nature, and by all individual beings, is due to this property of the etheric-astral matrix that underlies all physical bodies.

(2) The elemental essence is "blind" when undifferentiated; but when a given portion is polarized by a soul, or, simply, by a thought-form (egrégora), it acquires and specializes certain qualities and propensities. To the extent, and following the quality of the external requirement, in which it awakens and activates itself (from the Ocean or Root of the Immanent Intelligence of Nature) the peculiar powers already said. The elemental essence is highly impressionable and sensitive to the magnetism of each intellectual or emotional archetype with which it comes into contact. And he responds in his own language - the infinity of qualitative combinations of the tanmatras (of the Samquia Philosophy), that is, of the "senses of Nature". These are: the root or essence of the sounds (to which the ear corresponds to animal beings), the essence of the colors (... the vision), the essence or root of the textures or electrical fibers (... the touch), the essence of the residues or ashes of the metabolic processes of the universe (... smell) and the essence or distillation of nectar, or reading the meanings of life (... taste).

(3) Cited in Helena Blavatsky - A Life and Extraordinary Influence of the Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement, by Sylvia Cranston, Ed. Theosophical, Brazil.

(4) On other approaches to this vast subject, we take the liberty of referring the reader to our book "Logos, Devas e Elementais", Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural, Lisboa, 2002.

(5) ... or also called ectoplasm, among spiritualists.

(6) We should not be scared, because today a "chip" contains an immense amount of information, intellectual and visual.

(7) On one of the many levels of Akasha, according to the Plane of manifestation in question.

(8) The mortal nature of man.

(9) Isotopes can have variable life times. Some, the so-called short life (such as Zr97), can last for a very small fraction of a second. In the infra-atomic universe, there are particles, such as a positive or negative meson-pi, that have a lifespan of 10 -8 seconds. A W or Z particle lives barely 10 -25 seconds. Who can say, with absolute security and property, that these particles are not forms of elaborate and conscious life?

(10) In our Galaxy, the Milky Way, the oldest star found so far seems to have, according to astronomers, 14 billion years, practically the age estimated by them for the physical Universe.

(11) To be more precise, it is Fohat who transforms the Akasha into Anima Mundi.The pure Spirit, One and indivisible, aerial and insubstantial, and divided, as it were, by his agent Fohat (or 1st Mobile or Fiat Creator, of Judeo-Christian Tradition). Fohat is that first agent, the Cosmic Electricity (and origin of the electricity in the Microcosm), which energizes and calls objective life to all archetypes, all powers, kept inert and latent, of the Ideaci n Cosmic. It is, therefore, Fohat with his electro-vital power who promotes differentiation, calling life manifested to each atom, each form, each being. Precisely we can read in the Secret Doctrine of Helena P. Blavatsky: [Fohat] Penetrating into the Inert Substance, it drives it to activity and directs its primary differentiations in the seven planes of Cosmic Consciousness. It acts on the manifested Substance, or Unique Element and, differentiating it in several energy centers, puts into action the Law of Cosmic Evolution that, compliant to the Idea of ​​the Universal Mind, it brings forth all the various states of Being ( ) It is the mysterious bond that unites the Spirit with the Matter, the Subject with the Object) . Fohat is the origin of Will, even of what we later call in Physics as Strength . (From this it follows that Fohat is the source from which all the small or large particular wills derive, and the force or impulse that they constitute; it is the origin of the movement that, in turn, allows action n.)

(12) The Great Sea, Mary, Matter, and all other identical etymological roots of all civilizations and times. Mary, the Virgin Mother of the entire Creation, is not, in fact, the anthropomorphic mother that Christians assumed little or nothing, versed in Spiritual Science. Rather, it is a universal cosmogenic symbol, of very ancient antiquity, and very, much earlier than the appearance of Christianity.

(13) In the texts of Esoteric Philosophy, mainly those of Helena P. Blavatsky, this subject is addressed, and synthesized by stating (only) three types of Souls: the Spiritual Soul, (from the Buddhist Plane), immortal; the human Soul (from the Upper Manninsic Plane), perennial; and the animal Soul (of the Lower Kiemic and Mental Plane), mortal.

> Seen in: Biosofia Magazine

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