The meaning of the planets in House 1 of the astral chart

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The planets in House 1 of the astral chart 2 The Sun in House 1 of the astral chart 3 The Moon in House 1 of the astral chart 4 Mercury in House 1 of the astral chart 5 Venus in House 1 of the astral chart 6 Mars in House 1 of the astral chart 7 Jupiter in House 1 of the astral chart 8 Saturn in House 1 of the astral chart 9 Chiron in House 1 of the astral chart 10 Uranus in House 1 of the astral chart 11 Neptune in House 1 of the astral chart 12 Pluto in House 1 of the astral chart

Welcome to House 1 of the astral chart . On the cusp this house begins the Ascendant that will provide the experiences that will forge your personality. That is why we will make a complete journey through the passage of the planets.

House 1 means the Triangle of life. Its element is fire. It has angular quality and is located in the lower-eastern hemispheres. It belongs to the sign Aries and its opposite is House 7 .

Remember that the planets that occupy this first house will have a faithful reflection in your personality . From here comes the self that you show to others. Here is written the way you connect with the world and project yourself out .

In addition, House 1 is the House of Aries. As such, it symbolizes vitality, initiative and strength. It is also a sign of a beginning, a childhood or the start of something.

The planets in House 1 of the astral chart

According to the planets we find in House 1 of the astral chart, we can identify certain traits in personality, way of being, etc. That is why we believe it is important that you know this information. At any given time, it can be vital for you when it comes to meeting a person or even knowing more about your own soul.

The Sun in House 1 of the astral chart

When we find the Sun in House 1 of the astral chart, we identify in phenomenon with energy . Let's not forget that this star is a source of life and light . It means that the person has great strength to manifest their individual identity. He is a being with great inner will, powerful feeling of courage, with confidence and ambition for triumph.

However, it is important to be cautious, because there could also be traces of pride, selfishness and arrogance . Despite being a source of vitality, it is necessary to rely on intuition, but also be aware that excess authority and other aspects may end up being negative.

The Moon in House 1 of the astral chart

We go now with the appearance of the Moon in the House of Aries. In this case it symbolizes the adaptability of a human being . This indicates the automatisms that we generate to live on a daily basis. It shapes our inner life and designs the way forward .

But despite the need to adapt to daily life, we must try not to fall into the routine . When our world becomes oversimplified and boring, we can lose that innate curiosity that leads us to be more intuitive, brave and happy. Emotional security is important, but we don't have to focus everything on it. The surprise is also beautiful.

Mercury in House 1 of the astral chart

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Therefore, it invites us to mental reflection on one's own intimate life . This does not mean that we are objective, but it does focus on the tendency to analysis and interpretation.

However, we must bear in mind that being more reflective does not indicate a high level of intelligence or knowledge. We have to know how to interpret, be cautious, cunning and analytical . In addition, there is no need to get too involved in mental matters, as the end could be to cover the processes without finding anything positive.

Venus in House 1 of the astral chart

The House of Aries now receives Venus, the second planet closest to the Sun. This indicates a system of values ​​that we all have . That does not imply that these have to be good or bad. That is, they direct us towards our ability to love, understand and feel, but also to hate or be self-centered.

Venus is a planet that will have a strong impact on our personality, but also on our social environment. The self-image, and that which others have of us, will be greatly influenced by this world.

Mars in House 1 of the astral chart

Mars is the planet that governs our capacity for development at various levels . In the spiritual, intellectual and material fields, this world will be the one who feeds us so that we obtain a fuller life by exploiting our full potential.

However, you have to be careful. Although Mars invites us to physical, spiritual and even intellectual development, we can also fall into the temptation to let ourselves be carried away by the most earthly desires . The carnal in excess, when it dominates us, can let out our low instincts, relegating us to little valuable ways of life, as in his day said Arist teles.

J piter in House 1 of the astral chart

J piter is the living representation of the association . Today we live in society, and as such, we must be respectful to the community. Our ability to find good companies and manage them well will depend on the situation of this gigantic world in the House of Aries.

The reasons that move our association do not matter so much. They may be because of politics, friendship, work, need, but the management we make of them is basic. We can be very happy in a community that accepts and loves us, or suffer authoritarianism and lack of affection even loneliness .

Saturn in House 1 of the astral chart

Saturn establishes our responsibility and our ability to carry out any activity . Either on a social or personal level, we have to be sure of ourselves to achieve the achievements we have.

Saturn indicates our need to be thoughtful and wise to find the structures of our own consciousness . From there we will draw important lessons to face any activity and use reason if we face a complex situation. Otherwise, we will be hard and intractable.

Chiron in House 1 of the astral chart

Chiron, being close to the Ascendant, is a clear manifestation of our personality . But in this case, it shows the mask that many of us put on when facing life in society. Here the physical aspect appears, but also the expression, the way of feeling, the internal structures, the individuality and the fears of being as we are before others.

Uranus in House 1 of the astral chart

When we find Uranus, we observe a transforming world . Experience is a symbol of movement, and this allows us to evolve to find our true selves. It is an example of perseverance, but also of search, dissatisfaction and transpersonality.

Neptune in House 1 of the astral chart

Neptune is the true symbol of the visionary . Idealistic, dreamy personalities, capable of transcending their true time, find in this world a great ally. However, care must be taken not to fall into the fog of chimeras, mirages and unattainable dreams, as they end in disappointment.

Pluto in House 1 of the astral chart

Finally, the small, cold and remote Pluto shows us a level of consciousness capable of transcending the superficial, reaching the essence, the true self . Everything that is material or unnecessary is left behind, for only what is pure and valuable serves. But it should not be confused, since sometimes we leave experiences along the way that can bring value, not futility.

It is evident that the situation of the planets in House 1 of the astral chart, as in the rest of the houses of the natal chart, will give the true measure of our personality . But in addition, they will also show us the right path to follow and our ability to transcend. If you want to exploit your full potential, here you will find a field full of knowledge, wisdom and experiences.

By Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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