The power of Silence, message of Archangel Gabriel

  • 2012

Dear ones:

I want to talk about the quality of love called Silence. When One enters into silence, it is an act of Love towards Self, since it is within its internal functioning, within our heart, that the true authentic Self is found. By practicing silence periodically, a connection with the Divine within you is established and a greater flow of orientation and direction runs towards you. In silence, then, far from worldly distractions, are the truths that sustain, nourish and nourish the Soul and Spirit of One.

Practicing silence inward opens different perceptions and perspectives that otherwise would never have come to light. It is in the silence that One comes to know Himself clearly and truthfully, once all the outer noise of daily thoughts and to-do lists is silent. In this sacred space is the greatest meaning and purpose of the life of One, the communion with greater aspects of Self that elevate, inspire and empower your being. It is in these moments of inner silence that many great ideas and works are born and developed in the manifestation that is then shared with others.

When One sits in silence, the energy that permeates the energy field or aura is filled with particles of golden Light, so that a connection with the divine within you has been established and a feeling of happiness can reach you. In the silence many treasures are found inside. In silence, the flow of divine creativity takes place and begins to flourish in manifestation. In silence, many deep thoughts and the power and memory of the Divine nature itself come to the surface of consciousness and create greater confidence in your own ability to carry it out.

In One's interactions with others, it is often an act of Love to keep silent when speaking words that hurt or harm another. Silence can achieve unity and healing in relationships with others. Silence can give you greater clarity and awareness in any situation in which you do not feel comfortable. The act of silence reinforces one's internal knowledge and intuitive knowledge. There is great wealth to explode when One practices this quality of love. Inner silence is a time to nurture and give Love to oneself, because only when you can love yourself is it that you can truly love another.

In silence, One becomes an observer of the flow of life around him and opens the door to different dimensions of consciousness where many wonders and miracles are revealed. The portals of the imagination open wide and happily and even trips to other areas can take place. Silence is full of infinite and moving possibilities when One crosses the rays of Light with the Angels. Silence brings a deep appreciation of beauty in all its wonderful forms.

Silence is a deep gift of Love to Self that fills you with a sense of peace, balance, balance and sense of your right place in the world. On the wings of silence, I leave you now to reflect on my words.

I AM Archangel Gabriel


© 2012 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

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Translation: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

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