The Arcturian group - You are the way, the tool, the message

  • 2014

OCTOBER 13, 2013

Greetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as you observe the Light progressively flowing to and from you at this time. The Earth is moving rapidly towards a new universal energy which increases with each person who opens their heart and mind to new and elevated ways of seeing. We observe around the world questioning and wondering if what those in charge have told them is really true. This questioning indicates personal and universal receptivity to the truth which in turn brings focus and changes the multitude of forms of lack of power that so many still experience. This is how change happens.

This new receptivity of individual consciousness is bringing an awakening that man is much more than just a servant of those who maintain world power. The illusion dissolves increasingly with each soul that hears and pays attention to its inner voice and begins to wake up to the truth of who it really is. Most of the world does not yet understand the spiritual nature of energy changes taking place. They want change because living as they have always known and accepted it no longer resonates with them and many are finding their voice - experiencing a new courage and strength with which to communicate and live in new ways.

You are rapidly reaching the point where more people are questioning the status quo, which is a security of consciousness change. Do not expect change to manifest fully in a moment, but know that evolution on this large scale must be a gradual process. You have lived many lives in and of the three-dimensional energy that always reflects the pairs of opposites - experiences that are deeply rooted physically, emotionally and mentally. This is what is now being clarified, liberating and bringing the changes that are taking place within you. This will enable them to sustain higher frequencies not present before on Earth. Be dear patients, and know that when you give your permission to ascend, your Higher Self begins the process. You do not have to make it happen, it IS happening since it is your Reality.

It is time for each serious spiritual seeker to stop looking outside for the Light to come to them in some way or another, and begin to realize that: "I Am the Light." This step must be taken if they are going to move out of the old three-dimensional ways of understanding the world. "I am the way, the truth and the light" - words not simply said by the Master Jesus, but words spoken by him in a way to explain to those listening to him that "I" is not a personal "I", but that "I "Is the Divine - the One and only" I "- his true identity. Since the Divine is all there, it must also be your real Being - How could something else exist?

"I" is the name of the Divine and the words "I AM" do not refer to a human being, but to the true essence of each being. "I" is a sacred word. Through time and even now, there are those who, by great ignorance and ego, have misunderstood this truth, meaning that they in their humanity were God. In this false sense of being they always proceeded to establish rules and teachings for others with terrible consequences if they were not obeyed. His ignorant spiritual followers more often than they did not experience horrible consequences of some sort, because in their choice to follow these false prophets they willingly gave their power.

Many have searched in the past and are still seeking to find enlightenment through certain practices, churches, teachers, symbols, etc., all of which definitely helped bring them to a certain point of enlightenment. However, there comes a point where the spiritual student must let go of these tools, and take a step towards his own power and identity or they will be students of the truth forever, never realizing it or experiencing it.

For those of you sufficiently evolved to understand these messages, it is time for you to stop being students in one way or another and recognize that YOU ARE THE WAY, THE TOOL, THE MESSAGE. The tools help to some extent, but they become blocks when they depend on them beyond the time they need them. The child should become an adult at some point no matter how comfortable he is to be told what to believe or what to do.

We are NOT saying that they should leave their spiritual group or books and classes that could still help them, or any of their spiritual activities. We are saying that there comes a time where the student must begin to see the tools for what they are, tools - tools that have helped him get where he is, to understand that you ARE ALREADY complete, a whole, and abundant, and perfect, etc. Understand that there is nothing that can do them more than YOU ARE NOW, be it a person, book, relationship, road, drug, work, etc. Many of you are discovering that most books do not tell you anything about the way they used to. Honor this. That means that you are now able to receive your teachings from within. If you enjoy going to church every week, fine, but let go of the belief that if you get lost or stop going, you will be less - the church is within you - do you understand?

The crystals carry their own wonderful energy, but this energy may not manifest itself superior to that of individuals working with oils, colors, vibrations, etc. etc. These tools in the hands of highly evolved individuals can bring change for good, but in the hands of someone with malicious intentions, they can bring the opposite representing the duality and separation that constitutes three-dimensional energy. It is the state of consciousness that determines how they are used, so let go of the power they give some tools. When an individual buys a guaranteed crystal to bring abundance or healing or whatever, he continues to live outwardly from an awareness of lack and limitation, the innate energy of that crystal is limited by the individual's ability to channel his energy. This is the shift from metaphysics to mysticism.

Mysticism is the realization that you already embody your true essence: Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. In the past these Divine qualities have been interpreted by the world in a big way through three-dimensional thought lenses - always appearing as a separation from what is necessary - that is why the need for tools to be gurus, books, classes, ceremonies, etc. These things serve to elevate an individual towards superior energy and help the beginner but - U STEDES ARE IN THE SUPERIOR ENERGY NOW.

You claim your power the minute you realize that: I am already. This is the step for which most of you are ready and it is the difference between metaphysics and mysticism. Metaphysics works to change the bad image into a good one. Mysticism sees nothing necessary to be changed because it knows that good and bad appearances are both manifestations of belief in duality and separation - the two extremes of the same rod.

We are the Arcturian Group

Through Marilyn Rafaelle

Shanti Translation

Voices of Arcturus and Andr meda

The Arcturian group You are the way, the tool, the message

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