The Karma Factor by Willy Chaparro

  • 2012

The Karma Factor - Part I

What is the Karma Factor ?: (From Sanskrit. Karma, Fact, Action).

To all human beings who make mistakes - whether intentionally or not - understand this: There is a great Law that states that what has been sown is reaped, is the Law of Cause and Effect called Karma. It is the name given by some oriental doctrines to the Supreme Law of causes and effects. Karma is a very common saying in Eastern philosophy, being "karmatized" means that the person carries his karma until the end of his days. In some religions of India it is a spiritual force, an energy of action and reaction derived from the acts that conditions the spirit in each of the lives until evolution is reached.

Karma is physical action, metaphysically it is the law of retribution, of cause and effect or of ethical causation, and there are two types of karma, that of the Brahmins of India, which justifies rapes, murders, mass wars, justifies everything. It is a karma that says they are guilty to pay fatalistically and must be met. It is also interpreted as disaster, painful consequences, error, punishment and fatal events for the human being.

The other Karma is based on the doctrine of Buddha, on the “Moyejúa” Doctrine Mah? Y? Na, —the main branch of Buddhism—, which says that karma is love and lessons to be learned, where every human being has the obligation to honor his passage through life and report to the Karmico Court. It is a Karma where the Soul intervenes and is a determining factor in evolution. In this 21st century, those who believe in karma, that is, people who reason, fulfill their karma based on the teachings of Buddhist doctrine. There is also karma of merit and karma of demerit. It is the power that dominates all things, the result of moral action and the moral effect of an act committed to the achievement of something that satisfies a personal desire. Many associate karma with guilt to pay, but it is only a lesson to learn.

In Western religions the doctrine of Karma is rejected, but the Law of Causes and Effects is known, where it is estimated that the human being is the only maker of his own destiny, that is, the Soul does not intervene at all. Karma is only a spiritual debt that human beings have acquired in other lives, which is recorded in the Akasic Archive, the individual memory that contains the information in each planetary system, of the millions of ECPs that dwell in each of The inhabited planets.

The Lípikas are the lords of karma that carry the karmic record. They are not a myth or symbolic units, but high intelligence entities that apply the law for the benefit of mankind, allowing men to be fully self-conscious and trust in themselves. In a hidden sense, the lords of karma are creators, they know human desires, their will and their ends, and they are entrusted with the fulfillment of the Law.

Karma is a form of adjustment, as a result of conditions self-initiated by the role-personality. It must be adjusted for errors made according to the Law of Cause and Effect.

Karma and the Ego

We know that karma is based on the ego, which places us on a plane that is not light, and some people dominated by the ego. Selfish people always make the same mistakes over and over again, and are punished again each time, and instead of reversing the lesson that produces mistakes, what they do is "karmatize", they carry more karma. Being "karmatized" is a very common saying in the philosophical schools of the East. It means that people carry their karma as a "cod to cost" until the end of their existence.

If a person makes a mistake, he should not hesitate to say to himself: “… Very well, I made a mistake, I am willing to correct it… I will not make more mistakes and above all I will not make mistakes of omission… !!! If they do this, they will make great progress, but if their ego dictates that they made no mistakes, then they will be making more, because their ego is constantly acting, and much of the time, their analytical mind is not aware of it. Mistakes can be made, and through them the human being learns and enriches himself.

Many associate karma with faults to pay, but karma is a "lesson to learn." Although, the action to follow is the usual way to overcome the mistakes made, a pending lesson is also paid, which is often a larger lesson that encompasses smaller ones, the biggest one being overcome. Karma is a form of adjustment, as a result of conditions self-initiated by the role-personality. There is always the door where the ego can act, some errors caused by the ego are impossible, and can only be corrected with the right action, but intuition is necessary to recognize them.

By eliminating karma, the causes of rebellion, resentment and disdain for what is not yet perfect are eliminated, at the core of the life stream. The greater its Light, the wider the scope of understanding will be, the more wise the mind will be, the purer the body will be and the more humble the person will be. While feelings, thoughts and memories are disturbed, these guidelines will dominate the vibrational action of your personality, so you must learn to control yourself and calm yourself inside. People are not "prey" to karma, but they have to learn the lesson and then fight to make karma go away.

Ex: A person dies and takes the lesson he did not fulfill in the last life, and in the next he has to pay off that debt. When incarnating, he forgets, makes mistakes again and complains about the bad luck he has had. If the spiritual part forgets what he came to do and does not, it is another concept. If you did not fulfill well, you can take more karma than you brought for this life, it depends on the re-incarnate memory. It must be adjusted according to the Law of Cause and Effect. An intelligent person usually has a "spanking" to avoid making the same mistakes again. Later, in a remote cycle when they have exhausted karma, and the Great Law has demanded payment, then the karmatized will begin to develop the love aspect and transmute their motives.

Karma and Disease

Karma governs all diseases, encompasses the individual, group, national and human as a whole. Some people often wander in the labyrinths of worry, struggle for years to overcome internal tension and illusions that overwhelm it so often. It is a pressure that materializes as a sensation of fatigue and culminates in the period of illness, which is the result of that r terrible pain caused by internal tension. . Internal tension materializes in the physical plane as poor health, which culminates in a period of illness . The `` terrible pain '' is a great and incontrovertible fact made in human consciousness, an aspect that has been accentuated for the knowledge of the human collective, both for illness and for learning.

The ECP s, Thinking Conceptual Energies spir because diseases limit and cause ECPs to evolve through physical pain, because it is the best way to instruct, it is discipline is to live in a higher way than any other self-imposed idea about life and the truth.

The illnesses are the result of environmental frustrations, family misunderstandings, some serious accident, etc., from there the terrible pain. They are mists that try to involve people who are karmically related, pain that all human beings must learn to live and suffer inevitably, but some do not accept discipline, wander in the labyrinths of worry ny in the misty hollows of mirage. Over time, these causes are exhausted and a period of release and readjustment follows, therefore, does not allow internal tension to continue. if that pressure is not dispersed in this life, then in another it will return as old faults to pay.

The majority of the human collective ignores that not all Karma is bad and causes little suffering, but for total lack of reflection they make mistakes that lead to irresponsibility and do not believe there is a sense of karmic guilt. When the internal causes are exhausted as physical effects, a period of liberation and readjustment follows where the human being has exhausted his karma and is freed from that slavery, therefore, he must not allow it to continue It is the internal tension and so will continue on the evolutionary path without the ter terrible pain . A good karma puts into action forces that can act as healing energies, allow the healing of diseases not caused by the Karmic Factor.

The Karmic Rhythm:

It is a rhythm that is established by actions and reactions of other lives and that is where the great Remuneration Law comes into force, and where the conditioning factor is involved, which is a decisive and lasting factor. It is largely punitive and painful, but it should be considered that way until the Law is accepted by the human collective as the main factor of Causes and Effects, not only on a large scale, but in relation to individual lives, because Karma is a imposition generated by the circumstances and conditions of life from which there is no escape possible. The individual who creates Karma must accept it and not try to reduce it, or even improve the lesson to be learned. It is important to remember the premise:

The karmic links:

Karmatic links according to the Law of Causes and Effects are based on the past, they are links that are developed by established habits. They are qualities and tendencies of the ECP's when they are incarnated and achieved expression in past lives. It is a process of interaction between what was and what is now. It is a link that "emerges" at any given time. Of all the events, if I could understand it, the least important and serious, is to break the external links of the physical plane, this causes a situation that affects the "bonds" in future incarnations. It is a break that produces serious reactions.

You can have a karmic relationship with a family member and also with other people in the environment with whom you are linked by obligations. A family karmic link is to have a relationship with a family, or with attachments originated in the background of other lives, resulting in a serious and anxious search for that old bond. They are souls who lived in the past - and because of their ties they also live in the present. In the family affinity chain when this link is "broken, " the link ceases to exist, thus the affinity with the person "breaking the family chain" ceases to exist, and cannot be integrated back into the nucleus. If you do not dispense in this life, in the other you can return the old karmic relationships.

The links are developed by established habits. They are qualities and tendencies of the ECP's when they are incarnated and achieved some expression in past lives. Ex: In a family nucleus an ECP clearly perceives that it has a definite link with that particular family and seeks to incarnate in that nucleus, which is the result of a serious and anxious search for old ties, it is because of empathy towards that family, which could have had "roots" in the background of other lives. They are regularly like-minded souls or soulmates who vibrate in the same harmony.

Also As a result of a serious and anxious search for old links, you can have affinity with groups, with whom you are karmatically related. The mutual interrelation relationship with the group can be for equal aspirations, or to create questions that can establish and maintain spiritual contacts that allow the group to work more easily as an entity or unit. They may not be karmic bonds, but links that allow us to establish a mutual relationship with souls that in the past had contact and keep an open attachment to the ever flowing river of living light that surrounds all beings in life.

The Karma Factor written by Willy Chaparro

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