The Ego and how to recognize it

  • 2016

When the ego was begotten, God put in mind the call to joy. This call is so powerful that the ego always fades at its sound. That is why you have to choose to listen to one of the two voices within you. One you invented it, and it is not part of God. The other was given to you by God, who only asks you to listen to it. The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. His is the Voice that calls you to return to where you were before and where you will be again.

The word Ego so small, but that encompasses in itself an infinite number of characteristics sometimes difficult to describe. Ego comes from the Latin Yo , but in reality, it is our False Yo which we will see throughout this text. The ego according to the book A Course in Miracles is an invention of ourselves, as a mental program, which is enormously variable and ingenious, therefore, unstable.

To identify the Ego we could say that:

It is that voice that wants to be right, speaks internally or externally loudly, identifies us, believes that it has to fend for itself for everything, so it is thirsty for competition, for the same thing separates us, and in doing so we feel vulnerable causing us strong fear The world for him is to fear, the word "inevitable" causes terror to the ego, does not like to lose control, because it is seen only in the world alone.

As energy is dense and exhausting, it presses us down, it stagnates us.

The Ego causes us fear

Feel a deep shortage, “for the ego to give anything means having to deprive yourself of it. When you associate the act of giving with the sacrifice, you give only because you think that in some way you will get something better, and you can, therefore, do without the thing you give ”, therefore the ego always gives to obtain something In return, he does not understand charity.

He lives through comparisons, equality for the ego is unintelligible, since as stated above, he does not understand the meaning of charity, and to reinforce himself, he uses characteristics of inferiority or superiority with which he carries out the Judgment, of What is better or worse according to your perception.

The ego invents an ego for all the people it perceives, which is highly variable, so it is said that it is the ego that recognizes another ego.

"The body is the home that the ego has chosen for itself, " so it tries to satisfy itself through it. It is also your best argument since it is the only identification with which you feel safe, because the vulnerability of the body is your best evidence that we do not come from God. This is the belief that the ego fervently supports, however, it hates the body because it does not consider it good enough to be its home.

Feel guilty . At this point it is important to emphasize that the purpose of the ego is to instill fear because that allows selfishness to exist. Therefore, when you feel guilt, you feel a fear so great that you feel guilty and it is terrifying to be punished, hence the fear of external reprisals, since the feeling of guilt is so intense that it has to be projected . In addition the ego believes that punishing itself will mitigate the supposed punishment of God, even in this it is arrogant. In turn, feelings of guilt perpetuate over time, induce fear of reprisals or abandonment, and favor continuity, which provides a false sense of security in believing that you cannot escape it.

The perpetual guilt of the Ego

The ego perceives "sin" as an act of aggression, when in reality it is a lack of love. This, in turn, creates guilt, therefore, it is necessary for their survival, since if it were perceived as a lack of love, they would automatically try to remedy the situation.

He has compulsion to obtain, since his base is scarcity, so when he feels anxiety, it comes from the whims of the ego. This has to do with "attachments, " this compulsive feeling of wanting something for me, because they can take it away from me, which again leads us to fear.

The ego uses illusions to make projections that move away from the truth, "it is an erroneous attempt by the mind to perceive you as you want to be, instead of as you really are, " therefore, the ego constantly confuses us. It asks questions, but it is based on illusions that it manufactures in order to have an answer that fits in with its knowledge and beliefs of what is best, which, from what has been seen, will never know.

The Ego is the opposite of the Holy Spirit, which is the voice buena, is represented as the white dove, and this is an image that identifies the essence of the Holy Spirit; our inner voice, gentle and kind, that does not attempt to attack but to collaborate. It is of subtle but active energy, it gives the sensation of elevation, it does not understand gogo nor yo therefore it is not in struggle with him, it is the voice of the connection with the divine and the only thing he wants is to be heard.

The holy spirit only asks you to listen to it

From what we have reviewed throughout this reading, the ego is a fairly lively and autonomous creation, and has invented a large number of ingenious systems of thought for the purpose of permanence. It seems to be intelligent and creative but it is not, its entire system is an effort in vain, because it is an energy that goes against the truth, against the normal and divine flow of things, therefore it is energy badly prosecuted. It is natural therefore that the ego tries to protect itself once you invented it, and it is submerging in all the places that are possible, but it is not natural that you want to obey its laws unless you believe in them, it is always your choice.

After this approach to the depths of the Ego, what will be your choice? Are you going to continue to listen to your voice? Or are you going to hear the divine voice of the Holy Spirit? we know that what the ego causes, then when you decide to make this exchange, of listening to the Holy Spirit instead of the Ego, you will simultaneously replace guilt for bliss, cruelty for love and pain for peace.

Author: Valentina Salvo, editor of the great family of

References: A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace.

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