David Topí: Awakening subconscious archetypal principles from sacred geometry

  • 2015

With all the general vision that we have given in the four previous articles, we see that throughout history the great mysteries of humanity have been explained through symbols, geometric figures and numbers. There is a completely direct relationship between all of the above, and every number has associated specific figures, and every figure can be symbolic and representative of generic principles that evoke more abstract and complex concepts. Fortunately, the human being, if he works from the appropriate levels and forms, can awaken the understanding of these concepts even at an intuitive level, since they are imbued in the depths of our psyche.

So how can we start waking them up? With some simple visualization exercises related to both numbers and symbols and of which I give you some examples below, for you to try at home. All of them are born from sacred geometry, from the primary figures we have seen, such as the point, the circle, the vesica pisces, etc. These exercises that I describe, usually need between three and seven days of continuous realization so that they have some minimal effect, so for example, the first visualization is done three or four days in a row, then the second one the same, then the third other both, etc. And you are writing down on your own what effects you perceive or changes can be noticed intuitively in the expansion of your consciousness.

The point that becomes a sphere

If at the beginning of Creation, everything that exists is born from a singularity, let us now visualize that process and awaken that "connection" with the Source from our psyche. To do this, we have to visualize the following steps as you have in the drawing and as I explain below:

Here the exercise consists in imagining a point, and from it, as a spiral emerges, which becomes a circle, and finally a three-dimensional white sphere. We have to visualize these steps without looking at the drawings, obviously, because it is about “activating” this archetypal principle in our subconscious, for about five minutes, for the whole process of the four steps.


The second great concept and archetypal principle that we are going to work on is that based on duality, a quality that the human being perceives for its energetic and genetic configuration, since we were created to perceive the universe in which we exist. Thus, based on the number 2, the opposites, the complementary ones, the necessity of the union are represented, and we will use the symbol of Yin and Yang that you all know. To do this, the white sphere of the previous exercise is visualized first, going on to visualize the two parts as you see in the drawing, and then inserting the spheres of the opposite polarity in each of the parts. As you know, this indicates that in each polarity there is a portion of the opposite polarity. The display should also last a maximum of about five minutes or less.


The third visualization has to do with the ternary, the three as an element, the three forces of creation: the active, the passive and the neutral, also the trinity, sum of the creators (duality) and the created . There are many trinities in the dozens of cultures on the planet, the Christian one of: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Hindu: Brama, Visnú and Shiva; the Egyptian: Osiris, Isis and Horus; the Celtic: life, death and rebirth, and so many others. Almost all symbolize a beginning, a development and an end and the figure that represents it is the triangle. We will then visualize an equilateral triangle, of equal angles, then we have to imagine how it becomes a Triqueta or Celtic knot, an ancient symbol of this tradition that represents, among other things, the number three. This triquette is a symbol that is more than 5, 500 years old, and, in Celtic mythology, is the representation of the female part of the universe and the three forces of nature: earth, water and air.

The matter

The next exercise and fourth visualization has to do with the quaternary, a number related to the matter, the solid, the foundations of the Created, etc. In this case, the exercise consists in imagining a Greek cross, that is, with identical arms, then a square with that cross inscribed inside the square, to then see the figure you see in the graph inscribed tenderly in the square, finally, we will see only the final figure. This figure is an ancestral representation of what the four means, which is repeated in many cultures but in which it is more characteristic is in the Celtic as well.

The man in search of his personal growth

And as the last visualization exercise, we will now work with a symbol associated with the number five, and related to the archetype of the ideal human being, the man in search of perfection. We begin by visualizing in our mind a pentagon like the one you see in the drawing, then we visualize a star inscribed in the pentagon, then we visualize the areas of the pentagram that darken and then shape a chalice, to, in the fifth step, see only the chalice The pentagram, in this case, also symbolizes the reborn man, the new person, the one who, realizing a path of growth in his microcosm, reflects in his life the symbol of the universe and its eternal growth and expansion.

In this case, we must always imagine the star with the tip up, and the chalice, in this exercise, is a symbol, which, on this occasion, represents the human body as a container of the divine substance, the being, the monad, the essence.

With these small exercises and the introduction we have made to the GS and the symbolism of the concepts that explain the universe in which we live, we can begin to resonate within us the part of our psyche, which, connected to the higher planes of where these archetypal principles are imbued in more concrete ways (from the first sub-plane of the causal plane - high part of the mental plane, to the lower sub-plane of the same mental plane), and we can begin to establish bridges with those other worlds superiors where we do not work with words, but with symbols, and where we understand each other through them, because they provide all the knowledge and understanding that our being already has, but that must and can be transmitted to the personality of the human body, to Let it begin to expand its sphere of consciousness and begin to connect with that where we all come from, speaking in the same language, which is, of course, that of symbols and archetypes.

AUTHOR: David Topí

SEEN AT: http://davidtopi.com/despertando-principios-arquetpicos-subconsconscious-a-port-de-la-geometra-sagrada/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=FeedPress&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+davidtopi+%28David+Top%C3% AD% 29

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