While Letting Go - Celebrate the New You Are Accepting for Archangel Azrael

  • 2013

Received by Julie Miller

November 16, 2013

When it is time to let something go, you leave your comfort zone in order to adopt new ways, ideas, people and interests that will help you create new thinking patterns and bring the necessary changes to your growth and development. It is difficult to let go of the old ways that put obstacles to them, but it is something that we encourage each one to do because it becomes easier with each step.

It is up to each person how difficult it will be to let go of the old ways. Fear is the biggest obstacle that causes the greatest pain and discomfort. Letting go of past events, resentments, old concepts, etc. It can be as easy as shedding a shabby sweater / pullover in favor of a new bright and novel one. Although they manage to calm their thoughts as they let go during this transformational process, the discomfort or restlessness they feel at some level is part of the process. When you feel restlessness / restlessness or feel tired and sore inside, not because of something caused by some physical discomfort, you know you are on the way to a change - you are entering a new phase of your career, and once the discomfort is gone or restlessness they will think more clearly, they will see with new eyes and have a vibrant energy.

Due to the possibility of facing old fears that have been hidden or old wounds to which they have held on for so long, letting go can be an extremely frightening experience, it can be one that many beings begin but when pain arises they give up instead of continuing through the pain. We know that you cling to painful memories of situations that were not very healthy or good, that have caused misery and that are still there, robbing you of your precious energy until little by little you gather the courage that your heart provides you and they face those memories for what they are, because they are no longer living in the past. What has happened back then is done and gone. Let it go, see the future as a promising new day instead of something scary. Know that God walks with you through each experience, and when you are called He will shine His Light by illuminating your path to lead you out of the shadows and back to the present, embracing all that life offers you with enthusiasm and with Love.

When they let go of the old no matter what it is, it is true that they will not know what the future will be like, they will not know how people will feel towards their changes and they will not know how their own feelings will be the next day or in the coming weeks, months or years, but what you are going to know is that you are in charge of your feelings, and when you become aware of a negative thought, you have the ability to change it because you are trying to push it away so that you do not recreate it - to reach a new I full of new concepts, Love and respect for themselves and for those with whom they meet. Letting go becomes much wiser.

Letting go of the past is something that requires you to be fully aware, it is not something you do just to pass the time, and it is a huge step in your development, both personally and spiritually. Celebrate how new you are accepting about the past that you have agreed to let go. Take time to really reflect and find out what they need to keep and what they don't need anymore. Make an effort to solve the details by taking as much time as you need because, after all, when you let something go, that part that you have agreed that no longer works for you dies and gives birth to new ideas, new concepts to improve everyone. No one can fix the past or undo the damage done, and neither can anyone let anything go for you. This is a great trajectory of self-discovery where they will find their authentic self, and after a while finding out what they love, they may discover how much they love themselves. Loving oneself is one of the greatest gifts that promote deeper healing as they go through the different stages of letting go and that will lead them to freedom.

As you celebrate all that you have to let go, remember to be good with the totality of your Being. When you let go you need to balance yourself so that there is harmony again in each of your aspects. During the course of your day try to separate what is important from what is not; This will keep them busy and provide them with a lot of information for their own thought process, and they will become more aware of why changes are necessary and healthy.

When you think positively and healthy your body follows you, so if your mind is still full of distressing, confusing thoughts and other negative thoughts and emotions of old situations, you create an opening for the entrance of the disease. We know that it is difficult to be aware of your thoughts all the time because you are busy during your day, but by practicing you become more aware of your thoughts and when you notice a negative one then you can choose if you are allowed to remain or change it to a thought of peace, of forgiveness, of Love, of other good feelings that help them maintain their alignment with God and receive their penetrating Light and Love that will accelerate the necessary healing process.

Dear ones, we know that each of you wants a better tomorrow, a future that does not include a painful and distressing past, but you must first let go of the past. Make room for the future by letting go of emotional and mental pain linked to an old memory, free your mind from thinking too much and rethinking about those events, and allow the emergence of new directions so that you can follow them.

Part of letting go is freeing yourself from fears, resentments, negative expressions such as 'I have to', 'I should', 'I should', 'I should have', etc. As you let them go you realize what they want to do, and it is not forced. It is a knowledge that they find discovering everything they have hidden. We know that you have carried in yourself 'what you should have done', or 'what you should do', or what 'you should do' or 'have to do' for a long time, and these mental friends are not true friends. Many times they hide, but over time they make themselves known through their words and their actions. Be honest with yourself dear ones. Know yourself, know who you are inwardly, delight in what you discover because you are gold from the inside to the outside.

We have witnessed the process of letting go of some dear beings in which they use affirmations when they are in trouble. They are aware of their thoughts, but they need little extra support and affirmations to help them overcome the small obstacles that occur during the process of letting go. The statement does not change anything by itself, but it promotes positive thoughts and feelings to replace the uncertain thoughts that arise from doubt and fear. Affirmations do not have to be long and complex; A simple statement is all that is needed to help change the thought process that is underway when you are learning to let go of the old ways, concepts and ideas.

It is very easy to get distracted by what another dear being is doing in your career, but we encourage you to remain focused on what you are doing. Remind yourself that the path of others is theirs and theirs is theirs. If they feel pulled to compare themselves with others they will attract unhappiness towards themselves when they are on their way to recovery and rebirth in all the unnecessary ways they are learning to let go. We want them to be happier, to feel beautiful, but we don't talk about the outside but the inside; We want them to see themselves having greater confidence and determined to get the best out of it without having the pain of the past hovering around and creating doubts or eventually stagnation.

Letting go of the past and the old ways is another great reason to strengthen your connection with God. Ask God to guide and support you, and trust that he will be there. He will accept what you are releasing and what you have held on for so long, replacing those old ideas, feelings and concepts with Love. Your Love will provide you with healing. necessary to feed their own power in order to find new addresses, new friendships, new ideas etc.

Do not allow excuses to be the cause of your inability to let go and accept new addresses. Understand, dear ones, that excuses disfavor you. Instead of making excuses for not doing something that is good for you, take responsibility for everything in your life. Assuming responsibility for any event they are part of will empower them, they will infuse them with fresh energy to bring the changes that will help them create the life they want to see, but remember that they need to let go first. Take time to change behaviors, feelings and other concepts that have allowed you to manifest over time. Give yourself the space you need to grow and know that there will be some growing pains; they are part of the process and are their signals that they are on the right path. After the pain there is relief, satisfaction, happiness, peace and much more. You are constantly growing daily, but in order for the great change to remain and continue to push you forward, you must also let go of something old that no longer serves you.

As you go through the stages of the recreation of your path after letting go of the burden that was overwhelming you, accept all the Love with which God surrounds and fills you. Don't push it away, accept it; find comfort in His Presence. Through the constant and reliable Presence of God you will come to know and accept that Grace is your birthright. No matter what path you take to get there, God loves you the same and with His Love that makes you shine on you, you are empowered to live with grace in all that you do without going through trouble and without clinging to The old wounds of the past. Keep striving to move forward, free from the pain of the events that have happened a long time ago.

Understand that letting go is a process through which you go more than once in your life; It is not something that they do once again, and never again . You are going to stumble on areas of your career that are difficult and restrictive and that will require you to see beyond to find the reason. Dear ones, letting go is a continuous process, one that allows you to accept more of who you are, letting go of what you are no longer. You are not your past; You are your Present that is taking a daily step towards your future. Relax and enjoy the journey, celebrate the process of learning who you really are, honestly and honestly, releasing all the old pain and the ways that have prevented you from growing in the way you truly desire. When they let go of what has been holding them back in their growth and development, they open the doors to so many golden opportunities that they will improve their wonderful and amazing life.

I AM the Angel Azrael through Julie Miller


While Letting Go - Celebrate the New You Are Accepting for Archangel Azrael

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