The Benevolences of Juan Pablo Segundo

  • 2013

I am looking for all the workers of Love and Light, I must give the same message to each one but there are not enough channels that are willing to listen to me, even this one resisted, and I understand them.

Because of the brotherhood of perfect light, I was entrusted to this country, because as I told one of my supports on the physical plane / COSTA RICA IS A SACRED PLACE /.

I am noticing my presence in this country, with some healing or miraculous healing, I have also healed you.

From all the sacred places of all the continents, wisdom and knowledge of all ancestral cultures are being attracted to Central America, by a very spiritual electromagnetic force, specifically towards a temple that is hidden in thick mountains on the slopes of the Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica. That volcano woke up to announce that the tower of dawn, that of the new dawn has already been lit.

It is well known to all that our planet is at a critical point and its ascent towards the fifth round is approaching.

Our universe before the big-ban already existed in the stillness, after the big-ban has been going through different planes or dimensions or rounds, each of them with an established period of Alpha and Omega. Some call them the seven evos or seven eons or seven eternities and lately the seven times of the creator.

These seven planes are divided between the descent of the pure spirit towards the physical plane and the ascent of matter towards the spirit.

From the descending mental plane, to the descending astral, to the descending etheric to the physical plane our Earth has lived many experiences and learnings, and now we are reaching the great omega or closure or end of the physical plane where we collect everything back back to the origin passing through the same planes upwards.

We are at the doors of our fifth eternity or round, towards the ascending eternal plane.

Teachers, gurus and prophets have long called on humanity to prepare for the strong changes that are taking place, but due to the death system in which we live the human being has not understood the importance of the role individual to perform in planetary change

The lords of the light of the lights, the brotherhood of the perfect light, are suffocated or rushed, because thoughts, emotions, words and negative actions of human beings are causing great tension on the barriers of the lower astral plane of the planet endangering the ascension of the earth and the process of the universe, the call is urgent for all human beings to change the vibrational frequency of their thoughts, emotions and words and actions to the high frequency of Love Love Love.

Ask yourself what love is and give yourself to the task of finding it, in the wind, under the stones, in the color of the flowers, in the song of the birds, in their pets, in the rivers, the mountains and at the end of the rainbow

Humanity is a vital organ of the earth and it needs us to survive in the eternal plane to which we are about to ascend.

Brothers, get rid of all those broken things, wrong, attitudes, selfishness, those negative and positive, war and peace, light and shadows, good and evil, is the moment of detachment, to start creating the new ethereal earth from within our hearts with the high frequency of love that only creates perfect things, the path is within you and the first step is inward.

Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ taught, I AM THE WAY THE RESURECTION AND THE LIFE I AM.

It is not the good but the righteous who will conquer the Promised Land

Greetings channels and light workers, formally I come to ask for your help, it is not really difficult, is to put this information into practice and deliver it, where you are, to your family, friends, co-workers, and that they Once they put it into practice and deliver it to those around them.

You will wonder who I am and why I do this now and not when I was on the physical plane. As you know, in the Vatican, the Pope does not have Power, He is only a puppetite figure and the Nephilim are only employees of a hierarchy of fallen angels and gods with an insatiable thirst for power.

When I started my trip around the world kissing the dust of all the people I stepped on, I sowed my own energy in them because I knew that from this plane I should continue working for the land and its people. When I disengaged I was received by an alliance of men and women of great beauty who call themselves - The Brothers - are like a protective league of the planet and humanity, they work very close to people who have political positions and inspire them to do the right thing and they use them as conductors of light to stop a bit the grim and destructive force of those who rule the world spreading war, terrorism, endemic diseases and other horrors, the goal is not to eradicate poverty but to eradicate the poor by killing men women and children, Do not you think it coincides that catastrophes always occur in the poorest places on the planet ...

But I am not here talking to you through this channel, to tell you things that you already know, my mission is another, I must give simple people a very old practical manual for personal and planetary change.

Our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, when he walked the earth, he taught the multitudes, Gentiles and pagans, scholars and ignorant, rich and poor and all kinds of people, the eight-step self-transformation manual to change the world of that time and Many succeeded.

Every time the world needs to transform, this teaching resurfaces and today more than ever we need it to be put into practice and that today as in ancient times it spreads from word of mouth.

With the intellect and reasoning, receive this knowledge, and with the intuition {intelligence of the heart} reflect on it, make it your philosophy of life. Many have taken it into study literally, from the dead letter giving it a wrong interpretation, forgetting that it is the force of the spirit that gives the transformation.


Master Jesus taught from the top of a hill. {The mountain symbolizes your individual mental plane}


The kingdom of heaven symbolizes the different planes of existence of the Being

The poor in spirit are all those who have ruled their earthly inclinations, who have no attachments and have freed themselves from desire. Poor because they have none of these things.

They have no laziness, pride, greed, anger, lust, gluttony, envy etc. A poor spirit can be someone who lives in the most extreme poverty or in the most opulent wealth, has nothing to do with material goods. The rich young man of the parable could not follow Jesus even though he wanted to, not because he had much or little, but because of the attachment to much or little of his material goods. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that a rich man enters heaven means that no one who is attached to goods or people has enough energy as to rise and transcend to the following upper planes. SAYS THE LORD BUDDHA APEGO IS THE ROOT OF SUFFERING and St. Paul called it the root of all evil

Being poor in spirit means giving up any prejudice, any preconceived idea, habits of life that hurts us to abandon, possessions of great knowledge, honors, spiritual pride, and any idea and concept you have of God, abandon all foolish confidence in the infallibility of their own opinions and think that perhaps their beliefs and their way of seeing life may be wrong and require modification. Prepare then to begin again the path of Life and understand its Real Meaning.

Thank you in advance to all those who will benevolently receive this method for personal and planetary transformation.

Check with what to think and with what to feel, do the activities in your daily life, if they are at low frequencies immediately change to the high frequencies of Love remembering happy moments with your pets, your loved ones or the beauty of a sunset or a nightfall





Healers, canals, lightworkers, receive the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I know that little by little I will conquer their hearts and soon we will shine like the sun.

Brothers, we are all spiritual, immortal, and perfect beings, apparently we seem a plurality but the truth is that we are a unity.

This unit chose to experience free will, the Big-Ban began, and the unit was pluralized in different planes and worlds to live the experience of choosing.

Free will means choosing something that is not real, because we are perfect and where everything is perfect you cannot choose.

Free will drives us away from our Great Reality - because it separates good from evil, the light of shadows, the love of truth, the father of the son, and invents a world of limitations where sin sickness and death are the law to comply.

Our beloved Master Jesus teaches that the nature of God is intrinsic and explicit in the nature of man.

We are perfect free and immortal and as creators we love our works unspeakable and we have remained stuck in them.

When we die, our brothers of light come to receive us to tell us that nothing was real, but we had already formed the attachment and we ran again to the hypnotic matrix we call death and birth wheel. One day, the Soul tired of suffering and crying, chooses not to choose more, releases the attachments, picks up the learning and is restored in consciousness to the indivisible Creator One from where he had never left. Following this manual of successions our awakening is accelerated, and we become aware of our space-time sense.


Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted-.

This step does not refer to suffering from the diseases, problems and conflicts we face in our daily lives, because these are only the results of our bad choices. The will of God is not that children men or women get sick, or that they find catastrophes or wars or famines, all this is a consequence of the uncontrolled thoughts, emotions and acts of human beings who do not seek balance and chaos predominates and selfishness within themselves.

The will of God is that we reach the permanent and imperturbable happiness that is acquired when you live in the present, stripping us of all unpleasant and painful memories, of all resentment.

This benevolence refers to the suffering caused by detachment from our habits, customs, to the pain of self-observation, to that radical change within us in which our human personality cries and creaks.

And after purification we will receive consolation, joy, peace and happiness that surpasses all understanding.

Try to stay during the day in a state of peace and happiness to raise the vibrational frequency of your surroundings and your loved ones, but if you lost the connection with your Being and became unbalanced with some conflict, before sleeping review the episode and return to calm down in your mind with love and happiness to those involved, since the past the present the future, as we conceive it, does not exist.

I give you peace

The Peace I Am

Juan Pablo Segundo

Morning Star


Instructors, healers, channels, and lightworkers greet you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Great Cosmic Mother that you know as the Virgin Mary.

You are invited, summoned as facilitators to transmit these messages, you may not like them, because they are the same old and always ignored messages, but it is the perennial, timeless and universal teaching with which humanity must make its individual and planetary transformation .

The words spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ in that - SERMON DEL MONTE - were of an electromagnetic force of such magnitude that they were engraved in the great maya or network of light that surrounds our universe, that is why He said with all authority, HEAVEN AND THE EARTH WILL PASS BUT MY WORDS WILL NOT PASS.

We all know that our heaven and our earth is moving to a new earth and a new sky on the ascending etheric plane.

The Great Cosmic Mother, during this day and on the day you receive this message will be activating in your body where the thymus gland is located, between the throat and the heart, the turquoise blue light, this light serves to drag the subconscious cleaning some blockages and raise awareness to the present time where you must be so that you reach your domain.

I thank in advance all those servers who will put these magnetic sequences into practice, check the results when they reach the state of serenity and stillness required to make the leap.


This benevolence is one of the most important in this trajectory and one of the least understood.


Earth, in symbolic vocabulary, means manifestation.

We as creators, we manifest this world that we are living from our low vibrations, and we see it on television, terrorism, wars, famine poverty, all kinds of crimes, rapes, masked welfare policies whose real objective is annihilation.

In this treatise the Master teaches us step by step, how to increase the frequency of our light, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, he told us. A LIGHT DOES NOT TURN ON TO HIDE IT, BUT TO PUT IT ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNT AND FROM THERE I ALUMBED THROUGHOUT THE CITY. With our thoughts, emotions and actions of love, peace and happiness we can manifest a new earth.

Servants, light workers, be you the first meek, the word meek comes from meekness, which means calm, peaceful, consequently an unchanging condition of happiness and peace, because the meek do not criticize, do not judge, do not envy, do not compare, do not covet, do not violate, do not offend, do not seek the treasures of a world where moth and soot {power and money} corrupt. Only the meek can manifest and create a new land that they will inherit through justice.

Happiness is a state of consciousness that nobody can give you and nobody can take you away because it is within you and no external event can disturb it.

Let's try to live in the present, aware, the longer we are present, the easier it will be to know each other to achieve dominion and happiness.





Magaly Navarro

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