Wake up heart: Change your lifestyle to raise the vibration (Part I)

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn

How can we be impervious to the chemical trails with which the secret government airplanes bombard us every week, or deal with the radiation that cell phones and Wi-Fi transmit to us, or how can we combat the poisoning produced by the Organisms Genetically Modified (GMO) in our food?

To address the evils of this "modern society" we must make changes in our lifestyle that allow us to vibrate beyond our daily and controlled third-dimensional existence.

There are several methods we share to raise your vibration that can take you to the highest version of your own vibration.

But why do this? Some spiritual teachers and channelers, pose that the planet will separate into two versions of itself and that each of us will take the path that corresponds to us according to our own vibration.

It is speculated that some people will remain in the lower three-dimensional consciousness of fear and negativity, as the world has been so far, while another group as a whole works to create it known as the "New Earth, " where through a 5th awareness. Dimension we will resonate with positive vibrations and spiritual awakening.

Following the previous precept, raising our vibration is one of the most important things we can do at this time.

There are many articles and books that have been written on how to do it and there are also some proven methods such as singing, meditation, exercise and laughter.

Michelle Walling is a certified holistic coach who has dedicated her life to being a bearer of light at the service of others. As a truth seeker, she shared her experiences with the world through the book “How to Ascend”. These are some of the most advanced methods that the author proposes to raise the vibration:

Return Therapy to Past Lives

Since we are multidimensional beings that are having a physical experience, we can still have stagnant energies from a past life or from a different dimensional existence that we have to learn to deal with to clean our energy field. Ethical.

Some energies of past lives may be accompanying us through certain current patterns of behavior and are erased as we progress spiritually. The most stubborn patterns of behavior have been with us since that incident occurred in our lives (past or future).

To solve this, a hypnotherapy or regression session is recommended, where at the end of it our subconscious and the person in question reach energy agreements. Healing where miraculous healings are performed and physical manifestations of stagnant energies are released.

There are many well-qualified professionals to perform this task, but remember that therapy must go beyond psychological (mental) attention and also work on the spiritual plane to cut those root energies.

Dance to the beat of drums

The rhythm of the drums can put us in a trance state where our conscious controller (the ego) moves out of the way to allow the dissonant energies to start vibrating apart from our energy body. To do this, you just have to get carried away by the rhythm and abandon yourself to the dance.

You can search for a drum circle in your area or you can start your own drum circle or you can even fly solo if you want! There doesn't always have to be a drum to participate. A tambourine, a maraca, a rattle, a bucket or any instrument that can be pressed rhythmically will do the trick.

Do the Rainbow Meditation

When white light is refracted or separated, a prism of colors is created. To do your Rainbow Meditation, first connect your heart (through your attention and intention) with the center / heart of Mother Earth, then imagine a flow of white light emanating from the center of the cosmos directly to the chakra of The crown above his head. See that light connect with your aura (the energy field that surrounds your body in the shape of an egg shell) . As the light passes through the aura, see it separate in a rainbow of colors that surrounds and penetrates all its energy fields, including its physical body.

Imagine the bright colors of the rainbow as I have never seen them moving through you, cleaning all your bodies . Ask your Higher Self, your Inner Master, your Divinity to take that light where you need it most and to spread it through your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body .

Dissonant energies are usually described as dark, muddy or cloudy. If you find one in your path, just put your intention and attention to dissolve in the light (you can ask the Violet Flame to transmute it into light). After that, in the space where that dissonant energy was, put a golden sphere of light and what remains then is your totally bright “vehicle” energy, like freshly waxed.

Advanced diet and body detoxification

When a person realizes that food is used against humans to create diseases that benefit the industry of large pharmaceutical companies, one of the first things to do is review their diet and the most advisable thing is a detoxification or cleaning.

Good detoxification involves the search for a professional to monitor you while you fast for several days and ensure that you have a good hydration of your body in order to eliminate toxins in the intestine and other organs.

You can investigate how to gently get rid of these toxins from your intestinal walls with agents such as flaxseed and other supplements. Our organs need cleaning too. The kidneys and liver, especially work overtime collecting Monsanto venom, insecticides and other harmful chemicals. The body creates fat cells that surround these toxins in order to protect us from all evil, but it no longer knows what else to do with it. Since everything is energy and has consciousness, try to talk to the conscience of your cells and ask that the fat cells be removed once the toxins are expelled from your system. If you can create a physical environment that vibrates at a healthy pace, you will feel much better since, in addition, it has been shown that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline body.

The changes in the diet should be gradual, since nobody wants to shock your system, however, there are immediate changes that can be made to raise the vibration. For example, do not drink water with fluoride from the tap and bless the food before consuming it (impose with your hands the energy of love on the food and drink you consume) . Eliminate all sodas and sugary drinks and reduce your overall sugar consumption. Most important of all, pay attention to your body's cravings and see how it reacts when you eat certain foods. Your body will tell you what it needs better than any other person . When you eat something, notice if that makes you feel happy and full of energy, or if it makes you feel weak and sleepy, there is an important signal to follow.

Use holistic medications

It is best to receive professional medical advice before making changes in the use of the medications prescribed by your doctor. When you start cleaning your body you will have to cut as many prescription medications as possible. Some of these medications may have to be controlled, such as blood pressure pills, blood thinners or antidepressants. Others, such as those taken to relieve heartburn, can be left completely when dietary changes are made and when the body begins to heal itself.

Listen to your body and, of course, consult a holistic doctor, since that is the best option, since most general practitioners cannot understand how the body can heal itself by increasing its vibration .

In the next column we will continue analyzing other advanced methods to raise the vibration, among other examples we will see how to claim our will and sovereignty, how to wake up daily with a positive attitude, how to make love in a sacred way, how to evaluate the vibration of our environment, how to connect our “cable to Earth” and other advantages of healing and cleaning our energy field .

Much peace and much light. Until next time.

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

(* The author is a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Awakening the Illuminated Heart with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information n )

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