God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Part Two

  • 2018

CONTINUED FROM : God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Part One

Channeled by Adele Arini, September 7, 2018.

Let us now do another amazing visualization exercise together (similar to what we did in my old message channeled The Art of Letting Channeled by Adele).

Breathe deeply several times to calm and placate your mind. When you are ready, visualize that I am now standing in front of you offering you this incredible golden key that shines with the pink light of love. Then, happily accept this key and hold it in your hand. Imagine this key now merging into your hand, then integrating completely with the physical body, into your whole being .

The last step is to breathe deeply and sit quietly for one or two minutes. Use all your senses to feel the powerful side effects that come from this energy fusion.

The purest and highest Divine vibrations of LOVE and JOY have just activated within you, and you are finally ready to "wield" your Higher Dimensional powers.

And just as Harry Potter was able to access his Magic, Internal Powers (channeled through his wand) to manifest everything he wanted in his reality, you can do the same!

Why do you think magic is such a popular genre in your books and movies through the ages? Subconsciously the majority of humanity realizes that Magic truly exists and that you don't have to look far; All you need to do is look within yourself and find the keys to access this Magic, Divine aspect of your Being.

You are all much more powerful than you seem to be!

Like your favorite magician, you are now ready to access your inner magical / divine powers, which will be channeled through your physical body - the vessel that contains your Spirit. Isn't it exciting, my children? The Earth will once again be the wonderful playground for which it has always been created; Used to exercise its natural and Divine powers of Creation and Manifestation!

The set of 2 keys that you need to access this part of the Self have been completely revealed here and given to you my beloved children. There really are no limits to what they can create and manifest in their physical reality . And the sooner you believe in this ultimate Truth, the sooner you can also be a modern Ascended Master who walks, speaks and breathes like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses and many other famous men and women who have successfully ascended during their physical incarnations in the Planet Earth.

The more often they take time to practice and 'play' with the powers of their Soul, the more easily they are able to create and manifest even more loving and joyful circumstances in their moment of NOW!

Take the analogy of a young man who is currently a beginner-level driver. This young man has just received his new driving license and does not have much experience driving alone on the road. Usually, his driving instructor or his parents were always by his side while he was still learning to drive. Now that you have successfully passed the driving test, you need to be comfortable and confident. And the only way to achieve this goal is for him to be on the road, as much as possible!

The practice really makes perfect . Understanding technical knowledge, understanding best practices and memorizing road regulations cannot do much. What this young man needs next is experiential knowledge, so that he grows confident with his driving skills. You have to realize that there is a big gap between practical / experiential knowledge and theoretical knowledge for everything in which you are new to doing.

And like this young driver, now that you know, understand and (hopefully) believe that you have received the 2 keys and fully integrated with your Higher Self in every way; The next step is quite simple!

You need to start 'flexing your muscles of the Higher Dimensions' and start creating and manifesting.

Do not hesitate to ask us for help as we are eager to help you begin the next part of your trip, where magic is real and miracles abound.


God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Part Three

God the Father: Accessing the Fifth Dimension Self - Fourth Part

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, translator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Adele Arini (2018) ACCESSING YOUR FIFTH DIMENSIONAL SELF ~ Father God via Adele Arini, 7 September 2018. www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au/blog-1/accessing-your-fifth-dimensional-self-~-father-god -via-adele-arini-Sep 7, 2018

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