Within you inhabits a world ...

  • 2015

We often have the feeling that we will die if we remain in that emptiness, and in a sense it is true. A personality sector will die if we don't keep trying to fill it. But there is something deeper ... This emptiness is very spacious and not at all deficient. It is the beginning of the opening to our authentic being, to the empty space in which everything arises, to the foundations of our fundamental nature ” Sandra Maitri

Within you lives a World, below the illusions that you have created and what you call your house.

It is not a world of forms. There are no bodies that represent roles. There are no babies, there are no mothers or children, there are no teachers or students, there are no Nibanker politicians, no trapeze artists or artists. In that world you are not what you do, nor what you have. You simply are, without adjectives or additives. Pure innocence.

Within you lives a World, and you are that World. You are EVERYTHING, without limitation. Words, sounds and images have no place.

So what's up?

Nothing, the void.

That is scary. We are used to filling gaps, with words, with sounds or images. We entertain ourselves so as not to have to face that emptiness, so we do things, or accumulate things. We try to fill it, from the outside.

We put a lid on it and lock it in the deepest part of us. We hide, deny or paint a thousand colors to make it a little less fierce.

And sometimes the distractions of our world of forms make us forget that vessel that we keep closed.

But suddenly something agitates her. The lid moves with the risk of uncovering the "monster" we have been running from for so long. We find it hard to keep the lid in place, something buzzes inside precipitating an outcome that we would not want to happen.

We fight against it, we stir, we don't want to face that “monster” that we haven't yet unmasked.

Deep down there is fear, fear of the unknown, of silence, of its stillness. What do you want from us?

Like frightened children we do not dare to look under our bed, under the surface we have created and consider our life.

Better leave it there and keep dreaming that one day it will disappear. Let something external end his hunger and satisfy him. Then we can rest in peace, calm and happy at last.

But that moment is delayed and everything we have tried has not taken effect, not permanently. In the end the lid always moves again, other times it simply jumps through the air.

Have you ever tried to keep a large beach ball underwater for a while? It costs and when you least expect it it jumps in your face. Here I am! He says. And start over ...

Even when?

- The void is filled from within and not from outside, I listen. Will it be true?

Many times I have tried to fill it from the outside and it seems that it does not work. But perhaps the next book, the next relationship, the next contract, work or course make it satiated.

I don't believe it anymore! There is something that tells me that I have already walked that path and its motto is "Search and do not find." It is a dead road.

I'm tired of believing that I know where I'm going or what I need!

Anyone there? HELP!

If you have to fill it from the inside, where do I start?

- We'll have to look at it, says the Voice.

Wow! What a sloth! I think.

- But do not worry because I will be your guide, I will shake your hand and together we will move towards the void, I listen.

Who you are?

- I am your.

… .. (I'll be going crazy! At this point hearing voices in my head?)

I may be going crazy but I want to trust. The time has come to look at the void. I know. I can't explain why I know, but I know.

- It will not be easy, says the Voice but I will be there with you. Together we will look at what you avoid so much!

And I can't use reasons to believe him, but I believe him. Or maybe I just want to believe him ...

The abyss opens in front of me, it is huge and it scares me.

Now I sense what Indiana Jones should have felt in "the Last Crusade." Maybe like him he just needs a JUMP OF FAITH! I trust…

Now I have gone crazy! Indiana Jones does not exist, Iciar. He is a movie character. It's not real! And you go and take it as a model. Crazy auction, what I told you!

- The you who are writing this is not, real I say, I hear whispering.

This is getting more and more interesting. Ok smart, if I'm not real, who am I?

In the vacuum is the answer, he says smiling.

I already knew that there was no escape.

If you want to know who you really are, you will have to walk towards that void since only he has the answer. What you've been looking for so much has always been there. What you fear so much in the background hides what you have always wanted and sought out. T you decide! You can continue to delay that moment or you can start now.

I feel fear!

I know, it transmits me without a voice. You are afraid You are afraid of who you really are. You got used to your character, dear Indiana. But the time has come, you don't need anything else. There is nothing you have ever needed, but now you are ready to understand it. But the understanding will not make the void fill, only the experience will fill it. It's time! Give me your hand!

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and trust ... It's time!


SEEN AT: https://iciarpiera.wordpress.com/2015/07/07/dentro-de-ti-habita-un-mundo/

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