Connect with the Angels, do you know how to generate communication with these amazing Beings?

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Talk to the Angels, do you know how to generate communication with them? 1.1 Basic steps to talk with angels 2 What happens if I don't feel a connection? 2.1 The most common blockages to obtain angelic connection 2.1.1 Diet: 2.1.2 Drama: 2.1.3 Disorganization: 2.1.4 Negative people: 2.1.5 Little spiritual work: 2.1.6 Unrealistic expectations: 3 Connect with Mediation your Guardian Angel 4 How to listen to your angels 4.1 Common ways in which you hear the voice of heaven 5 How to see an angel 6 Angels phrases

Have you ever wondered how to generate communication and talk with angels? The angels are here and now, I invite you to know the best ways for you to communicate with your heavenly guardians, it's amazing!

Talk to the Angels, do you know how to generate communication with them?

(When you want the help of your guardian friends, you simply need to ask and try to talk with the angels)

We all have angels with us.

From the moment we were born, we have at least two guardian angels with us and they will be by your side until you reach the end of your physical life.

Nothing you do, say, feel or think can make your angels move away from your side.

The angels are messengers and helpers of God and see you through the eyes of unconditional love. Your guide is always kind and affectionate.

When you want the help of your guardian friends, you simply need to ask and try to talk with the angels .

Due to the Law of Free Will, the angels can only help you when you ask for their help or if your life presents some danger.

They listen and attend to your requests, whether I call them out loud or communicate with your thoughts and feelings.

They know the desires of your soul, of your true Self, and always offer a loving guide to point out the direction of your dreams.

It is very simple to start work, receive guidance and talk with the angels . They celebrate every moment that we make a conscious effort to connect with them.

Your angels want you to call them for any situation, large or small, and appreciate the opportunity to prove their existence over and over again.

Simply begin to establish a relationship with your angels (or any of your spiritual helpers) and watch how miracles develop.

Your angels are always ready to help. Your angels are ready 24/7 to help you, you just need to know how to connect with them.

You can ask your angels to help you anytime, anywhere; Make friends with your angels and you will have a unique source of encouragement and guidance.

You may also be interested: How can I talk to the Angels? Learn to dialogue with the Angels

Basic steps to talk with angels

I want to share with you some very simple but effective steps when you want to engage in dialogue with your angels .

It is important that you keep in mind that I am not giving you a magic formula or with immediate results.

My only ideal is that you get closer to your Heavenly Guides every day, they will know what the right moment is!

1. Take a few minutes each day to communicate with your angels, talk to them out loud or in your head and express your gratitude.

2. When you need the help of your angels, all you need to do is ask.

3. Ask your question, calm your mind and wait for the answer.

4. Close your eyes and imagine a golden light that fills you with unconditional love.

5. Your answer will come in some way, maybe a whisper or a thought, or maybe a sign of nature, like a bird or a butterfly.

As a person, you may be attracted to read a particular book, or watch a particular movie.

Maybe even a song on the radio gives you the inspiration you need. Just pay attention for the next few days, and your answer will surely come.

6. Don't forget to thank your angels for their help.

Look at these complementary basic steps to start connecting, receiving guidance and speaking with angels :

Take at least 3 deep breaths: enter through your nose and mouth, and each time sit deeper and deeper in your breath.

Imagine filling yourself with white light, then let the light surround you. Say a prayer (to whom you feel comfortable praying) asking you to guide you, and to help you in the connection between you and your angels .

Observe any feeling or sensation you have, as well as any image, sound or thought that comes your way.

Ask a question with which you need help or guidance. Thanks to your angels you will receive the result you need.

Trust that you will receive the guidance or assistance you need, although it may come in unexpected ways.

Start noticing the signs and messages your angels send to guide you. Ways that his angels can communicate with you: Dreams, signs in nature, such as birds or butterflies, feathers, numerical sequences, thoughts, ideas and inspirations, books, songs.

I, for example, already identified that when I am receiving guidance from the Angelic Kingdom, affectionate, repetitive and consistent messages begin to arrive.

Do you believe in miracles? Angels believe in miracles. I say that angels are miracles!

What happens if I don't feel a connection?

(Whether the chaos in your life is yours or originates because of others, this can distract and agitate you, which increases the difficulty of talking with angels and generating connection)

Angels vibrate at a very high level and it may take a while to tune in to this high vibration. Be patient!

The most common locks to get angelic connection

I want to share with you the most important blocks that can prevent you from communicating with your Angelic Guides .


Meat, caffeine, seafood, most junk food, pre-packaged foods that contain chemical additives, preservatives and chocolate, are low-vibration foods that can block the divine guidance and that you can talk to The angels

Product counter and alcohol can cloud clarity.


Whether the chaos in your life is yours or originates because of others, this can distract and agitate you, which increases the difficulty of talking with angels and generating connection.

Ask your angels to eliminate all negativity and fear, and fill you with the energies of peace and love.


Angels are attracted to clean, organized and quiet environments. Provide a cozy atmosphere to attract angels .

Negative people:

Make changes where you can try to avoid negative people in your life. If you can't because of your circumstances, it may take longer to connect, but keep trying, eventually you will be able to tune to the higher vibrations.

Little spiritual work:

If you have not done spiritual work, or find it difficult to relax and quiet your mind, I invite you to be patient and realistic with your expectations.

Try to increase your awareness of angels by increasing all your senses, and regularly meditating only a few minutes at a time.

Unrealistic Expectations:

If you expect a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended period of time, don't wait any longer! That will never happen to you.

Especially at the beginning, the contact can be brief, and it is more a feeling than something visual or audio.

If you are alone, you need human contact. Go out and join clubs or groups with interests like yours. Life is destined to be lived, go out there.

Connect with the Mediation of your Guardian Angel

(Listening to the voice of the Spirit is called clairaudience, or “listening clearly.” Very necessary for you to speak with the angels and establish a real and lasting connection.)

I will try to let you know this Meditation meditation of your Guardian Angel as pedagogically as possible, sometimes writing a mediation or a mediation guide becomes quite difficult, because one thing is to write and another thing to experience it.

Relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically.

Let your thoughts go when your mind is calm, pray to the divinity the way you want.

Pray for the removal of obstacles, for self-knowledge and for greater awareness.

Look at a ring of pure light around you, protecting you from all damage and filling you with pure white light that eliminates all stress and negativity. Sit down and breathe easy.

Aspirate this white light in your body and feel full of it until you are completely at peace.

Relax and meditate with us for a couple of minutes.

Let normal mental babble and millions of lost thoughts flow through your mind.

Do not seek to stop them, withdraw from them. Let them go like swirls in a river, just ignore them and stay as still as possible.

Let your mind go, but stay in the center of your being.

Relax ... Relax ... Relax ... Relax ... You can't hurt yourself or put yourself in danger in some way. You are surrounded by divine light.

Now say to yourself, in silence, and feel the words resonate from the center of your being to the cosmos: " Guardian Angel, come to me." Exhale slowly and say: "With love and will, so be it" Inhale. " Guardian Angel, come to me." Exhale. "With love and will, it can be that way."

Repeat this breathing exercise for as long as you want. Relax, relax. Then your angel will come to you.

When you finish the communication, talk to the angels, simply pray in any way that you feel comfortable with the divine, thank the divine and thank your angel.

When you are done, be surrounded by the divine light again and see it disperse or disappear on Mother Earth. Fade into the earth. Feel the earth. Feel a new Renaissance.

May you always walk in the path of your angel .

What was your experience? I hope it was extraordinary. If you wish, you can tell it in the comments section or in the forum, so we all grow with the experiences of the other brothers.

How to listen to your angels

Talking with angels is a real experience!

The difference between listening to a true divine voice, paying attention to the imagination or having a hallucination is quite clear.

Heaven can speak to us through a strong and disembodied voice outside our head; a calm inner voice inside our head; a conversation that we come to listen to; or listening to music in our minds or again and again on the radio.

Look at these realities that are related to a true angelic experience :

  • There is a feeling that someone else is talking to you, even if it sounds like your own voice.
  • It is clear that the message relates to your immediate concerns or questions.
  • The voice is to the point and blunt.
  • The sound is loving and positive, even if it warns you of a danger.
  • He asks you to take immediate action, including changing your thoughts or attitudes to be more loving.
  • You may hear a voice that calls your name when you wake up .
  • You could be aware of the vibrating of the notes of the beautiful celestial incorporeal music.
  • You may receive a message about self-improvement or how to help others.

On the contrary, look at these situations that have to do with the imagination or a false guide that involves hearing:

  • The sentences are usually individualistic.
  • It feels like you are talking to yourself.
  • The message is cryptic or unclear.
  • The voice is neat and vague.
  • It is mocking, alarming or cruel.
  • There are gossip and speculation about others.
  • You hear abusive words.
  • You experience loud and unpleasant noise or discordant noise.
  • There is a message to hurt you and hurt others.

Listening to the voice of the Spirit is called clairaudience, or "listening clearly . " Very necessary for you to speak with the angels and establish a real and lasting connection .

Common ways in which you hear the voice of heaven

It is very likely that you have been able to speak with angels and other Spiritual Beings throughout your life. Has any of the following situations happened to you?

  • When you wake up, you hear that your name is called by a disembodied voice.
  • Out of nowhere, you detect a variety of beautiful music that sounds and seems heavenly.
  • You listen to a song repeatedly, either in your head or on the radio.
  • There is a loud and sharp noise in one ear.
  • You hear a conversation in which a stranger says exactly what you need to hear.
  • It simply "happens" to turn on the television or radio at the precise moment when a relevant discussion is taking place.
  • You hear the voice of a deceased loved one in your mind, in a dream or out of your head.
  • You receive the call for help from a loved one who lives, and it turns out that he or she needed help at that time.
  • A telephone or a bell rings: there is no one there, you feel that your deceased loved one is trying to get your attention.
  • A voice without a body gives you a warning or a message about your life.
  • You are looking for a lost item or object, you pray for help and then you hear a voice that tells you where to place it.

If you have had one of these experiences, it is possible that you have been searched, talking with angels is a real experience!

How to see an angel

Seeing is believing! Seeing your angels with your own eyes is possible. In fact, you've probably seen them already.

Have you ever seen anything from the "corner of the eye" that disappears when you look directly at it? You were not only seeing things ... you were seeing angels!

Angels are more visible when viewed through our peripheral vision. It is in this area where the correct or intuitive brain is being activated.

The right brain perceives images without judgment. Therefore, anything observed by the "corner of the eye" will look as it is.

The left side, however, would like to make sense of the image and will turn its head to look deeper. When looking directly at the object, it disappears ... or not?

An angel is more likely to be seen with an intuitive eye or with a more correct perception of the right brain.

You should be able to observe an angel for exactly what it is without reason. So how do we strengthen our right brain muscle so that our visions do not fade with the logic of the left brain? There is homework for everyone.

Angels phrases

Talk to the angels is totally possible!
  • A meeting of angels can enlighten the entire world .
  • A call to an angel's house can heal a broken heart .
  • A angel can fly directly to the heart of each situation.
  • A angel can enlighten the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision n Saint Thomas Aquinas.
  • A ngel is a celestial host .
  • An angel is someone who lifts your spirit! A true and faithful friend.
  • A ngel is someone you feel you have known forever, even though you just met him
  • A angel is someone with whom you are always happy to meet you
  • The art of an angel is your heart n .
  • The love of an angel is inbred .
  • The angels always guide you on the right path .
  • The Angels always try to paint a pink painting .
  • angels and ministers of grace defend us . William Shakespeare
  • The angel is always memorable because he never forgets what really matters.
  • The Angels are bright lights in the midst of our lives .
  • The angels are never too far away to listen to you.
  • The angels are talking to all of us, some of us are simply listening better.
  • Angels are spirits, but it is not that because they are spirits they are angels . They become angels when they are sent. Because the name angel refers to his trade, not his nature.
  • " Angels are the guardians of the soul."
  • " Angels are very sensible."
  • " Angels believe in miracles."
  • "I say that angels are miracles."
  • Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly” - GK Chesterton
  • " Angels can fly even if they are well connected to the earth."
  • " Angels can't read music, they praise it."
  • " Angels come in all shapes, sizes and colors."
  • " Angels don't make much noise when they flap their wings."
  • " Angels do not run away from life, they fly towards it."
  • " Angels dream beautiful visions of the world."
  • " Angels encourage everyone in the right direction ... above."
  • "The angels have a hidden agenda ... Love."
  • Angels have more meaning than characters from stories from the distant past. In fact, they are members of a cast that make appearances in our lives every day. ”
  • " Angels hide nothing and see everything."
  • " Angels know how to light the way."
  • " Angels know how to pull the right ropes."
  • " Angels cannot come when you call them, but they will always be there when you need them."
  • " Angels occupy the most beautiful corners of our thoughts."
  • " Angels often work behind the scenes."
  • " Angels paint with sound and sing with color."
  • " Angels promote closeness and foster tenderness."
  • " Angels are aware of things."
  • "The angels walk smoothly and have a great presence."
  • “Do not forget about hospitality, because for it some, unknowingly, hosted angels ” - Hebrews 13: 2
  • “Last night, an angel of God to whom I belong and whom I serve supported me” - Acts 27:23
  • "I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart, in the presence of the angels, I will sing Your praise." - Psalm 138: 1
  • "If we were all like angels, the world would be a heavenly place."
  • “If you are looking for an angel with an open heart, you will always find it”
  • “Become familiar with angels and look at them often in spirit; because without being seen, they are present with you. ” - San Francisco de Sales
  • "My heroes come with wings, not layers."
  • "Behold, I will send an angel in front of you, to keep you on the road and bring you to the place that I have prepared." - Exodus 23:20
  • Sometimes your best friend is actually a guardian angel in disguise.
  • " Angels stand between us and God, but they are translucent, even transparent, and invite us to penetrate their luminosity." - Peter Wilson
  • "The sound of an angel's voice can unlock your hidden feelings."
  • "The heat of an angel's light can comfort and illuminate the entire world."
  • “We have never had to look far to find our angels . Angels have never really been out of reach. We can always discover angels from the inside out, because it is the angel within us who can point the way to all other angels . ”
  • "While we sleep, the angels talk with our souls."

Finally, I want to invite you to listen and watch this video, there I have a quite amazing experience that happened to me with the angels several days ago, talking with the angels is totally possible!

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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