David Topí- Working and lighting in the shade

  • 2014

I present to you in my shadow. It looks like this one from here above, at least it is the closest thing there is to the network to describe it: ). Appeared by my meditations some time ago, when I began to work on the issue of personality facets, the sub-characters that make us up, the characters of the ego, etc., which later gave rise to the video of the talk that I called Who is here inside, and that comes to explain a little my experiences with the different personality components we have.

At the beginning, this meeting in a meditation with a Darth Maul gave a bit of yuyu, I was about to take my Jedi sword and get involved with him in full meditation Transcendental, but no, he spoke to me and told me very clearly: I am your shadow, and I have things to teach you. After checking that I had no bug stuck in the aura manipulating my mental body or that there was nothing unusual about the room swarming (just in case; )), then I I went to work with her, to see what we could do together.

Carl Jung said that one does not enlighten by imagining figures of light, but by becoming aware of his darkness, a procedure, he said, laborious and, therefore, unpopular. And it is not for less, taking care of your shadow consciously and collaborating with it can be an experience of personal growth.

What is the shadow and where is it?

The "shadow" is a character, a component of your personality, an alter-ego, that conforms and brings together the most neglected, repressed and negative part of ourselves. Nobody wants to see it and none of us want to admit in public that we have it, but there is no human being who does not own one.

It begins to form from an early age, from children, when we learn to repress behaviors that are not socially accepted, that our parents or our environment do not like, or that we see that, if we let them go freely to the outside world they bring us More problems than anything else. They are the emotions we call negative, and the behavior patterns that we must cover ourselves to be accepted in the world, because we have traits and characteristics that have the label of "bad" and that do not fit with the image that everyone expects of us. .

Somehow, we are not to blame, because we cannot avoid them, since they come from a psychic, mental and energetic configuration that was imposed upon us when we were created, and that many of us call the predatory mind. The baroque and dark characteristics of the predatory mind, in the image and likeness of the mold we are made of, have a distorted perception of Creation in that it perceives it as hostile, while the perception of Creation from the point of view of the BE, who embodies in the body we use, perceives creation as bright, radiant and full of love.

The duality manifested

The shadow is created by the duality of the components that form us: while the spirit is pure light, the mind has a component that perceives that light so distorted that it is even afraid of it, for this is how they unconsciously perceive the "Everything" those who created us, and so there is a part of us that perceives it the same, because it cannot do it any other way.

When we are born, and we are forging our personality, the most “negative” but natural part also appears in the human being, due to the existence of a rampant and patent duality in the spirit-soul-mind system, and we decide that we should banish everything that which does not fit in the ideal world that we all dream of, or that can endanger the basic concept of survival, something that children, especially, have very latent from the first sob, because they depend on their parents and their social environment for all.

Thus, we learn what we must show the world, because it provides us with what we need to survive (physically, mentally, mentally and emotionally), and what we must keep. We learn that we must hide, bury and leave well covered, and that facets should shine and come to the surface, although they are not the ones that, naturally, we would like to leave at different times and situations, but simply to be masks and the public facade of our personality, because it is the "right thing".

By repressing what we feel, we say and really think (because we believe that if not on this planet nobody would love us), we are forging an alter-ego, the shadow, which remains latent, and that acts when we do not realize, bringing out part of itself, in situations and moments in which we are clueless and / or unconscious enough not to give the "answer" and put the "beautiful and acceptable face" we have, but to explode the answer that truly the shadow would like to give in that moment, in that situation.

We build it for years, then try to disassemble it

When we reach adults, the shadow has grown so much and is usually so hidden that we can tiptoe through life almost without seeing it, although others may have glimpses of it in us when they start to know us well (trust disgusts, says the saying, because with confidence you relax before others, and then you do not worry so much about maintaining control of your personality and who you are, and, the shadow, and the rest of the less pleasant facets of yourself usually go out to the light more easily).

A normal adult spends the first 20 years of his life trying to see what personality he must build for the world, and throwing the rest into his alter-ego's sack, and then, if one notices, we try to spend the rest of our life dismantling and transmuting everything we have built to become "healthy" people and consistent with ourselves.

Obviously in the shade you don't kill it with a sword, it doesn't fill it with light in a meditation and goodbye very good, but it works component to component, emotion to emotion, pattern to pattern, and it dissolves as you You make friends with your dark side, because you understand the situations, emotions and thoughts that form it, and you accept them, integrate, liberate and transmute.

Now, my particular Darth Maul is much less ugly than it was when I started to meet him, in fact, it doesn't give me that much yuyu anymore when I start talking to him, and the funny thing is that he no longer appears as he faced me, it's say, in one position in front of another, but it appears next to me, as working with me. That has been my great achievement of recent times, because now my shadow understands, I hope, that I no longer want to cover it, and how in meditation it accepts to be transmuted and released, in exchange for being understood.

I encourage you to work with her, because really the shadow is a mental and emotional ballast that keeps us much more attached to this “level 3” of the game, and that can be a great teacher when instead of ignoring it, we try to illuminate it.



David Topí- Working and lighting in the shade

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