Wrong Beliefs about Money

  • 2013

* Money runs out:

This is a fear caused by the hunger and misery that our parents and / or grandparents lived during the civil war. It is a paranoia that says: `` Money is going to run out and I will run out of nothing. ''

Create the need to be stingy. Produces fear of giving and spending. You cannot enjoy making oneself gifts. Every time the bills are paid, attacks of anguish are suffered. It is believed that one hurts people when they pay money. You live with the thought that it is not fair to receive all the money you deserve.

Positive affirmations : I know there is money for everyone. I believe that money circulates and will always circulate among all. To me all the money I give makes me multiplied.

* Money is not spiritual:

It comes from a misinterpretation of some comments of Jesus about the rich. It is thought that the rich will be condemned. Money is loved because it is needed, but one hates oneself for it. Tabacadas are committed to punish themselves. Unconscious resistances appear to succeed in business and, as a consequence, business does not yield all that was expected of them. You may even feel ashamed for earning a lot of money.

Positive affirmations: For me money is an expression of love among all. For me money is a manifestation of the holy creativity of man. For me, money is energy at the service of women and men.

* Money corrupts:

It is based on the belief that owning money dehumanizes and that it is unfair to be rich while there is so much poverty in the world. You feel underground guilt. You can fall into a permanent state of sadness and depression. It attracts theft and causes poor results in financial investments. They are rich who live as if they were poor.

Positive affirmations: Money is innocent. The richer I am, the more human and generous I feel, and the more human and generous I am, the richer I feel.

* Money costs to earn:

It is based on the biblical phrase: "you will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow." And in a more popular one that says: "God squeezes but does not drown." Create the habit of fighting and sacrificing a lot to earn all the money you need. You live with the anguish of not having enough. Too often bank accounts are in red numbers. You cannot reach the end of the month with a surplus. Impossibility to save.

Positive affirmations: I am rich because I work on what I like. I earn a lot of money from unexpected sources. The more I trust and relax, the more prosperous I am. I forgive myself for thinking that God does not love me.

* Money buys everything:

It represents the syndrome of the spoiled child. Money is conceived as a weapon of power. Produces Greed. You try to buy with money the love and recognition of others. The spiritual value of Life and of People is not perceived. Create the need to earn more and more money to continue spending and wasting it. Stress becomes inevitable and the spiritual emptiness is huge.

Positive affirmations: Now I humbly invoke the laws of perfect creation that always grant me everything that is good for me. The more love I give the more love I receive and the more love I receive the more love I have to give. My true Power resides in my creative spirit. For me, giving and receiving is the most exciting game of Life.

* Money is security:

It is caused by a deep feeling of abandonment experienced during childhood. It causes an excess of control over the amount of money held. Obsession to save. You can lose good friendships by loving money more than friends. Money is lived as a protective agent and that eliminates the fear of the future.

Positive affirmations: I love myself and I am safe and secure. For me, survival is always guaranteed, no matter what. I rely on my imagination and will for my safety and sustenance. I forgive my parents for forsaking me.

* Without the money I am nobody:

It is one of the subliminal messages of consumer advertising. There is a conviction that money only belongs to the rich and important people. There is a risk of becoming addicted to spending and spending money. You spend more than you enter and finally you enter a vicious circle of having to borrow in order to continue with the same standard of living.

Positive affirmations: For me, money belongs to everyone. I am important for being who I am. With money and without money, everyone loves me very much. I am a divine and wonderful being.

We will explain below how to perform the transformation of Consciousness through the techniques of the claims of "Rebirthing":

Find out which of these seven wrong thoughts about money are in your mind.

Choose the positive affirmation that you like the most or the one you reject the most. Anyone can serve you to exercise the Mastery of Mental Change.

It is about developing the Prosperity Awareness and nullifying the Shortage Awareness.

Write the same statement 21 consecutive times for a continuous period and without interruptions for seven days. And observe the results. If you want a greater effect, practice the same statement for 21 days in a row.

All your statements must be written in the present tense, personalized (writing the name with which they called you as a child) and radically affirmative.

To get the most out of this work, you should understand that you are deprogramming and reprogramming your mind. Therefore, you must write with each of the statements any thoughts, events, feelings or feelings that contradict the positive statement you are working on. In this way, while repeating your statement you establish a new mental vibration, and by writing the negative responses you deactivate the negative and outdated thoughts. It must be very clear to you that by introducing into your consciousness a thought that you did not have, you are creating an internal contradiction, so you must, at the same time, eliminate that contradiction by also writing it, but without repeating it.

The power of the mind is based on attention, repetition and concentration. That is why the same positive thinking must be written many and many times until it is rooted in Consciousness. Remember, have faith and patience. There is no doubt that thought is creative and that everything that happens in your life has been thought and thought, whether consciously or unconsciously.

SOURCE: http://lamatrixholografica.wordpress.com/

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