Creating .. Conscious changes by Swami Vivekananda

  • 2013


from PreventDisease Website

translation of Adela Kaufmann

Stand up, be brave, be strong. Take full responsibility on your own shoulders and you should know that you are the creator of your own destiny.

Swami Vivekananda

The tide of globalization and rapid changes are producing a new class of people who are safe, creative, technology experts and fiercely on the rise.

Even so, it is worth examining how many people believe very deeply in their hearts that they are, in fact, the creators of their own destiny, and how many even aspire to that kind of independence.

The experience of most people is a mixture of contradictory impulses. The pull of a mixture of traditions in cultures that have continuity, dating back thousands of years is not a small force and this naturally exerts a considerable influence on the thinking of many young people.

Much of this remains unconscious, despite the fact that many of us imagine that we are making life decisions by our own will and not only according to long established patterns.

In reality, how free an individual's options are correlated in how conscious or awake the individual is and the depth of the spiritual context within which the individual is living his life.

It is only through the development of consciousness and self-knowledge that we can begin to freely determine our own destiny. This deliberately makes relevance if we take into account our emotional, psychological and spiritual disposition to live in a world where the conditions of defining life are those of acceleration of change.

Are we prepared to respond to new challenges and cooperate with others when our survival and evolution depend on it?

Without self-knowledge and sensitivity to the times in which we are living, we could find ourselves unable to ride on the crest of the wave that is taking us into the future, or take advantage of the opportunity that is now being presented so that we can take agents from awareness of creating the kind of future we really want.

The European Renaissance (XV-XVI centuries), was a seminal moment in the history of human development. It was followed by scientific and industrial revolutions and the rise of modernity. Some critics say that this appearance is not necessarily a step to further development.

After all, there is much to criticize in the modernity and exaltation of the individual with whom it is accompanied. But what these critics often forget is that individuation is in fact a further development of human interiority - the separation of the tribe creates an interior space in the individual in which self-awareness can grow.

It is only in such an inner way that the human being can really become a free, creative actor in the world and work his own life in a way that adds value to the whole.

While individuation may be accompanied by a loss of community values, paradoxically, it is only the truly individualized human who can freely meet and cooperate with other people to create a new culture that can address the conditions of contemporary life.

It is this step of individuation that the most modern Indians are still struggling with. This is understandable when people live in two worlds. In order to navigate the confusion that this could create, we have to adopt an evolutionary perspective, which can both explain why we are as we are, and also help illuminate our next step.

To move forward, we must first be clear about who we are, by exploring our cultural environment and its history. It is only our own passionate and independent interest that can provide the spiritual fuel to penetrate through all the unexamined ideas to which we cling.

The world desperately needs conscious, free people who can work together. Those of us who have the privilege of education - which means that all who read this article - take, "All responsibility on our own shoulders."

If it's not us, who will?

Creating .. Conscious changes by Swami Vivekananda


CREATING… CONSCIOUS CHANGES-Stand up, be brave, be strong. Take full responsibility on your own shoulders and you should know that you are the creator of your own destiny.

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