Conversations with God: How can I solve the health problems I have?

  • 2015


How can I solve the health problems I have? I have suffered enough chronic problems in the last three lives. Why do I still have them now, in this life?

First, let's make one thing clear: you love those problems: or, in any case, most of them. You have used them admirably to pity yourself and attract the attention of others to yourself.

On the few occasions when it has not been so, it has been only because they have gone too far. Further than you thought they would go when you created them.

You must understand something you probably already know: every disease is self creation. Even the most conventional doctors are beginning to see that people create their own diseases.

Most people do it in a totally unconscious way (they don't even know they do it). Thus, when they fall ill, they do not know what happens to them. It seems as if something happened to them, instead of having done something to themselves.

This happens because most people go through life unconsciously, and not only in terms of health and its consequences.

They smoke, and then they are surprised because they have cancer.

They eat animals and fat, and then they are surprised because they have clogged arteries.

They spend their lives getting angry, and then they are surprised because they have heart attacks.

They compete with others - ruthlessly, and under incredible stress -, and then they are surprised because they have strokes.

The truth behind this is that most people are worried about his death.

Concern is precisely the worst form of mental activity after hatred, and it is deeply self-destructive. The worry makes no sense. It is wasting mental energy. In addition, it creates biochemical reactions that damage the body, producing endless problems ranging from simple indigestion to a cardiac arrest.

Health will improve almost at the same time when the concern ceases.

Concern is the activity of a mind that does not understand its connection with me.

Hate is the disease that is most seriously detrimental to the mind. It poisons the body, and its effects are practically irreversible.

Fear is the opposite of everything you are, and, consequently, exerts an effect of opposition on your physical and mental health. Fear is the concern taken to the extreme.

Concern, hatred and fear along with its offspring: anxiety, bitterness, impatience, greed, cruelty, severity and condemnation - all of it attacks the cellular level of the body. Under these conditions, it is impossible to have a healthy body.

Similarly, although to a somewhat lesser degree - the presumption, lack of restraint and gluttony cause physical discomfort, or lack of well-being.

Every disease has been created before in the mind.

How can it be? And what about the diseases contracted by contagion, such as colds or AIDS?

Nothing happens in your life nothing without first having been a thought. Thoughts are like magnets, which attract their effects on one. Thought may not always be obvious and, consequently clearly coincidental -, such as: I will get a terrible disease . It may be (and usually is) much more subtle than that: I don't deserve to live; My life is a mess ; I am a loser ; God will punish me ; I am up to the crown of my life .

These thoughts constitute a very subtle, but extremely powerful form of energy. Words are less subtle, more dense. Actions constitute the densest form of the three. The action is energy in a strong physical form, with a powerful movement. When you think, talk and act according to a negative concept such as I am a loser, you put a huge amount of energy into motion. No wonder you catch a cold; That would be the least of it.

It is very difficult to reverse the effects of negative thinking once they have acquired physical form. It is not impossible, but it is very difficult. An act of exceptional faith is required. Extraordinary confidence in the positive force of the universe is required, call yourself God, Goddess, Immovable Motor, First Force, First Cause, or whatever.

Healers possess precisely this faith. It is a faith that penetrates Absolute Knowledge. They know that you are prepared to be complete and perfect right now. That knowledge is also a thought, and very powerful. It has the power to move mountains, not to mention the molecules in your body. This is how healers can heal, even at a distance.

Thought knows no distances. Travel around the world and cross the universe in less time than it takes to pronounce the word.

“Send it by word, and my servant be well.” And so it was, at that very moment, even before the sentence was over. Such was the faith of the centurion.

But all of you are mental lepers. Your mind is corroded by negative thoughts. Some of them have put them to you. Many of them really invent them - conjure them - yourself, and then give them shelter and shelter for hours, days, weeks, months, and even years.

... and you are surprised why you fall ill.

You can "solve some of your health problems, " as you say, if you solve the problems of your thinking. Indeed, you can cure some of the diseases that you have already contracted (that you have given yourself), in addition to preventing new and important problems in the development phase. And all this you can do by changing your thinking.

And also - and I hate to say this, for it seems too mundane to come from God -, for the love of God! Take more care of yourself.

You take very bad care of your body, paying very little attention until you suspect that something is wrong. You do nothing precisely in the sense of preventive maintenance. You take more care of your car than your body, and I don't exaggerate.

Not only do you not anticipate possible problems by performing annual medical check-ups, and using the therapies and medicines available to you (why do you go to the doctor, ask for help, and then do not take the medicines prescribed for you? Can you answer that?) ; You also mistreat your body terribly among these visits with respect to which you do nothing.

Do not exercise it, so it becomes weak and, worse, weak due to lack of use.

You don't feed it properly, which further weakens you.

Then you fill it with toxins and poisons, and with the most absurd substances that you pose as food. And still, that wonderful engine works; Still, keep going, facing this attack.

It is awful! The conditions under which you ask your body to survive are horrible. But little or nothing you will do about it. You will read this, move your head affirmatively, showing regret, and continue with the abuse. And do you know why?

I'm afraid to ask you.

Because you have no will to live.

It seems to me a very hard accusation.

It is not intended to be tough, nor is it intended to be an accusation. "Hard" is a relative term, a judgment that you have applied to some words. "Accusation" connotes guilt, and "guilt" connotes crime. There is no crime here; Therefore, there is no fault or accusation.

I have made a simple statement of a truth. Like all true statements, it has the quality of waking you up. But some people don't like to be awakened. The mayority. They prefer to remain asleep.

The world is in the state it is in because it is full of sleepwalking.

Regarding my statement, what do you think is false? You have no will to live. At least, you haven't had it until now.

If you tell me that you have experienced an “instant conversion, ” I will review my prediction of what you are going to do. I recognize that such prediction is based on past experience.

... at the same time, I wanted to wake you up. Sometimes, when a person is asleep, you have to shake it a little.

I have seen that in your past you have had very little will to live. Now you can deny it, but in this case your actions speak louder than your words.

If you have lit a single cigarette in your life - much more if you have smoked a daily package for twenty years, as you have done -, it is that you have very little will to live. You don't care what you do to your body.

But I quit smoking about ten years ago!

After twenty hard physical punishment ...

And if once you have introduced alcohol into your body, you have very little will to live.

I drink very sparingly.

The body is not made to drink alcohol; It hurts the mind.

But Jesus drank alcohol! He went to the wedding and turned the water into wine!

Who has said that Jesus was perfect?

For the love of God!

Tell me, am I starting to annoy you?

Nothing is further from me than God is beginning to annoy me! That would be a bit presumptuous, right? But I think we should not go out of line with all this. My father taught me the rule that "everything in moderation." I think I've followed her as far as alcohol is concerned.

The body can recover more easily from moderate abuse. Therefore, the saying is useful. However, I keep my statement: the body is not made to drink alcohol.

However, even some medicines contain alcohol!

I have no control over what you call medicines. I keep my statement.

You are inflexible, you know?

Look, the truth is the truth. Now, if someone says: "A little alcohol is not going to harm you, " and places this statement in the context of a life as you live it right now, I would have to agree with it. But that does not change the truth of what I have said. It simply allows you to ignore it.

However, consider this. You humans deplete your bodies, normally, between fifty and eighty. Some last longer, but not much. Others stop working before, but they are not a majority either. Do we agree on this?

If, according.

Well, we have a good starting point. Now, when I said that I could agree with the statement: "A little alcohol is not going to harm you, " I added, adding: "in the context of a life as you live it right now." Notice: people seem satisfied with life as they live it. But life - and it might surprise you to know - was made to be lived in a totally different way. And your body was conceived to last much longer.



How much longer?

Infinitely more.

What does that mean?

It means, My child, that your body was conceived to last forever.


Yes Read it well: Forever, always never.

Do you mean that we were not supposed to be (or not going to) ever die?

You never died. Life is eternal You are immortal. You never died. You just change shape. You have never had to do it. You decided to do it, not me. I made your bodies to last forever. Do you really believe that the best God could do, the best I could propose, was a body that would last sixty, seventy or maybe eighty years, before falling apart? Do you think that this is the limit of my ability?

Never thought about putting it that way

I conceived your magnificent body to last forever! And the first among you lived in the body practically without experiencing pain, and without fearing what you now call death.

In your religious mythology, you symbolize your cellular memory of that first version of human beings by calling them Ad n and Eva. Actually, obviously, it was more than two.

At the beginning, the idea was that your wonderful souls had the opportunity to know themselves as Who They Really Are through the experiences gained in the physical body, in the relative world, as I have already explained repeatedly here.

This was done by reducing the indescribable speed of all vibration (in the form of thought) to produce matter, including that matter that you call the physical body.

Life evolved through a series of stages, in the blink of an eye that amounts to millions of years for you. And in that sacred moment you came, arising from the sea, the water of life, to the earth and in the form that you now have.

So what evolutionists say is correct!

I find it fun in reality, a source of continuous fun that you humans have that need to break everything down right and wrong. It never occurs to you that you have invented these labels to help you define the material, and your I.

It never occurs to you (except those among you endowed with the sharpest minds) that something can be both right and wrong; that only in the world of relative things are either one or the other. In the world of the absolute, of time without time, all things are everything.

There is neither male nor female, there is neither before nor after, there is neither fast nor slow, neither here nor there, neither above nor below, neither left nor right; Neither right nor wrong.

Your astronauts and cosmonauts won in this regard. They saw themselves propelled upwards to go out into outer space, only to find that, once there, they had to look up to see Earth. Or not? Maybe they were looking down. But then, where was the sun? above? Down? Do not! There, on the left. Thus, suddenly, one thing was no longer up or down; It was aside… and, therefore, all definitions disappeared.

This is My world, our world, our true kingdom. All definitions disappear, making it difficult to even speak of that kingdom in defining terms.

Religion constitutes your attempt to speak of the ineffable. It does not perform too good a function.

No, My son, what evolutionists say is not correct. I created everything, everything, in the blink of an eye; in a sacred moment, as the creationists affirmed. And ... an evolutionary process took place that lasted millions and millions of what you call years, as evolutionists claim.

What they both say is "correct." As the cosmonauts discovered, it all depends on how you look at it.

But the real question is: a sacred moment or millions of years, what difference does it make? Can you simply accept that in some of life's questions the mystery is too big for you to solve? Why not keep the mystery as something sacred? And why not allow the sacred to be sacred, and leave it that way?

I guess we have an insatiable need to know.

But you already know! I have already told you! What happens is that you do not want to know the Truth, but you want to know the truth as you understand it. This is the biggest obstacle to your lighting. You think you already know the truth! You think you understand how it is. Thus, you agree with everything you see, hear or read that coincides with the paradigm of your knowledge, and reject everything that does not match. And you call this learning. This is what you call being willing to learn. Unfortunately, you cannot be willing to learn at all while rejecting everything that is not your own truth.

Thus, some will label this same book of blasphemy, the work of the devil.

But who has ears to hear, let him hear. I assure you: You were not made to ever die. Your physical form was created as a magnificent possibility, a wonderful tool, a glorious medium that allows you to experience the reality that you have created with your mind, know the I that you have created in your soul.

The soul conceives, the mind creates, the body experiences. Thus, the circle is complete. The soul, then, knows itself in its own experience. If you don't like what you experience (feel), or want a different experience for some reason, you simply conceive a new experience of the Self, and - literally - change your mind.

Soon the body is immersed in a new experience. ("I am the resurrection and the Life" was a magnificent example of this. How do you think Jesus did it? Or do you think it didn't even happen? Believe it, it happened!)

The fact is that the soul will never do without the body or the mind. I created you as three beings in one, made in my image and likeness.

The three aspects of the I are totally comparable to each other. Each has its function, but no function is greater than the others; nor, in reality, is there any function that precedes the others. All are interrelated in exactly the same way.

Conceive, create, experiment. What you conceive, you create; what you believe, you experience; What you experience, you conceive.

Here is why it is said that, if you can make your body experience something (abundance for example), you will soon harbor that feeling in your soul, which in turn will conceive it in a new way (namely, abundant), offering to your mind a new thought about it. More experience emerges from this new thought, and the body begins to live a new reality as a permanent state of being.

Your body, your mind and your soul (spirit) are one. In this sense you are, in microcosm, like Me, the Divine All, the Sacred All, the Sum and the Substance. Thus, I am the beginning and the end of everything, the Alpha and the Omega.

Now I will explain the ultimate mystery: your exact and true relationship with me.


What your body is about your mind and your soul, you are about My mind and My soul. Therefore: Everything that I experience, I experience through you.

Just as your body, your mind and your soul are one, so are My body, My mind and My soul.

Thus Jesus of Nazareth - among many others who understood this mystery - affirmed an immutable truth when he said: "The Father and I are One."

But I will tell you that there are truths much greater than this, of which one day you will find out; For, just as you are My body, I am the body of another.

You mean you're not God?

Yes, I am God, according to your concept of Him; and I am Goddess, according to your concept of Her. I am the Maker and the Creator of all that you know and experience, and you are My children ... just as I am the son of another.

Are you trying to tell me that even God has a God?

I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you think, and that Truth is more i-limited than you can imagine.

I am letting you glimpse something of infinity, and infinite love. (If I let you see much more, you couldn't fit it into your reality; in fact, you can barely fit this in.)

Wait a minute! Do you mean that I'm not really talking to God right now?

I have already told you that if you conceive of God as your lord and creator, just as you are lord and creator of your own body, I am the God of that interpretation. And, certainly, you are talking to me. It was a delicious conversation, right?

Delicious or not, I thought I was talking to the true God. The God of Gods You know: the big boss.

And you are talking to him. You can believe me.

However, you say that there is someone above You in the hierarchical order of things.

We are trying to do something impossible: talk about the ineffable. As I said, that's what religion tries to do. Let me see if I can find a way to summarize it.

Forever is more time than you know. Eternal is longer than forever. God is more than you imagine. God is the energy you call imagination. God is creation. God is the first thought. And God is the last experience. And God is all there is between one and the other.

Have you ever looked through a microscope of great power, or seen animated drawings or films on molecules, and said: “Holy sky, there is a whole universe down there! And for that universe, I, the observer, must look like God! ”? Have you ever said that, or had such an experience?

Yes, and I would say anyone who thinks.

Indeed. Well, in that case you have glimpsed what I am exposing you here.

And what would you do if I told you that that reality you have glimpsed has no end?

I would like you to explain it to me.

Take the smallest part of the universe you can imagine. Imagine that extraordinarily tiny matter particle.


Now cut it in half.


What do you have?

Two smaller halves.

Exactly. Now cut them in half. What do you have now?

Smaller halves.

Right. Do it again, once, and again, and again ... What do you have left?

Smaller particles.

Yes, but when will you have to stop? How many times can you divide the matter until it ceases to exist?

I do not know. I guess it never ceases to exist.

You mean you can never destroy it completely? What all you can do is change its shape?

It seems.

Well, let me tell you that you just learned the secret of everything that lives and penetrates into infinity.

Now I have to ask you a question.


Is there anything that makes you think that infinity occurs only in one direction?

So, just as there is no limit below, there is no limit above.

There is no up or down, but I understand what you mean.

If there is no limit for the small, it is that there is no limit for the large.


If there is no limit to the big thing, it is that there is nothing that is the greatest. That means, in the last term, that there is no God!

Or, perhaps, that everything is God, and there is nothing that is not.

I assure you: I AM WHO I AM.

AND YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE. You can't not be. You can change everything you want, but you can't stop being. But you can stop knowing Who You Are; and, thus, experience it only halfway.

That would be hell.

Exactly. But you are not condemned to him. You are not relegated to him forever. All it takes to get out of hell - to get out of not "knowing" - is knowing again.

There are many ways and many places (dimensions) where you can do it.

At this moment, you are in one of those dimensions. According to your interpretation, it is the so-called third dimension.

There are many more?

Have I not told you since there are many palaces in My Kingdom? If it wasn't, I wouldn't have told you.

So there is no hell; At least not really. I mean: there is no place or dimension to which we are eternally condemned!

What objective would it have?

However, your limit is your own consciousness, since you - we - are a self-created being.

You cannot be that which you do not know is your Self.

That is why this life has been given to you: so that you can know yourself in your own experience. Then you can conceive yourself as Who You Really Are, and create yourself in that way in your experience, with which the circle is completed again ... although it is growing.

Thus, you are in the process of growth; or, as I have already indicated throughout this book, of becoming.

There is no limit to what you can become.

You mean I can even become - will I dare to say it? - a God ... like You?

What do you think?

I do not know.

As long as you don't know, you can't. Remember the triangle, the Holy Trinity: spirit-mind-body. Conceive-create-experience. Remember, using your symbology:




The Son experiences the creation of the Father's thought, which is conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Can you conceive yourself as being a God someday?

In my moments of greatest madness.

Well, I assure you, you are already a God. What happens simply is that you don't know it.

Didn't I say: "You are Gods"?

Excerpt from the book: Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Chapter 13

Conversations with God: How can I solve the health problems I have?

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