Uriel's message: Merge your soul with your mind

  • 2018

Archangel Uriel, channeled by Jim Self

Uriel: Greetings. It's me, Uriel!

As I mentioned in our last meeting, these are very positive moments for you and your students . Many things have happened in the last 90 days. Many doors have been opened in their consciences and in the ability to create, sustain and use the Living Light of the Source in which they are a part.

As these energies begin to integrate and be used more frequently, many anomalies are replaced. Some are conscious, others unconscious . But don't be fooled, life as you know it is changing dramatically. In this class, we hope to prepare the ground energetically to facilitate a deeper exploration of the first four chakras, of which Master Kuthumi will lead the teaching.

It is important that in this initial integration, the light frequencies be adjusted correctly so that the base can be created. The different components of color radiation can be used together with the frequencies of light and sound, to create changes in the physical, non-physical and soul levels. What has come into play now is not just evolution, but the fusion of the Soul with this aspect of the First Creator that some call "Spirit" and bring these two into one unit.

When you play in a physical body, you are limited in your ability to access various dimensional levels of consciousness. Your Soul is also limited in its ability to be aware of the presence of the First Creator and in the energetic components of that from which you and the Soul were created. In this complexity, there is an energy model that has separated or fragmented at the time of the fall of Consciousness.

The complete essence of the soul is not available. This fusion of soul and spirit is divided.

By providing various components of energy, such as the Holy Spirit and El Shaddai, you bring some of the complexity of the deity or the First Creator . They have specific configurations that reflect this essence for the soul, which allows the soul to wake up in a different state of consciousness. That's where we work. We laid the foundations for that fusion of souls we talked about a few years ago, but you had no real idea of ​​what that fusion was.

It is not about merging with the physical aspects of the body or the different domains of the ego, it is the fusion with the essence of God from which you have been created. This can only be achieved when certain energy formats are put into play for the first time in consciousness; when the Soul allows the entrance of this essence of Divinity called Holy Spirit and El Shaddai. After and when we place the Eye of Horus in the three centers of the head, these upper chakras and doors open, to allow a different configuration of the direct Light of Divinity.

All these things have happened sequentially over the past year on your planet. But this particular aspect that came into play a few weeks ago, the Eye of Horus, brought with it a very dynamic light frequency model that benefits the physical body and the mental / emotional bodies .

The Soul itself and this essence of Deity, begins to reach more fully consciousness and unification. These things are strange to the rational mind and the body itself. There will be disorders within the mental and emotional bodies until there is more integration. Until more consciences begin to come into play and use this Living Light more in a different format.

What is happening now, is that we are merging everyone into a unity, an essence of God, which is beyond your comprehension. But that is real and is happening.

Jim: In simple terms, there are two actions in progress now. The consciousness from where I speak, merges with the soul and this fusion becomes much more conscious for me. Simultaneously, there is an interaction between the Soul and the Spirit that occurs outside of my conscious consciousness. Both actions are carried out in such a way that, in a future moment, we will become a unit in itself. Is that what I heard you say ?

Uriel: You are absolutely right. When we begin this experience we focus on physics and the change of molecular structure. This change is vital to take you to the state you are in now and you need to make some adjustments. The changes made are not only energetic but also physical, to adapt to the change of consciousness. You get involved in the fusion of the mental and emotional bodies, the fusion with the spiritual body, then you focus on the many aspects of the Light and energy formats that make up the vastness, as an expression n of the individualized Divinity. That's why many things change at a faster and faster rate.

Jim: I understand

Uriel: It is important to allow these changes . Although consciousness cannot maintain the immensity of what happens at the soul level, it can contain the changes that occur physically in the mental, emotional bodies and in the chakra system. Just as this fusion must occur at the soul level, these chakras must also function as a unit. They work for specific applications and uses, but they also work energetically as a unit, to allow the soul to create the physical experience from the perspective of the fullness of that soul / spirit unit. ritu.

This will radically change the way life is lived and created.

The reactionary state of the third dimension is no longer available. When these reactions occur, they are very out of alignment with what has been created and cause anxiety and dysfunction within the system.

Jim: Let me repeat this in a different way. In the past, in this three-dimensional space, I had an event that generated a reaction, a charged emotion and a verbal reaction flowed unconsciously from my mouth. As a third-dimensional human, I treated this event as a mere state of being. I accepted it unconsciously as I was in life.

Today, this accepted way of life is no longer available and when a reaction arises from an unconscious reference point, which is still physically maintained, it is very uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable because it no longer fits our way of life . It is an anomaly that causes a wave that is now conscious. The event occurs, but the discomfort comes from a completely different place.

Uriel: Good. It is created as you say, a wave in the system and your discomfort is amplified.

Jim: Yes. So, the wave was awkward because I didn't know anything and I was just acting. Now I have a unified consciousness and a softer wave, while before, the wave was a lifestyle.

Uriel: Good. It is these subtleties that surface to show you what state of consciousness you are in and where the energy is played. These subtleties show you if they resonate with the format of the Light that you have encoded in your mental, emotional, physical, and soul level. These things will happen mainly because not all beings embodied in their reality have the same state of consciousness or the same energy configuration on the physical level or on the soul level. They will constantly encounter several energetic states that are created in their life experience.

They are not necessarily your creation. These are just realities that are created and played simultaneously, along and alongside the reality you create. This will continue for a while, until more souls begin to wake up at compatible levels.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento

MORE INFORMATION at: https://www.messagescelestes-archives.ca/fusionner-votre-ame-avec-lesprit-deuxieme-partie/

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