Contact with fairies, elves, gnomes and elves. First part

  • 2015
There is no single answer regarding contact with the elemental beings of nature because these beings often use thanks to their creativity and imagination without limits many ways to communicate or come into contact with humans. These ways may vary depending on the personality or sensitivity of the person with whom they wish to establish contact and do not have to adapt to the (human) limits of good or evil - that is, they will never harm you - since they are playful, open, flexible and precisely they will enter your life to surprise you, bewilder you, make you smile, play affectionately with you and teach you to change, open your mind to get to know you better, be more compassionate, cheerful, tolerant or loving yourself. As they can observe you without being seen, they can search your emotions to wake up and bring to your reality your best dreams, even those so intimate that you had never counted and that, in addition, had already fallen into oblivion since they have the power to penetrate inside to teach you to fly with your own wings, understand you to better understand others, recognize your gifts and use them and, to simply show you that they are still remembering you, that they are still by your side but from another dimension parallel to yours because surely in another life you were in it, being great friends. As for them there are no limits, your reality is not an obstacle for them so that they cannot keep in touch with you. So they will guide you to events and people who will remind you of who you are, in many cases, also companions of other lives. To get in touch with the winged elemental beings the calmer, more peaceful and fun your existence is, the better, but that does not mean that because it is not so they cannot contact you especially because they have the power to make your life happier, if They propose it.

What to do to attract them or establish contact with them?

-When the person they want to contact is in solitude, recollection, meditation, walking quietly or simply exercising some of the gifts that they will help him to wake up, bring or implement to Earth. -Maintain contact with nature. -The contact with animals -many of them are his messengers- (let's not forget that every element of the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom brings an elementary with it). -The simple fact that the human in previous lives has been one of them -where, fairy, mermaid, elf, gnome, etc.- attracts them naturally.-They are also attracted to the honest of heart . Thus, pure, clean hearts, without evil like those of children or of those adults who retain a noble heart, become their companions and the object of their gifts and favors. Create entrance portals with thought or techniques such as Sacred Geometry. Registered image * - Make offerings . Regarding the offerings, fairies, you can leave them in your garden or in the pots of your balcony or terrace or even inside the house, ginger or barley (avoid putting them in metal containers since the fairies are burned by metal), fruits, vegetables, pieces of vegetables, sweets, organic cookies or pieces of homemade cakes or cakes prepared by you, etc ... Elves, on the other hand, love sugar, homemade or organic bread, red wine, honey, Seeds, dried futons, etc ... placed in a small house if possible near fresh plants and flowers. Gnomes love buckwheat seeds, rice, sweets, nuts, bits of fresh fruit, etc ... next to their favorite plants: ferns and palm trees, although they like vegetation in general. We must renew the food you leave them in all cases. You can ask them for things in return but, if you do not, they will also bring gifts and blessings to your life, so, especially, in the Nordic countries it is customary to make offerings in the gardens of the inhabited houses since they are very grateful, generous beings and intuitive. You will know that they thank you for the food you give them or gifts because they are usually fast when it comes to sending you their gifts and surprises that, at the beginning, will be small but will eventually become more important to you for the amount or value. I would like to clarify that elementary beings naturally approach nature lovers, minerals, animals, in short, those who know how to respect Mother Earth and her creatures . Therefore, those who own and care for plants, pets, animals at home or those who enjoy being with them are going to be recipients of the favors of these nice beings, regardless of whether they believe in winged beings or not. They say that in each animal there is an elemental, in each plant, in each mineral, in each tree or flower, in each mountain, river ... In fact, the elementary beings are the first benefactors of nature in the same way that the human should also be and treat the Earth as the mother who welcomes and nurtures us all. The truth is that wherever there is a forest or a heart as crystalline as the water of the mountains, there will be invisible beings who will watch over the place and its members.

Fairies can also be in our homes and if you were one of them, they will help you discover what gift you have to return them to Earth and that humans continue to remember them. In fact, this world is full of creativity, light and innumerable ways to bring the inherited kingdom closer to the human and surely you, if you propose, will be an excellent channel of receptivity for these beings, which are going to become more and more present in your life in order for you to radiate joy and be filled with the desire to live and create. What virtue, gift, ability do you have that you can share with fairies? Perhaps some activity related to children or adults who know how to feel children? With nature? With art, literature, illustration, dance, clairvoyance, crafts, cooking, in general, with creativity, innovation?

A person protected by fairies is usually prosperous and creative, knows how to be present, here and now and appreciate the small details and above all the freedom of action. Those people who have been fairies in other lives are beautiful, sensitive, creative, love what they do, enjoy good health and take longer to get older than usual. But fairies will bring much more than all that to your world, if you know how to be patient, considerate of them, open up to their surprises and confess in silence that you are delighted that they are with you and of being guided, you, let them do to them ... although sometimes they turn your world upside down! The truth is that with them, you will no longer be the same. Are you ready for this adventure? Author text and illustrations: María Jesús Verdú Sacases Technical illustrations: soft pastel and watercolor pencils

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