Preserving Everything By Giving Everything - GAIA through Pepper Lewis - 2007

QUESTION: Do we get what we get to learn? In other words, if we work and fight through our issues, we perceive our purpose, we learn the lessons of our life and so on, is this recorded or printed in our souls so that we don't have to do it again next time? I would like to think like that, because otherwise, what will be the purpose? On the other hand, if we remember everything, why are there so many of us who fear returning or repeating patterns and mistakes?

Yes! You receive to keep everything and even more! The Universe is perfect since it learns from itself. Because it is perfect, you are too. Perfection contains and explains the totality and vice versa. This means that you really are never on the outside looking in, although it may seem so sometimes. Actually, it is the other way around - you are inside looking outward and sideways, future and backward. To understand the answers to your questions, we have to look at them from one of these perspectives.

The intention of life, of all life, is to live it. It is the only point that is worth nothing. You are complete and complete because everything that is is complete and complete. Since you are already perfect and complete there can be nothing that you are not and there can be nothing that you are missing. How then, did you come to believe that you have to learn in order to grow and fight through the issues in order to gain what you hope to maintain? These belief systems are what keep 3D fixed with cement at this time, unless you release it from its current obligation to you.

The wisest among you, and those who help you from beyond the confines of 3D will tell you that one of life's secrets is to leave behind more than what you take and to be willing to deliver almost everything - even knowledge, when the next door opens. When will the next door open? As soon as you deliver almost everything. Yes, it is a master paradox! Another secret (and paradox) is to leave almost everything as they found it, which seems to deny the axiom that supports making a difference in the world and letting the world be a better place than when they found it. But the answer to this paradox, and to many others, is that what you are is more important (complete) than who you are or what you do.

Doing is activity, as directed by the mind. Being is the active aspect of the Soul. His soul did not come to earth to work, work and do. Having said that, his soul also did not come to earth to be idle. Your soul tries to make you one with your own Self, one with other beings and one with All That Is. Your purpose in this life and in that of others is to achieve this while supporting and nurturing a physical body, the way of Dense life The State of Being is the highest form of the State of Doing; after all it is what God is (not what he does). If, as they say, imitation is a sincere form of praise, then flatter God by being what they already are, because what they already are, also already has, do you see?


You learn all the time. Every day and every moment is an opportunity to learn, but here is another possibility for you to consider. What if a part of the reason you are here is to unlearn? What if much of what you believe and have been taught is a mistake, as the wise Copernicus once said? What if part of every life you have lived has been dedicated to unlearning, undoing and unthinking? If that were the case, then the sooner they forget who they have been and what they have learned, the better they would be. I tell you this jokingly, so you can see the merit that is hidden in the humor. Have they learned or unlearned what their parents have taught them? How long has it taken them to sufficiently unlearn their last relationship to have another? Life is a process of learning and unlearning, of being and doing, creating and destroying. If our assumption corresponds to the truth, then what do they really have to maintain? Nothing, absolutely nothing, because there is nothing to retain. And the absolute, which is nothing, cannot be maintained, see? Yes, it is another paradox. The Spirit, The All, The Absolute and No Thing (nothing) are the same, therefore if you keep everything, give everything, forget everything, remember everything, or ignore everything, it doesn't matter.

In designing his life, his soul has done everything possible to teach them to have everything by being everything, and then leave everything behind. Meanwhile, his personality has interpreted this in ways that he believes are aligned with his greatest good, as they perceive it through the illusion of 3D. This is where it gets interesting, because the purpose of the soul is to dissolve matter, while the personality is busy accumulating everything that can. The result can be confusing, but even confusion is a part of the plan, because finally you can only serve one teacher, and you are here to find out who and what it is that the teacher is. The Teacher is the Own Being / Not Being. It is Matter / Anti-Matter; It is what it was, what it is and what it will be. Your teacher is not your soul or even your teacher's instructor. For the most part, it is all that you think you are not. That is why this trip is so important. It reveals to you, in both subtle and rude ways, what you have to know more.

You retain everything you discover and this remains intact and through your State of Being. You carry it with you wherever you go, but not always on a conscious level. You do not repeat any experience, unless you wish; It is your choice, but sometimes you explore a subject from many points of view in order to fully understand it. Only you can decide when it is complete and if one life or a thousand lives is needed. The spirit does not judge. You think of your experiences as university-inspired learning, the Spirit refers to it as a day trip to Disneyland; a visit to the country of illusion and distorted mirrors. But in order for the experience to be as real as possible, your soul designs a purpose for you, which you are asked to discover and complete. While you are in the body you consider this purpose very seriously, trying to fulfill and exceed your requirements. Upon completion they expect to graduate to move to the next level of experience.

Truth be told, sometimes thousands of lives come together (not separated) and overlap to complete levels. The ancients thought so, but many, especially today, expect to be an exception to this rule. If you could see that time really does not exist and that many of your lives are lived simultaneously, you would not feel the pressure of being successful with which you have been charged. Many in their current time hurt them by not revealing the whole truth, and of course, there are many who run to teach what they still do not really know. So be it. Everything is in divine agreement, because those who respond to such teachers are destined to learn by being disoriented rather than guided.


This may come as a surprise, but it was never the intensity of them working and fighting to get through their issues. The purpose of his soul and the questions of his personality are not one and the same. This mistaken belief began eons ago when a revered teacher mistakenly translated a word similar to "chained" as "enslaved." Their lives are chained, meaning that each one intersects and surpasses the previous one and the one that follows. The pattern of the chains eventually forms spirals; It is natural that I do. In this way he gradually reveals himself to you, perfecting himself in the process. You see, their DNA is also a chain and a spiral. This incorrect interpretation allowed them to assume that they were enslaved to the physical dimension, trapped by it as is the slave to the owner to whom it belongs. You have always been striving in the fields since then, regardless of the life you have chosen.

His questions are his resistance to execute the work of the soul. For the most part, they are his incomplete projects of his past life and now they arise in front of him so that they do not drag them again. The longer they have taken them, the denser and more impenetrable they seem to be. Curiously, at some point when you cannot tolerate them anymore, you decide that they are not yours after all, and they must surely belong to someone else and not you. Human Beings are deliciously fascinating if they are something after all! Because they are also full of resources, they will find a way to solve their questions, whether or not they believe they are theirs. One of the ways in which they do this is by creating societies and friendships, which inspire, captivate, flatter, or force them to face things that they would otherwise avoid. Does your partner destabilize and bother you with impossible issues, habits and dramas? It is better that they look in the mirror and end it once and for all.

His life lessons are nothing more than intended experiences. These are experiences that your soul inserted into your common reality. In some cases you are sensitive to age or time, but for the most part it was anticipated that you would stumble upon them at the most inopportune moment, thereby ensuring a reaction and subsequent resolution, rather than a planned response. His life lessons are the pearls that accumulate along the way and from the perspective of his soul there could be nothing better! It is intended that life's lessons be repeated more than once in a lifetime, sometimes, in fact, even several times. When they hear themselves say, 'oh no, not again' suppose this is the case. Pay attention and pay attention to the wisdom offered at the moment. Do not think about what happened to them or if they deserve it or not. Observe, integrate, respond and learn.


Your soul does not make mistakes and neither do you. You are the image and model of All That Is, therefore it is impossible for what humanity is and does, that it is a mistake. Having said that, humanity is still a very wasteful species, and this includes both moments and periods of life. A wasted moment is that which is blind, deaf or dumb about the Spirit. A wasted life is one that is ignorant and closed-minded. Quick! Do not judge those who come to mind when you read these words, because it is to you that I am addressing them. The trial crawls too quickly and disguises itself as knowledge. The knowledge is not far from the presumption and the infant of the half-wise Aquarian Age has to be careful against this by keeping a mind that is totally open, not just ajar. The heart also has to be less inclined to conditional approval.

Employers are lessons they have already learned, but against those that remain prejudiced. They are like invitations to participate in a similar party and wear the same suit. Because the patterns fit the individual well, he is less inclined to abandon them. If there is a picture of you in front of which you feel prejudiced, think about when and where it was taken. What was he doing or thinking at that time? Why do you think that moment was important? The photograph contains a pattern that is printed in your mind. Patterns of experiences are the same, impressions and recordings that have been recorded in your reality.

The soul speaks a codified and symbolic language. The mind interprets this, but not too accurately given the distortions of the third dimension. Your imagination invents interesting ways to represent your patterns, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Did you know that your mind does not know the difference between a positive and a negative thought? That is one of the reasons why they keep repeating patterns. It is also one of the reasons why those who have a penchant for a life of crimes have difficulty reforming. It is difficult to re-educate or reprogram what has difficulties in differentiating. The soul is the key.

The soul will not break its patterns, even when its mind tries and asks for the soul's help. Why? Because a pattern is a reinforcement and what sustains the assessment, however weak, instead. This is an appropriate and current metaphor, isn't it? Following then, it is important to fortify one's foundations (soul) before the lien walls overflow. Your soul does this by surrendering to the mind until you get tired of the pattern and prepare a welcome solution. At such an opportune moment, the soul offers the mind a coded resolution for the pattern, which can then be completed once and for all.

The patterns are not habits. Habits are idiosyncratic symptoms related to this physical incarnation. They are unconscious, inconsistent, irrational and involuntary associations. Through awareness, habits can be easily overcome. Perception / awareness is not intelligence; It is conscience and can be chosen. There is a connection between the mind and its conscious perception. They are like badly matched partners who nevertheless have to dance together because music is playing for both of them. Habits are made to be broken, but only when society indicates it. This is one of the reasons why they cannot quit smoking simply as a favor to their partner, or any other habit, in that sense.


You are only afraid to return next time when you fear you will not be able to complete everything you set out to do this time. There is always a next time, whether it is lived here or elsewhere, in the third dimension or beyond. The Universe is something living, and living is Universal Unity. Because they have become accustomed to thinking that they are enslaved, it is natural that they seek to escape from the prison of the illusion they have built. No one will impose another life without your consent, and you are not here because you failed last time. Many lives are intertwined in a cycle of discovery, and many lapses of hundreds of lives make up a chain. The Universe is immense and diverse and so are you.

Many proudly proclaim today that this is their last life on earth. Do I have to burst your cosmic bubble and tell them otherwise? At this time you cannot know if that is true or not. It is nothing but a deep desire on the part of the personality that may be tired or upset. In these cases the personality will believe the words of the mind that proclaims this, or even attract others within their environment to confirm this for them. The best that could be said is that this is the last or penultimate life in a cycle or chain. The smarties talk too quickly about this matter. Wisdom tells the wise to shut up and be.

Having dread the next day or the next life makes everything slower, and ever stops. Don't you get to see this around you today? The world fears him at the end of fossil fuels with carbon base and so they experience their lack. This results in fear, complaints, hoarding and more. When an individual fears the aging of his body, the results are similar - the body stops being fluid and begins to move more slowly. Without youthful thoughts it hardens the skeletal structure, which is related to its skeleton, and wrinkles the skin tone and reflects autumn and winter instead of spring and summer.

Fear invites pain and suffering, and while the three sympathize with their afflictions together, the stagnation of current life begins in earnest. What is the reason to fear a possible future life when it has not yet been fully realized? Vegetable and animal kingdoms do not fear the next season, much less the next life. Do you know that when you are out of the body and between lives, you would almost do anything to be invited back? Are you surprised by this? One of the reasons why they help others by acting as their guides is to be able to be at the service and also closer to Earth.

Learning through calamity, pain and suffering is an element of the Age of Pisces. Pisces represents martyrdom, unconsciousness, hidden mysteries and self-flagellation. It also represents self-discovery, search for truth, invitation to mastery, inventiveness, promises fulfilled and revelation. The Age of Pisces is almost complete and already overlaps its Aquarian neighbor. The Age of Aquarius will embody altruistic knowledge, Universal principles, the fusion of cultures, the advancement of art and science, and the reconstruction of the temple of light based on principles based on the heart. Are you sure you want this life to be your last? Well, if you put it that way ...


Yes, you manage to keep everything, but for what reason, choose wisely! They also keep everything they say and do. It is in the book of your life, and only you can decide what words, emblems, moments, wounds, worries and miracles you will keep. The Akashic Record is a library of the finest and most subtle energies that can be recorded. In it you will find the story of your soul. A broken heart and a broken nail are made of the same akash; It is the substance from which the Universe has been formed. The Akash is so light that many forget that a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. The Akashic Bookstore will never find you at fault, but because you consider yourself at fault, you continue exploring your corridors, halls and shelves.

The Earth has also been called the Gaia Library. And in it you will find the story of your heart. Your heart is the key to your past and future lives on earth. A broken heart is better fixed on earth, and no other planet contains as many ointments for love as the earth does, not even Venus! A trip to Gaia's bookstore reveals and restores the heart. He heals the wounded and pacifies the angry. This is also one of the reasons why they are here, and because they fear forgetting what they have learned. The heart is fragile, but eternal in its determination to be everything by feeling everything. Freedom does not escape, but immersion.

Once you discover peace, carry some of it with you during each day - enough to have something extra to share.

Without releasing caution to the wind, live with your heart unprotected and unobstructed. You will discover that love is not blind, deaf, or dumb. Love is what they wish they had thought this morning when they woke up.

Don't flatter yourself or others with too much information or knowledge. If you want to imitate a teacher, choose Nature.

Close your eyes frequently and see the inner landscape. They will find common ground almost everywhere. Now open your eyes and see the same.

If necessary, make plans for tomorrow and next week. For next year you will be different people. Let that person plan their own day and week.

Pay attention to your pulse. It is similar to that of the earth, sometimes calm and sometimes agitated. Practice non-interference and is without prejudice. Be the same.

Do not judge your experience or that of others. You are not qualified to judge. God is not qualified to judge, that is why He does not.

Speak gently when they use words and whisper in their thoughts. The Spirit does not scream.

If you can't trust someone then trust something. Trust the process. Trust in trust.

Pronounce the truth when you know it and are sure, then others will benefit from your account of it. Only the Universal truth is multi-lateral and objective, the earthly truth is bi-lateral and subjective, at best.

Renew and restore. It is what nature does. Do not go against nature, she knows better.

Wisdom is, it is not what Wisdom does. The wisdom . . . Is.

Choose now. Choose this. Choose yourself. Choose life.

© Pepper Lewis & The Peaceful Planet. 2007

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Mother Earth / GAIA through Pepper Lewis - 2007

Translation: Anita Manasse -

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