The Art of Educating Accompanying

  • 2011

Momo amb la infància is the name of the project that the educator Momo Cardona has created in order for the little ones to find a space to feel heard and accompanied. The idea is to inform and advise adult people to know and understand the world of children and, on the other hand, to follow closely the vital processes of children from unconditional love, respect and trust.

Cardona offers private consultations to meet specific needs but also holds informative conferences in the art of accompanying education and training cycles based on different pedagogical pillars.

Below is the interview that Positive News held with the creator of Momo amb the influence:

Positive News: What does a child need to grow in an environment of freedom?

Momo Cardona: It is necessary to recognize what the vital needs of the child are and provide them with the appropriate environments and materials for their balanced development and prepare these environments with no active hazards to guarantee safety. Trust your abilities and allow you to live your autonomy. Respect their processes and emotions including crying, tantrums or moodiness. Offer time and quality in the presence. They need us to be patient, loving, firm, observant, creative, committed, sincere and noble. And it works for all ages.

N +: In that sense, do you remember any experience that you would like to share with N + readers?

MC: My path is beautiful and difficult at the same time. Contact with respected children gives me energy to continue. When I feel them lost, misunderstood and in pain, my work unfolds: to accompany them and the adults around them. I am convinced that the change is ours and it is our responsibility. A beautiful fact was when he lived the metamorphosis of a beautiful child, self-conscious, insecure and fearful, becoming a fragile, bright, safe and free butterfly.

N +: What advice would you give to mothers and fathers of N +?

MC: If you are satisfied with the life you live, go ahead but you have the ability to make the change.

N +: What do you think of the emergence of so-called free or alternative schools?

MC: Any openness to the real knowledge of the infantile world, to the accompaniment that respects individuality and vital needs, providing responsible freedom, the right to decide for oneself, relationship with the world from Safety and trust is a challenge for adults, a gift for children and a commitment to a better world.

N +: What aspects do you think should be improved in public schools?

MC: To improve, you need to sit and reflect. Become aware of the responsibility acquired. Realize that old patterns no longer work, they belong to industrialization. Now it is necessary to 'integrate'. Enter humility and observe children to learn from them, since they are our true teachers. Convert square buildings into spaces open to nature. To annul the classrooms, the desks, the rows, the bells, the curricula, the demands, the prizes, the punishments, the 'good results'. And I am not talking about anarchy.

N +: What is your opinion about the role of television and technologies in general with regard to children?

MC: For me, television is not an authentic need of the child. It is a perfect substitute for the tired adult, which saves the task of giving presence, preparing appropriate environments and accompanying the child. You ask me about the little ones, those who are in the sensory and motor stage. What does this suggest to you? Experience realities, discover the world, test / err and retest, overcome obstacles, movement, development, spontaneous activity, self motivation and free play. Nothing to do with sitting passive in front of a 'virtual box' that distorts reality and also disrupts the communication between the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. The left hemisphere (critical and analytical) enters pause and the right (creative reasoning) absorbs information without applying censorship. The organism is therefore flooded with stress hormones, generating impatient children especially when something requires effort and boring children when things do not come from outside (absence of self motivation). That is to say, the imagination, initiative and own effort is annulled.


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