The Universe wishes to give you a Wonderful Message, are you ready to read it?

  • 2018

The Universe has surprising surprises for you, it lines up positively to give you a wonderful message. Through the following Letters of Knowledge you will see reflected the will of the Universe, in addition, fused to what you are, the cast is evidenced so that you consolidate your life project according to who you are and the love of the Universe that will benefit you the most.

Wonderful Message from the Universe for you

Next, you will see four Letters of Knowledge, you must choose one of them, and according to the number it has, that will be the wonderful message that the Universe has for you.

Follow the steps below to the letter :

1. Choose the Letter of Knowledge you want, pay attention to the inner voice of your conscience that tells you which Letter to choose.

2. Look at the number on the Letter .

3. Look for the number in the following messages, and read it, this is the wonderful message that the Universe has for you!

4. You will not be able to choose another Letter after reading the message of another. Only the initial message is valid.

5. Avoid reading the messages of the Letters before choosing your Letter that has your number ; if you do, the message of the Universe for you will be invalidated, that is, it will lose its magical and energetic power.

Alignment of the Universe to give you a Wonderful Message

Before letting you know the wonderful message that the Universe wishes to give you, I want to tell you that these messages have been delivered to me by the Universe in moments of trance and meditation, some of them, are in signs and keys, which, according to your life, you must interpret.

What you want, that will be what you will achieve! Be patient

Extraordinary things - realities - are about to happen! Surely you have in your mind and in your heart some questions: where am I going ?, what decision should I make ?, what is the decision that suits me best ?, among others; However, the Universe wants to tell you that you will make the right decision, you just have to arm yourself with patience, faith, disposition and passion. Remember that everything happens at the right time.

Start by understanding that every situation, reality and experience you experience in your life has a clear purpose; This is why you need faith, patience, passion and willingness.

Every day, from the moment you wake up until you go to bed, fight for your goals, trust yourself, fill yourself with optimism and joy. Go forward with passion, love and dedication, you will see that, gradually, all the goals you have set will be fulfilled. You will see that the current great challenges will be your greatest triumphs and joys in the future !

If you feel weak, without strength, or made a mistake, forget about it and face it! Get up decisively and continue where you were walking. Remember that the Universe and the Almighty monitor each of your actions, they will give you your prize and their help, at the right time, their time is very different from ours. Trust you fully!

The Peace that you so desire for your life, will come soon!

Being through a storm is a clear sign of strength and decision, and it means that the sun will soon come into your life. The really important thing is that you manage to be confident and strong, walk hand in hand with the Almighty and the Universe . Remember that every situation that happens has a meaning, has a clear and obvious purpose that you should know how to read.

This wonderful message comes to you, because it wants to tell you that you will soon receive very good news, the peace and goals that you so much want to begin in your life.

I invite you to lift your gaze to the sky, close your eyes, open your arms, and pronounce with faith, strength and much love: I understand that every event in my life has an objective, it is part of your plan; I ask you to give me your love and your peace. Help me to continue with strength, decision and delivery . Extraordinary very beautiful realities will soon arrive! Thank you Almighty, Thank you Universe .

Your dreams and ideals are about to be a reality!

Possessing dreams and ideals is an extraordinary blessing, it is wonderful to have a mind that projects, dreams imagines. However, it is even more surprising, to count on courage, skill, passion, and dedication to turn all your dreams and ideals into reality. Remember that if your dreams do not transcend reality, they will remain as simple illusions.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it !, A little more consistency and discipline will forge the difference.

It is not necessary that you run as if you were participating in a competition, the really important thing is that you manage to start the advance, and that every day, you feel and project that you are advancing, that you do not decay, it is essential that you do not stop.

Sow the best seed of you! If you do so, the fruit you will gather will be the best, the Almighty will return you twice your effort, the Universe will give you the most fruitful harvest you could ever collect.

The Universe is in favor of your Dreams, Goals and Ideals

By committing deeply to your dreams, goals and ideals, the Almighty will help you to align the universe, and in a mysterious, but authentic way, meet people, live realities and reach resources that are getting closer and closer to where you want to reach.

Be very careful !, it is not a mediocre commitment to your dreams, you must really vibrate for what you want, you must put soul, life and heart. Everything you do, do it with effort, dedication and dedication, take advantage of the time, trust you, be kind on a large scale, do your best always, even if no one is watching you.

If you commit to all your biggest dreams, goals and ideals, you will know what miracles are ! The Universe and the Almighty will guide your path, align everything so that you achieve your goals.

How did you think of the wonderful message that the Universe has woven for you today? Do you agree with the message you selected?

I invite you to continue your life with passion, dedication and decision, remember that you are the architect of your dreams, goals and ideals, and the architect of your own destiny. Do not forget to thank, it is very important, so you can bring many blessings to your life. Read the article “Difficulties in getting what you want? I will teach you the most efficient technique to attract everything you want. ”

You may also be interested in the text “What do I want to attract to my life? Attract what you really want, take care of your thoughts and feelings ”, it will help you a lot.

Finally, I recommend the Article “Do you want to increase your Mental Power? Repeat in your Mind the Powerful Phrase I am going to teach you ”, the good you will receive will be extraordinary.

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor of the Great Family of

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