How to feel the Divine Light energy in your hands

  • 2016

Activation of Energy in the hands

Reiki Heiwa to Ai students are taught this exercise before they apply Reiki to other people.

The hands and fingers are very powerful Divine Light energy conduits. They are like terminals of an electric current. One hand is the positive pole and the other the negative.

When you apply Reiki or when you do Chi Kung, a very powerful energy field is formed between your hands.

To feel the Divine Light energy in your hands do the following:

  • Stand up or sit. Relax your shoulders and breathe normally.
  • Rub your hands vigorously for 9 seconds, and then give 9 claps vigorously.
  • Place your hands in front of your belly, palms facing each other, very close to each other.
  • Inhale and spread your hands a few centimeters. Exhale and slowly approach them, without touching each other.
  • Repeat this movement a few times, separating and bringing your hands close, but without touching them at any time.
  • When you feel the Divine Light energy in the palms (in the form of heat, tingling, pressure, ...), continue doing the exercise, but this time separating the hands more until they reach the width of one or two spans. Repeat this movement a few times, trying different distances.
  • Now, repeat the exercise but with the horizontal palms, one on top of the other. Move your hands up and down. Separate them when inhaling and close them when exhaling.

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• Rub your hands vigorously for 9 seconds, and then clap 9 vigorously.

Stretch your left arm and place your right hand with your palm facing down, above the left collarbone, and slowly slide your right hand down the outer side (radial side) until you reach the thumb of your left hand. In making this movement you have followed the path of the Lung meridian.

• Repeat this movement several times. Each time you reach your thumb, place your hand again near the collarbone. Your attention must be in the downward movement, to move the Divine Light energy in the direction of the meridian. By performing this movement you are recharging the Lung meridian. Be aware of the sensations (tingling, heat, ...) that you feel in the arm that you have stretched, from the clavicle to the thumb.

• Do the same with the other arm.

• Repeat the exercises by sliding your hand about 2 centimeters from the surface of the arm, this way the work is more energetic.

Author: Renée So Ham Reiki. Editor of the Great Family of the White Brotherhood.

Professor of Therapeutic Yoga and Chi Kung.-

Territorial Delegate of the Ong Hao of Barcelona in Argentina.

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