How to protect against the negative effects of heavy metals accumulated in our blood?


The best physical and physical protection against the disease begins with a good diet. There are so many good books on the subject that I am not going to expand on it ... The question is to become increasingly aware of what we eat and the rest comes.

As far as I'm concerned, I take the trouble to read what certain food products contain. When I am not sure of the origin of the food, I bless you by sending you a small dose of love, it is a way of speaking, magnetizing them to harmonize my body and the altered electromagnetic waves that might be on my plate. You can even use new devices that have the property of canceling the effects of harmful electric or magnetic waves.

Of course, it is essential to clean the immune system in a natural way. First of all, you have to detoxify the body. A naturopath, herbalist, homeopath or natural food counselor can guide you.

Then you can think about strengthening your immune system. We all have our preferences in this field. Personally I use, as daily maintenance, the inner bark of Pau d'Arco that comes from South America (also known as lapacho, see the books of Professor Jurassinas and Dr. Mayer) in combination with Echinacea.

D'Arco has active ingredients such as quinones that are used in natural therapy against cancer and against many other diseases. I do not take these supplements continuously, only when I feel that my skin becomes fragile or that my body is fighting an infection or any disease.

Red clover is an excellent blood purifier.


In your pharmacy you should always have active charcoal, preferably in dragees (which are 100 times more hygienic and practical). In the case of chemical poisoning, food poisoning or ingestion of other harmful substances, activated charcoal has the property of absorbing the dangerous ingredients and eliminating them by intestinal route. It has saved the lives of more than one person. It is even used in emergency rooms, for stomach washes in cases of attempted suicide due to medication intake.

Certain countries provide rare, millions of years old land. They are composed of clay that has mineralogical traces in balance with the human body. They contain fossils of diatoms (diatoms are microscopic unicellular algae of fresh or salt water whose outer membrane has been transformed into silica or quartz).

This element also allows to absorb heavy metals (mercury, lead) and other elements such as aluminum or fluorine in overdose. They are also in the form of tablets. They are a good source of food supplements. People suffering from stomach ulcers or perforations of the digestive tract should refrain and consult a doctor. The clay diluted in a little water can be applied to the skin. It produces a beneficial effect by the extraction of toxins or impurities and the neutralization of acids or chemical residues under the skin.

You don't need to talk about this food here with numerous healing properties. Vermifuge, vitamin C supplement and other properties that I will not list, garlic with its active ingredient, allicin, is an ally to be used. Even more so if you are a meat consumer. Pine and fir oil.

In Quebec, you can get pine and fir oil in the form of dragees. The oils of these conifers are excellent for clearing the alveoli and helping to decongest the lungs, dissolve certain resins due to tobacco and other substances. You will find some of these products on my portal (


It has been shown that coriander can dissolve or break up our body's metals in a short period of time. The Amerindian recipe that follows is a powerful tissue cleanser. It is excellent on toast, baked potatoes and pasta. Two tablespoons of coffee per day of this pesto for three weeks are enough to allow toxic metals such as mercury, lead and aluminum to be removed from the blood. Do this cure for about 3 weeks.

They can do it at least once a year, to clean the heavy weights.


• 4 cloves of garlic

• 1/3 cup Brazil nut (selenium)

• 1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine: for its beneficial effects see the following link:

• 2 cups fresh cilantro, well loaded. You can add fresh parsley leaves for vitamin C. Since this pesto is kept well frozen it is preferable to get fresh cilantro in season and fill the reserves for the whole year.

• 2/3 cup of flax oil (flax cures cough, asthma, measles, constipation, gastritis, impetigo, abscesses. It has emollient, laxative and anti-inflammatory properties).

4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (vitamin C)

2 tablespoons of Japanese miso coffee.

Put the cilantro and parsley in the blender with the flax oil and beat until the cilantro is well crushed. Add garlic, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, miso and lemon juice. Mix until you get a fine texture. Add miso or lemon to taste. Mix again. Fill the containers and freeze.

And that's it.


Water and heat give us purification and relaxation effects that reduce stress and cleanse the skin.

You can add everything you want in the hot bath: sea salt; mineral salts (I like Epson salt, magnesium sulfate that takes the bad one and tones the sore muscles); essential oils with purifying, toning and other actions; Fresh picked alder leaves (anti-inflammatory), birch (purifying and febrifuge), pine needles (lungs).


It is also suggested to use an air purifier at home and even in the office (if possible). Negative ion generators are ideal, if they live in the city. Since we are surrounded by televisions, computer screens and other electrical appliances, we are continually bombarded by positive ions that contribute to increasing the level of tension and aggressiveness.

Why not use some negative ions to soften the corners?

Of course, if they live near a waterfall or in the high mountains they are privileged. Certain residences have a central air exchange system that has good filters and can eliminate a lot of harmful dust and other undesirable particles.


It would be smart not to consume tap water without knowing what it contains. How? But if the water in my city is clean! Oh yes? Does it contain chlorine, fluorine? Chlorine not only kills harmful bacteria in the human body, but also the good ones and in the long run, day after day, year after year, cu How much chlorine do you think you have ingested?

It would be good to let your glass of water stand before drinking it. Adopt the good habit of putting water in a jug that will then be left in the air protected by a light filter.

Distilled water is an excellent way to eliminate minerals and heavy metals and other toxins from the body. However, it must be ensured that mineral balance is achieved. Clay or fossil earth tablets are excellent for this. There are dozens of different devices to purify water. I do not recommend any since if it does its job it is good.

The important thing is to be aware of the quality of the water consumed.


Do you have confidence now that you have read the book? Do you feel able to sow outdoors and in the open? Disturbing? Would it be advisable to cover your garden with a transparent awning 1.5 meters from the ground and water yourself fearing that the rain is infected? What to do? What a job all that! Has no sense! Cover the garden, or better yet, have a greenhouse? Expensive And the terrain? There is another solution.

Write to the government to stop spraying those crap on your head. You will see the response of your government and may react accordingly: take to the streets those who do not fulfill their duty. But surely it will not be sitting on our august innkeepers how to solve the problem ...

Do your own research and spread what you discover. There is a difference between instruction and indoctrination.

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