Card reading and learn to read the letters

  • 2014

Learning to cast tarot cards is an art within esotericism. Knowledge of the meaning of its 78 cards is needed, which are 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana, which in turn are divided into four suits: golds, clubs, cups and swords. But not only is knowing the meanings of each card (which are several for each one) but it also requires training to connect with intuition, energy, and in many cases with clairvoyance, which is in card reading as in many other divination techniques, indispensable and not exclusive. What do we mean by the above? That all people have an energetic and spiritual channel to develop intuition and with it, as if it were a sixth sense, clairvoyance; another thing is that some have it more developed than others or that from birth they have the gift and the open channel to receive information that is not receptive to everyone unless this meaning is worked on. Thus, waking clairvoyance is a possibility for all human beings. Obviously the above will be easier if you believe in it; faith opens the door ... hardly anyone skeptical will want and / or will be receptive to his intuition to develop the mancias, but it is not impossible either.

The important thing if you are attracted to card reading and want to learn how to throw cards, is to be aware of everything, which should not be done to just make money; it must be practiced a lot and above all we must understand that the tarot offers a spiritual guide and at no time will it give inexorable oracles; It is a common mistake to think that letters can tell us and ensure what will happen in the future and that they will reveal our destiny. The tarot should be taken as a guide that gives us advice to understand our past, present and future, to realize our weaknesses and errors as well as our virtues, to understand energetically (thanks to energy we can make an accurate tarot reading, in tarotist and consulting communion) the direction we are following and the changes we should make in our lives. But nothing is written. That is why we have free will.

It is very important to be clear about all of the above and build a personal and spiritual ethic for good management with the letters. Perhaps it goes without saying that the tarot works for one and helps the consultant, but you have to have respect and the tarotist should never say things lightly or unbelievably, just to give an answer to the consultant. If you feel inclined to tarot and want to learn more, we recommend you visit the site that we linked to at the beginning of the article (, since they have a section of “Free online Tarot Course” which can help you take the first step in just six very complete lessons. Start studying the cards, their symbolism and meaning, analyze the drawings of the deck, practice with the cards being willing to wake up with them, clean the cards and consecrate them and believe in the connection with your tarot. First then study on card reading, then, your intuition will dictate how to understand the letters and handle them. The rest is coming naturally and is part of a process that may be waiting for you. If you really want to do it, do not hesitate, take the step. Live it and enjoy the experience… Your tarot will give you many satisfactions when you realize that it speaks to you.

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