Channeling Cristal Nº 2 - Kryon

  • 2016

Crystal Channeling No. 2

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

This is the second time we come before you in this magical place. As a review, this is certainly a magical crystalline node, and today's message, the second in a series of four, is complex, so we will go slowly.

Many of you, here, are not necessarily interested in the details, you have not necessarily heard the other messages; Maybe it's the first time you sit in this energy of a channeling, so I turn to you first. Dear ones, this is an opportunity for you to feel the love of the Spirit. The Creative Source is here, and absolutely speechless, you can feel love and compassion. There is no agenda. They can sit and get a cure if they wish, on their own. There are no instructions, nothing to do.

Others are very interested in the information, and want more. They want to know the details. What is crystalline energy about, what is happening on the planet, how that fits into your life. It is a complex message. It does not need to be, but the bias of humanity, which is simplistic, usually creates an enigma where it does not have to be.

So let's start with a premise and develop it. This is the premise: You are here on a physical crystal node . The mountain under their feet contains even more than what geologists suspect. It goes down too much to dig for big (laughs: it transposes the words big, big, and dig, dig) too big to dig; I said that backwards because it is an inverted mountain. So it would surprise even experts to see how much is here; It affects the planet. It affects the planet especially in the metaphysical. But this is physical. And in a moment we will talk more about the attributes of the physical quartz crystal.

The second thing we will discuss, which is totally and completely apart from the physical, is the crystalline grid of the planet . It is not physical; It is completely esoteric. It is an energy grid that is called crystalline because of its remembering attribute. So, let's separate both now and forever in our discussion. The quartz crystal that you see, that you extract, with which you work today, of which we speak as the node itself, is physical. The crystalline grid of the planet is not. It is invisible, but we call it crystalline due to the attributes of remembrance.

For a moment let's go back to the physical. I want you to look at some interesting things, since the beginning of time. You like crystals, right? And yesterday we said it, but we increased it. Every time a crystal, a quartz crystal is removed from the ground, and every time there is an energy worker who feels something, it is benevolent. Every time. How many billions of crystals are on this planet? Taken to the houses for people to enjoy them . Surrounding them. Maybe in every room of the house, if they are sensitive. And why do they do that? The answer is: because each individual crystal, if it speaks to you, if you feel its energy, it is benevolent. You never remove a crystal from the ground and bring (with a strange voice) a future disaster (laughs). What are the odds? What would be the odds of that in a geological phenomenon that grows on the ground over time and that you raise, as a human being, and gives you benevolence. Something is happening here! It can't be a lucky break from nature. You never go to a glass shop, where the crystals accommodate as they are good and bad, dark and bright, disaster and jubilation. Each individual crystal, no matter what kind, or what geological attributes it has, is benevolent! Sing for you; Some speak to you. Some are only there and want to meditate in their vicinity because they make you feel good, they temper the energy so you can do your job better. Think about this!

In recent years you even began to categorize crystals metaphysically. Have you heard of the Lemurian crystal? However; according to the person in charge of this land, a Lemurian crystal is not a geological classification ; It's an energy issue! Isn't the name you gave it interesting? Lemurian crystal Why that? The reason, dear ones, is that an energy worker and an ancient soul, even though they may not agree on what Lemuria was and where it was, they have the concept of the beginnings at the origin . Then, humanity is even beginning to awaken to a new potential of what the crystals are trying to say.

In passing we will say that a Lemurian crystal can be identified, according to the person in charge of this land, for something that is physical; however it has an esoteric name. You are close to understanding more of what the crystals are trying to tell you. All of them are benevolent, each one, from the smallest to the largest.

In a few moments many of you will get on a vehicle to go to the excavation, you will be allowed to walk there, you will be allowed to interact with them on the ground; That is special! They may find some crystals; maybe you leave some; Why would they do that? The answer is : some have different messages; some have different owners; What do you think of that? So they ally themselves with the consciousness of an individual human being? Now, do I have to answer yes or no to a group like this?

They call you. There are many more crystals than humans (laughs). And many can call in specific ways. It is a delicious idea; It is what brings you here. When you look at them, there will be a smile on their faces. That is the physical crystal. I want you to remember these attributes while we talk about those who are not physical, what we call attributes of the crystalline grid. And then we will describe the relationship between the physical node here and the invisible esoteric, which is the grid of the planet called crystalline. Remember: one is physical; The other is not.

What is the crystalline grid? We have taught it, we have described it, but this is where this is where everything comes together. I want to give you a story, so that you really understand what the crystalline grid is, what it does, how it works.

Imagine in this same land, a battle. It is usually between brothers: it is civil war . Imagine you were in this war and you were a soldier. You are not a warrior; You are probably a farmer. They give you a weapon, you represent an idea, they put you on the battlefield, they give you a uniform - it's probably not even your size - some receive footwear, some don't. In battle, a bullet immediately finds its target and you know that you are mortally wounded, and you fall to the ground. I want to tell you something: everyone, men and women, dies differently, but in those last moments before they die they have one thing in common: they forget the battle, no matter who will win. You feel the blood that is leaving, the life force that leaves you, and it is true what they say: the soul and the brain cooperate to slow things down for a few moments, and the last thing you think about is the battle; your ears no longer hear (Lee's voice sounds very excited) - my partner is relating to this. Your ears no longer hear the noise of the battle, or the screams, or the groans, or the cannons ...; instead you hear your mother. And love takes over.

No matter what they say; In the last moments before death, love and compassion win. Even when it hurts, even when your mouth may be complaining, your soul and your brain surpass it; the smile of your mother, your brothers and sisters, maybe your partner. There is drama: the death that occurs; Then everything quiets down. And in these civil war battlefields there are tens of thousands of these stories.

However; I want to ask you something, be human, right now, today. Some of you have entered those battlefields, because they have been preserved as monuments of what put this country in the attitude it has today. And if you are sensitive and walk through that battlefield, I ask you: did you feel anything? (Serie). And some say, "Oh, yes!" Some felt uncomfortable, because their akash begins to reveal things. Some did not have an experience there, but they still felt it! A question to reflect on: What is happening, so that you feel something at all? Does the dust of the earth have memory? Was he playing it? Did you press any button? Did you watch a video? And the answer is: Actually, yes! That is what the crystalline grid does. Remember the most dramatic things that have happened in history. Not only on the battlefields. I am talking about what you call the American continent, right here, right now. I would like to talk about that.

“Kryon, why do you never talk to us about the natives in the American regions? ” I will tell you something: first, they were not very numerous. Second, they were allied with the land, they knew Gaia. Before having to confront European influence, they were very comfortable with Gaia; There wasn't much drama! (Serie). The crystalline grid was almost neutral. They knew the energies of the ancestors, from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West!
Now we are talking about you. We want to talk about his lineage.

Women, listen, because this is in your akash ; if they are here and they are American, this is in their akash; listen. Imagine a journey that may have lasted for years, going east to west, when it was very common for you to give birth to children and lose them. It was very common to lose more children than they could keep. Either they died at birth, whether they were alone or had help, or died shortly thereafter.

Did you know that women walked beside the wagons? They did not travel inside; the carts had to carry many things, you knew it, right? Everyone who made the trip did it on foot. For women it was especially hard. As for pregnancies, you did not stop, and lost too many. I would like to tell you that the earth is covered with small graves that have no names! Women: it was so common that you didn't even name your son until he was three months old, because you didn't know if he would survive!

However; What does this tell you? Several things. The first: the earth has memory. That is the crystal grid. If you look at this with global breadth, what has defined humanity as you know it today is war, suffering and drama. That is what has defined it. It has defined you. It has defined Europe, South America. Everywhere! Where is each one, what language do they speak, all that originates in wars. The deepest things they feel when they go there have to do with suffering. And dear ones, that is the remembrance of the crystalline grid. Now, the grid did not create suffering; just remember it. And that is the function of the grid: to echo human nature. Provide a lineage of remembrance, feed the akash. And that is why we have always said: what consciousness does, remains on the planet.

Suddenly - suddenly - they have a change. And the change they have in 2012 is what they were told by almost all the old people on the planet. Suddenly this node becomes active. This node is physical. What did I tell them about the crystals? They are benevolent; There is a reason. They have been waiting, all over the planet. They give you messages that you enjoy, that you feel; Suddenly they have a great message, because they begin to give an accelerated path to the invisible grid with benevolent information, which will temper all the suffering, all those wars, and begin to rewrite the crystalline grid.

I will tell you what the messages are, for those who are sensitive enough, who listen, understand, to a crystal in front of you, in their beauty and transparency. The message is difficult; It is the rewriting of the future. Rewrite the future. Start telling them about a future they don't know. We will call it future history, because each ancient soul has a remembrance bias that says: You are doomed! Watch their movies: they are doomed. All your storytellers, the best stories that arise are those in which you are condemned. The sequels of war count. Show me the movies, the stories, the books, which speak of a new planet that has no wars. That they speak of the enigmas that could exist, of benevolence and compassion, of beauty; They are still nowhere! But they will be, because the grid has been rewritten by this node in which they are sitting, and the approaching accelerated route; their crystals are going to start talking to them and they will say: they have no idea where they are going! Its beautiful! Rewrite what you think is your future.

Listen: this is so powerful that those who glimpse the future, who perceive the future, are still perceiving the old future. And they repeat information that says: "This is horrible, it's going to happen, it's scary and it's going to happen." They are capturing what it was, not what it is! That is why this node is working as it does.

One more thing. Many Americans - not the natives - those who came in the last 200 years, many of them say: “ We really have no ancestors. Dear Kryon, how can we honor our ancestors when we don't have them? We come from other places! ” Let me redefine your ancestors, American. Those who fell on the battlefield; mothers walking next to the cart; the families that failed to arrive; those that could. You can have ancestors only 200 years old. Those are your ancestors. They are the ones who shaped the grid and the memory you have.

One of the most controversial things that I can tell you when closing, is that these episodes in the invisible crystalline grid have such an impact on a sensitive, even on the non-sensitive, that if something unusual tragic happens in a home, that particular energy usually remains there., even after the house has been demolished. You call her ghosts. They are a system of reproduction of the crystalline grid; on a certain date, at a certain moment, a certain frequency. You can measure it, the instruments detect it, sometimes you do too. The difference between a ghost and what you would call otherwise, which has energy, is that with this peculiar episode you cannot communicate, you do not speak with you, you simply reproduce, it is shown again and again . There is no one trapped, there are no entities there; It's an esoteric video (laughs). And they can count on him; they can prepare their instruments and cameras and pick it up; It is the crystal grid.

By the way, I will say that when it comes to things that make noise at night, you have no idea what you are seeing, none. Humans classify them all as one thing: something strange. Some are physical, some are normal. A time will come when they laugh at themselves for being afraid of them. It was beautiful (laughs).

And then somebody will understand, when they can see multidimensional things, exactly what is happening. That's how powerful the crystal grid is. Dear Kryon, are you telling me that by rewriting this grid from this node even those things can change? And the answer is: they will. You will begin to see it. No more haunted houses. You can no longer feel the energies where tragic things happened, where people died. Flowers that will grow where flowers never grew before. The sun rises over dark places.

This is the prediction of the planet for after 2012; It is the reason for this place. He has always been here waiting. The specific message for you: rewrite your future.

Now, not only the crystals in their homes and around them are benevolent; The messages are clear . Do they have an inclination to condemnation? Start it! Because they are not going to get there yet that future that is there, if they are always waiting for the second shoe to fall, when they are always waiting for something horrible. What is your bias regarding your life? What is your bias regarding your age? All this can be rewritten, and this is the place that will! (laughs).

If you can go to the excavation today, listen: there will be some crystals that speak to you. They won't just say “take me with you.” They will say: “Ahhh! We were waiting for you for millions of years! Take me with you! ” It's a little different.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll




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