Archangel Raphael - A Discussion on Healing Modalities

I constantly face new healing modalities, each claiming to be the highest energetically, the most superior, the easiest to apply, etc. In my opinion, all healing comes from the Source despite its name and methodology, and any superiority and efficacy that they profess to incarnate. I would like to know what the Archangels, Ascended Masters or someone else in Spirit have to say on this subject.

I AM Rafael, the Angel of Healing and Transformation and it is an honor once again to come and speak with you at this time. I really enjoy these moments because there are many who read these words that take something with them after they have been allowed to receive. And receiving is the most important energy that now appears on this earth.

When the human evolves and enters more and more into his divine knowledge of being and purpose, he will take the steps to honor that knowledge and seek ways to enhance their lives, heal old wounds, and embody more and more of their own divinity. Each step along with this spiritual path involves a recognition of consciousness and includes many different experiences.

The base energy of walking on the spiritual path is about healing what you feel is hurt, integrating and joining that feeling separate. And every step of this guided soul process can be assisted by the many modalities that are now emerging more and more in the face of the consciousness of the human mass.

Each phase of human existence carries an accompanying vibration and frequency. Much has been written about moving to a higher level, meaning that the clarity of vibration and frequency is increased and enhanced while one continues with his healing and personal transformation. What is happening with this is that each new frequency and vibration can be supported and enhanced by the use of various modalities. And each modality effectively has something to offer in its own way.

There is no modality that is truly better or more effective than another, and anyone who tells them that this is the case is not truly honoring their gift. At any given time, one particular modality may have the appearance of being more effective than another simply because it is more a vibrational equalization for those who are using that particular modality at that time.

This now brings the energy of discernment, for that is the guiding factor and voice in choosing the modality one wishes to use. There are many who run around and apply the forced approach to healing and change. They will try a little of everything they can find and feel that this is the best way to get the fastest results. There is a strong faction in human consciousness that supports this method and truly serves those who have this experience as one they are choosing for themselves.

What is most effective for those who are sincerely and deeply involved in their own desire to become clearer and heal old wounds, is to energetically test what modalities are being presented and then discern for themselves, at a particular time, if that modality or method is what would best serve them. This is an empowerment of the divine being when you allow your own inner guidance to tell you that this or that would be most beneficial at that time. And now I tell you, when you truly follow your inner guidance for what may be beneficial to you at that time, there is an additional energy that is brought to the experience that was not present before.

When humans use and follow their own discernment in all forms, they are sending before them the energy of self-assessment and self-empowerment. This is a superior vibration and this vibration is energetically matched when one is seeking treatment in any form. This is also true in whatever way the human is looking to express himself in other ways, but for this time we are talking strictly about the large number of healing and transformation modalities available and how to determine the one that is most appropriate at any time. .

And dear ones, the modality that is eminently adequate at one time may not be at another. Each moment must maintain its own, in its own expression to be fully used in everything that is being offered. They can choose to have the same experience over and over and over again, and that is their choice of human free will. What is not necessarily the case is that one would achieve the same results or equal satisfaction with each session, so to speak.

Your body will effectively respond to several modalities in its vibrational offering in different ways each time. For your body is continually changing and transforming its own internal and external vibrations, as does each organ, all tissues and so on. It is the combined vibration and frequency that should be taken into consideration whenever one is trying to discern which method or modality to choose.

There is a vibrational equalization that occurs when one crosses something that will be of great benefit to the spirit and the body. You are coming to the place of trust and recognition that effectively knows what is most suitable for you at any time given that it is the real difficulty. Humans have so much trouble trusting their instincts, their own intuition, and yet, these same energies are one's greatest friends in all situations! To be direct, if something doesn't feel right, then don't do it!

So dear ones, there is no method or modality that is best for all situations. Can you learn to trust your own guide to choose and let go of any questions that may be leaking? When they follow their own choices with confidence and respect they will find that they receive much more from whatever methodology they are choosing. For when you reach anything from that place of trust and knowledge then you will be allowing additional energy to emerge and support in your new ways. It is an added gift that comes to you when you are given permission to remain in your own truth and follow in the footsteps of the divine human. He tells one and all that they have confidence in what can be received and that they are honoring what is being presented to them also through their own guidance.

I AM Rafael and it is an honor to be here with you once again in this way. I am always available and here for you during these amazing times of healing and human transformation. I honor you as you are honored and when you allow yourself to stand more completely in being the divine human you are opening doors to receive great and wonderful gifts and teachings that will then lead you to other new experiences. Learn to trust you, dear ones, for there is no one who knows better than you what life can bring you than you!

We are full.

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Channeled by Jeane R. Pothier - Channeling for the February 2008 issue of Cosmic Lighthouse

January 13, 2008

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