Archangel Jophiel ~ Wisdom of the heart that blooms from consciousness

  • 2015

Precious Hearts, how is it possible that after all your efforts to accumulate, and sometimes contemplate, your experiences it seems that wisdom eludes many of you? You understand that true wisdom is not something that can be created instantly or acquired simply. It is very relative that you open yourself to it through the purity of the harmony of your personal power and will. You are aware that the final source of wisdom lies in the Divine Kingdom, and from this Heavenly Father and Powerful Divinity you are encouraged to explore your inner self and discover your own inner wisdom, a intuition that each dear son and daughter of God carry in themselves. It is their internal sensory energy, a type of perception often described as a consciousness that at certain times reminds them of their presence. Precious Hearts, how often do you think that consciousness is simply something instilled by your parents and teachers to be morally sensitive? Well, consciousness has a much greater potential than reminding them of how they treat and care for others; she embraces the potential to take them far beyond what they have been taught or even experienced . The information and knowledge learned when children about what is right or wrong, good or bad, often dissolves before you start making a real contribution to life. However, the consciousness based on the wisdom of your heart will serve you well as if it were a reliable moral compass in any circumstance.

Understandably, knowing the difference between right and wrong, good or bad, will not take them far enough. If you are to fulfill your highest potential, be helpful to others, contribute creatively to your life, get married and settle down, etc., then you realize that such a moral compass cannot provide you with all the answers to your many questions about how and where to direct his career. Your conscience, or internal intuition, allows each of you to understand wisdom as necessary in any personal or even professional circumstance you may find yourself in, and this includes your own specific set of possibilities and opportunities. And yet, in order to hear the inner voice of their conscience they need to prepare themselves to be less selfish and self-centered and serve unconditionally from the heart.

Can you open and expand your consciousness and learn to differentiate between the voice of your intuition or consciousness and the voice of your ego? Well, Precious Hearts, you must simply find a way that is gradual and gentle that develops the sensitive energy of intuition that connects you with your own perception and understanding of what is right. Many times the insecurity of their hearts and the cramming of their minds is what presents problems. Each one of you is full of so many desires, so many desires, so many thoughts that fill your minds and fight to be the center of your attention that you do not listen to the inner voice of your conscience in the midst of all that talk, distractions and temptations that challenge your intuition and ability to discriminate between the voice of your conscience and the voice of your ego. But there is hope, there is always hope. . . With a spiritual practice and exercises that are consistent you can learn to quiet your mind at a rate so low that your lack of noise pacifies your loving heart, supporting and guiding the imminent arrival of your consciousness from all the noise that ever existed there. .

Your conscience sees. He is able to witness his behavior and attitude, as well as his internal and external actions, but from an objective point. When your feelings, thoughts, words and actions become rude and unworthy, your conscience is the one who sees the truth in every matter and often creates a feeling of shame knowing that you have been seen by your inner self, and if your inner self can recognize What is happening, imagine what others can see. Many times they think they have hidden everything that concerns you from the world, but in fact your conscience can see everything they have hidden. But if they have the courage to open this door of their inner self and see their self-centered behavior honestly and faithfully, then their conscience becomes the sustenance of their hope that shows them a way out, a way of purifying themselves from the inside to the outside that will lead them to the liberation of his ego controller. Your Higher Self speaks to you through intuition or awareness, it is as she sees you exactly as you are, she sees you through the walls and masks that you try to use, and it is your intuition or awareness, if you prefer this term, which He directs them to the cleansing of their inner selves from all the impurities and discords that surround them. Thanks to your conscience you are able to see all your emotional attachments by illuminating an exclusive path for you to let them go, and when they let you go they create a space for new and bright directions to take their place.

Being open to your conscience means that you are totally ready for any of your incitements; If you are not fully ready your conscience will withdraw and you will sleep again. After consideration and contemplation, you will feel that your intuition will not disturb your beliefs or what you value, so you can follow their advice. The retrospective view offers them great learning that can be used the next time they work with their intuition. It is a learning process where you listen to your deepest inner voice, which does not happen overnight, but when it is constantly perfected in your consciousness and allowed to flourish you learn to discern the voice of truth inside of all

Simply, your conscience is nothing less than your most true self and listening to this inner truth and following your direction, knowing of your connection to the Divinity and the Father who granted this gift to each son and daughter, it is up to you to develop and perfect it. If they followed their unique consciousness more often, they would understand themselves intimately and eventually become their true self in all areas all the time. Of course, this is not going to be an easy path due to the many conflicts that your conscience gives face when they bring your wishes and desires to the situation. On the path to free themselves from their ego they will be presented with many choices and sometimes, Precious Hearts, the choices will be terribly difficult because they are going to ask them to let go of what they cannot choose because they are making a different decision. If they are given two choices to choose from, only one can really be accepted; The other must let go. My dear ones, it is important to get rid of egocentric and emotional attachments. The sooner they can do it, the more they will be released and the more they will open. If they can accept the impulses of their conscience, she can guide them through any difficulty or event in life. When you live consciously, you are basically giving God, your Heavenly Father, an open invitation for you to see everything you do internally and externally.

Developing your consciousness will open many new directions, but above all it will open your true self, the self that many dear beings have pushed aside. Be present, be yourselves and make your Precious Hearts shine, shining like the beautiful being that you are, for what we see is your being above anything else.
I AM Archangel Jophiel

Source :

received by Julie Miller

Translated by Gloria

Archangel Jophiel ~ Wisdom of the heart that blooms from consciousness

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