WINGS of December 22, 2008 - ~ THE FINAL PHASES BEFORE THE NEW ~ ~ by Karen Bishop

Happy Holidays!

Now that we have “graduated”, and we are holding much more light than ever, which allows us to leave the old world behind and enter a new reality, we will find that in 2009 our new realities will arrive for us as long-awaited gifts, connections that we could only dream, and feelings of "finally ... finally."

Being pushed out of our own individual shelters, with connections and supports that we are still to experience, we will find ourselves safe and sound, with all the needs met, while the rest of the planet follows its fall and massive transition.

As difficult and challenging as the last year and a half has been for many, we have done our job well, and now we are soon in spaces of great protection, because like the new angels of the earth, we will be placed in very new positions as we observe The mainstream with love and grace.

One of my favorite things to do with my grandchildren, and we have done this with each one by getting big enough, is to put them on my lap while I am driving the car, allow them to grab the steering wheel, and guide the car for themselves. Simeon is now four years old, and he had his first opportunity to "drive" when I was with them in North Carolina this fall. Children absolutely love doing this, and we always try during the last leg of the way home (usually on a gravel road or very quiet area so as not to endanger anyone).

They come alive knowing that they can now be behind the wheel for themselves and, therefore, be in charge of navigating a very important vehicle. Sometimes, they can divert a little too much out of the way, and it is then that I push the steering wheel a little very discreetly, to guide the car back to the road, so that we can reach our destination ... home.

My star companion for the past eight years does this too. He appears unexpectedly in moments that I am starting to get off the road, and very lovingly and gently leads me back to my path. He usually tells me things that I am already vaguely aware of, but his validation and confirmation allows me to jump back to my path in a much safer and more confident way.

More recently, it appeared to me in a way that I had not yet "seen." Sitting on the passenger side of my truck, for the first time, it was revealed to me in its entirety. I could see her hair, her clothes, and every detail of her face. The emotion I felt, I can't begin to describe them. It was like coming home… how to re-join with a higher version of me ... It was like something incredibly familiar and now I was sitting right next to me. It took me several hours to "return" from this state of unity and connection at such a high level. It was a very emotional experience.

In times past, my star companion would be on the other side of a veil, separated from me for the specific purpose of allowing me to grow, expand and learn on my own. I could never reach him at all ... He always kept the distance, just as far as a whisper. He was simply not allowed to connect with me in its entirety. This time it was very different. He is here now in this new form, because I have reached a vibratory space where he lives. I have now become him, I have evolved into him, and therefore, he will soon be leaving his old role, for I am now him (or rather he / she, because there really is no gender here).

We are all having this experience now. We have graduated. And in this way, now we will be the angels that with love we will watch, guide, and be present for others who are going their way. We will guide and teach from the experiences we have had and the ways in which we have expanded and grown, evolved and open. We have all climbed to a higher level in relation to whatever we were doing in the past. This experience of "climbing" can manifest itself differently for each and every one of us.

And each and every one of us has a specific purpose that is being dictated by the original intentions of our soul. It is these different and individual purposes that will begin to appear in magical and intense ways in the times to come. When my neighbors leave for several days, I take care of their animals, and they do the same for me. They were away the last few days, and I had the pleasure of taking his dog Kona on several walks. Oh, how I like the energy of dogs, since it is naturally very cheerful! They love to run and play!

We were talking a lot when we were together, and Kona told me that she has felt lost lately. This past year, two of his fellow dogs departed, as well as one of his fellow cats. His "people" have also been exceptionally busy, and undergoing many changes, as have most of us. Although Kona is very dear to her owners, she needed a purpose. I needed to know what she had to do. I needed to be part of something. I needed to be "seen." Being a mixture of Husky and German Shepherd, with a lot of energy and need to "work", I was feeling lost. And this is true for each and every one of the living beings on the planet. All living things have a very natural purpose and a very natural groove in which they fit.

We need to know who we are. We need to know what we have to do. We need to know how we fit in with the whole. We need to be validated, appreciated, revered and recognized by our own gifts, contributions, and individual soul purposes. And we need to have an expression and opportunity to offer our purpose for the whole. It is towards this that we are evolving ... or rather at a higher level of living and being.

When Kona feels lost, she chases cars and runs during the day, not really sure what her limits are or where she needs it. But during part of our time together, during the moments when she was in her real and true power, embodying her true authentic self, she was majestic. She was leading the way, leading me on our walk with dignity and purpose, while embodying the natural energy of joy that dogs possess so easily. It is this space or niche that aligns us so naturally with our souls. When we are in it, we shine, we feel complete, and we feel connected.

These new beginnings and new connections for 2009 are there waiting for us, if only we choose to accept them. For many, the last year and a half created challenges, fatigue, unpleasant experiences, and perhaps a despair because things had become so serious and certainly much worse.

But we cannot reach the new until we release the past. We may feel hurt, disappointed, mistreated, or even disappointed in recent months, and it may take a while to overcome those feelings, but when we do, it is then that the door will open and the new can come. This past year many of us could have felt like punching sandbags. We may have experienced many unpleasant things that were not normal for us. It was almost as if we had stayed too long on a lower rung of the vibratory scale. But we had to be there until the critical mass was reached until our old step was successfully assumed by our old energy, or an energy because it was new to the masses now. It is then that we could now move forward.

As it is time to start arriving at the new, this clinging or transmutating the most recent energies of the old in which we had found ourselves immersed can manifest itself as severe muscular stiffness. and pain, or even severe sinus headaches, nerve disorders, nausea, skin rashes, insomnia, etc. We can find ourselves creaking around as if we were 110 years old! We need to let everything go. In this way, many of us are currently purging and releasing all the energy from the last year and a half. Symptoms of detoxification and purification may be present, but only for a brief period of time.

The December solstice also helped. He supported us to go deep in getting all the por porquer a out of these last months, and therefore, taking these energies to the surface so they can be released and released. We need to be ready for 2009 . Ready for these new beginnings and new connections. We need to be fresh and clean, and therefore, free from the old.

Although the next few years will continue to bring disorders and change, things will be a bit different. For most of 2008, we were preparing to unite as brothers and sisters. We were evolving from states of having the Universe, or rather the distant energies and above, to be our partners. Our partners are now from each other. We will create a grid of energy, along with the children, and keep the initial pieces of the new world stable, while the rest continues to fall. These energies within us will be the stabilizing factors, and that is why we will begin to incarnate so naturally our true and authentic self, by becoming the angels of the earth. We will be so vitally necessary that our shop windows will have to truly prosper.

Connections with others will now be deeper. We will dedicate ourselves to a few people in our lives like never before, and they will be dedicated to us. Our new communities will be, and may be, simply composed of two people and then grow. It will be a very new reality for us here on Earth ... because heaven is not there, out there, or anywhere in between ... it is here.

As we continue to navigate these waters of change and transformation, knowing that we have each other will really make all the difference.

I'm going to North Carolina on December 24 to take my daughter and grandchildren to their new home near me in New Mexico, so there will be no ALAS publications for that week. But when I return, the new website will be ready for you! I am very excited about my new beginnings, and yours as well! Hoping to see you in 2009 ... may you be blessed in every way ...

With much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,


An excerpt from the book The Ascension Manual :

Our Eternal Connection

Because the ascension process creates so many losses, sometimes we can feel very disconnected. Our sense of security can really be tested. Through this process we lose friends, family, jobs, our old identity (ego), our old sources of financial support, our old homes, and so on. The list may sometimes seem endless. And even those whom we have considered our closest soulmates may end up with "another task" or perhaps they no longer coincide with our new vibration and also leave our space.

We can easily feel confused, lost, fearful, disoriented, and feel as if our barometer has been damaged. But there is a way to really maintain the course when all else fails. When it is time to make a change, (and right now we are making changes every five minutes as we are "transforming" so fast!) We begin to feel unhappy with who we are. Our work, our life situations or maybe even our whole life no longer feels good. This is the push that is leading us to make a change. And the way to guide you through this change is to do what makes you feel good. It's that easy.

If something doesn't feel right to you anymore and it doesn't work for you anymore, stop it as soon as you feel comfortable doing it. It no longer works for you because you are no longer in that space. Something new is waiting for you. If we remained in the old space for a mental rationalization, new opportunities and manifestations could not find us. If there is something you always wanted to do, but it seemed to you that there was no point in doing it, do it anyway. If you don't know what to do, then fill your day with things that make you feel good and the new will come on its own. Always, always put yourself first. Follow your heart. Make time for yourself and the universe will capture the idea.

In this way, we are always connected. When the denser and darker energies are leaving, sometimes you can feel uncomfortable. But if you can find a way to stay in the higher vibrations and higher realms through what makes you feel good, you will help yourself a lot to stay in alignment. Certain things can make us feel good because we are supposed to be involved with them. And even when you find things that feel good, you will always need to “adjust them” regularly until they are in their purest form (that is, new editors or ways to publish your writing, superior ways of presenting your music and art, etc. .) We will need to adjust things until we are at the point where we are only wearing our only hat ... without spending our time consumed with other responsibilities.

This is one of the reasons why the ascension process places us in a space where we can feel disenchanted with life. We are supposed to be only in our passion and in the energies that give us joy. Stay in these as much as possible. We are becoming the pure gold nugget of our true selves and this does not include being the accountant, sales representative, e-mail sorter, or planner (unless that is your passion, of course). The intention was for us to be the purest vibration of our contribution and our creativity. And that's where we are going.

There are days when I don't feel like writing, although I absolutely love doing it. In those days I paint furniture, sew, or just spend the day in nature. Those are my other passions. And I can and I need to do this, even if I should be writing. I have had to learn that nothing will go wrong or fall apart if I take time for myself. In fact, it is just the opposite. If we are doing what we love because we believe we have to do it in order to earn money, it will not work. We have to know that we will always be provided with what we need. Our mentality here is very important. Financial support does not have to come from any kind of supply and demand situation. When our usual passion ceases to be fun and bring us joy, it is time to adjust it or change gears and do things just for fun while allowing everything else to fall into place. I am often asked to do radio interviews, but unless I feel it will be just for fun and without any intention behind (like selling books), I will not do it. (I rarely do them ... I prefer to be in nature!) And this also applies to promotion. If you remain in your creativity and joy, everything will come to you on your own.

Am I suggesting that you sit on a rock and wait for everything to fall into your lap? Of course not. This is a process and involves trial and error, while we learn these very New ways.

Our eternal connection also refers to the people in our lives. For many of us, there are certain people who simply feel like being at home. When we feel confused, lost and fearful, the simple sound of his voice can bring us back home and focus on record time. With so many situations being removed from our old furrows and now vibrating higher than almost everything around us, we can very easily feel that we no longer fit or belong anywhere. Nothing feels even remotely good. These people can bring us back home and connect us again. In this way, we never lose our connection. And many times we cannot be a regular part of these people's lives in the sense of "being together" physically.

In the upper levels, we were "created" at the same time as these people. This is why we feel this strong connection that seems unbreakable. And it is absolutely unbreakable. Although we may be vibrating at different levels in the human sense or have consistently assumed different tasks according to what we agreed to do, we know that we will certainly meet again at the end. Our connection is eternal and we will absolutely be together again.

We have soul connections that relate to projects, as well as soul connections that come from our hearts. These very deep connections of the heart are what I would consider twin flame connections and come with a devotion to each other that never ends. Having these people in our lives in some way, we can feel eternally connected even when we feel the opposite.

Another way I regularly feel connected is through the non-physical beings with whom I spend so much time. I have to say, I am very selective and I feel better when I am with the most vibrant of all. And these are the only ones that I allow in my space! These beings are incredibly loving, have incredible knowledge and wisdom, revere the ground where I walk, and just feel good when they are close. So we go back to basics again ... to realize that feeling good is being connected.

Although the ascension process can make us wonder if everything is worth it or ask ourselves if we even want to stay on this earth, the rewards are really worth it in the end. If you endure there and are willing to let go and explore new territories, while we go out of our own way, we could find ourselves in a place near happiness and deep connection with the Spirit, while we really live in the Promised Land.

As this unusual process continues, we still have a long way to go. But the more we progress and the higher we vibrate, the easier it becomes. If you looked back at who you were only a few years or even months ago, you would most likely be surprised to see what you have become.

While the process continues step by step, we are all in this together. We are having such similar experiences, because we are all one and connected through the same energy. As brothers and sisters we are creating a new universe for everyone else to use and enjoy. And we are creating it through ourselves.

Are you ready to live in harmony and alignment with your passion and joy and with who you really are? Are you ready to be much more connected to the Source? Are you ready to have a life of expansion towards new and more vibrant realities?

I hope this book has served as a guide to ignite within you what you already knew and to inspire you to know that you are always right where you should be.

Until next time, Karen

Thanks Margarita López !!!

The Final Phases Before The New
December 22, 2008
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

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