Power update Be the best of yourselves in the YEAR 2016 - understanding the energies and trends of the year - By Selacia

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Dance of Uranus and Pluto 2 Being Consciously Witnesses of Change 3 Positive Energy Cycles 4 Be the Best of Yourself 4.1 From a higher perspective, does your life not really try to be the best of your Self than to measure with a conventional standard of what they should be? 5 Have Abundance of Help - All the Time!

Perhaps more than in any other year to date, in 2016 you have the opportunity to be your best self. In this article, I will explain what this means and provide a snapshot of the energies and trends of the year. The mention of this is not random, but an exercise to help them connect the points of their personal life journey impacted by external forces.

Right now they are probably ready for something new and to have a cosmic impulse that will take them beyond the challenges of last year and towards a more joyful experience. Undoubtedly, the year 2015 was not an easy time. Uncertainty and complexity tended to surround goals and projects - even simple things in their daily lives may have been affected.

The very long dance of the radical transformation of society reached a boiling point on multiple occasions. A major catalyst has been the rough hard line of Uranus and Pluto that impacts all life on Earth. Although somehow, these planetary aspects are diminishing, the waves of radical and revolutionary change are far from over.

Dance of Uranus and Pluto

Throughout history when Uranus and Pluto lined up as we have experienced in recent decades, there have been great changes, both personally and in society.

It is as if the created humanity and society were placed inside a giant icon and the power switch was at maximum, stirring and paying attention to the dysfunction. Non-active elements of society - by the way almost everyone - are climbing to the top of the giant blender to be examined and changed. It's complicated, partly because many climb to the top at once.

Being Consciously Witnesses of Change

Due to our evolutionary situation, we are consciously witnessing this process and what we see at the top of the blender. Our conscience, by the way, prevents us from looking away!

If humanity were symbolized by a model of culturally traditional attire it would appear naked in this cycle of history. Stripped of the clothes that identify them and status symbols, it becomes clear that humans share basic intrinsic qualities and objectives. Everyone wants love and live in a peaceful world. Everyone wants justice and know the truth.

So there we are, the backdrop of the great image that leaves us in the now. I recommend keeping this broader perspective in mind, as you move through the ups and downs this year.

Positive Energy Cycles

Also keep in mind, that along with this larger life scenario that is developing in the background, there are cycles of energy that help us stay healthy and positive. At the beginning of 2016 for example, we have the support energies of the beginning of the year with more inspiration and a sense of positive momentum. That can be very useful.

Feeling more enthusiastic and positive increases their frequency and can connect with more creativity. The application of a more creative approach can make a big difference in the results. Example: sometimes a person who was not going to call on an idea last year comes to mind. If they get to go out and explore options with this person, their idea can come back to life in a more tangible way.

Be The Best of Yourself

From a higher perspective, isn't your life really about being the best of your self than measuring with a conventional standard of what they should be?

Linear or conventional standards do not take into account the vast and quantum nature of their being or the achievement of what they embodied in this life. These rigid standards did not influence their past lives or their eternal nature - they are static and inflexible. They fit you into a niche that does not allow you the unlimited variations that are available to you.

After all you are divine change makers willing to make extraordinary progress in this life. That progress is for you, but also for humanity as a whole. Every time you move forward and hold more light, your change helps heal the world. The path they walk is more a call than a traditional purpose . When walking along this path they have greater potential to be their best version of themselves.

Their best version of themselves is conscious and awake to their creations. By refusing to have its success defined by linear models, this struggle to be the best they can at all times. Its best version takes into account the bigger picture and is confident that sincere efforts in the long run will bear fruit. That internal trust is solid even when things are completely reversed and goals seem unattainable.

Being your best version is an evolutionary process. This means that the best you during another timeline was doing your best, based on your abilities and energies at the time. The best version to which they have evolved now is not the same person. They have grown by leaps and bounds, doing their internal work and releasing everything possible along the way.

Your best version today may have different interests from your previous self. You can feel gratitude for the little things in life. It is more open to change.

Its best evolved version is easier to respond to difficult cycles such as retrograde ones and to recover from loss and disenchantment. Their inner wisdom helps them stay balanced with reminders of good things when life becomes difficult.

Retrograde planetary energies can certainly create a feeling of slowness - this year we have more retrograde energies than usual.

Retrograde mercury is an example - the first of 2016 starts on January 5 for three weeks. As always, there are potentials for delays and irregularities regarding communications, technology and timelines. It is not the best time to start something new or sign an important contract - but of course there are exceptions. Remember the quantum element!

This year we will have several cycles of other retrograde planets besides Mercury, adding the sensation of slow momentum - Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus . This is not cause for alarm. There is no reason to close the business, cancel the wedding or take other drastic measures.

The key in these cycles is the advantage of intuition and also the understanding that even under the most intense phases, there are always rewards.

So, where is the good thing about slow and unpredictable things?

First Positive Thing : When things don't go as planned or take longer than anticipated, they have more time to review everything and perhaps find better and more durable solutions.

Second Positive Thing : they have moments to reflect and re-group their energies. That may sound obvious, but consider what would happen if you were simply moving quickly from one project to another without the necessary anchorage to sustain what you were creating.

Third Positive Thing : These retrograde cycles impact everyone, including those who contribute positively in their creations - imagine that sometimes when the universe stops things until they crawl forward, their partners better prepare to work with you successfully.

These are only a few examples but they already have the idea. There really is no bad cycle and there is no bad luck or someone is a victim of the planet. What nonsense! In the same way it is not fortuitous that all of us are here now in 2016. That certainly had a purpose and is a piece of a higher plan orchestrated by the spirit to transform this planet into the light .

They have Abundance of Help - All the Time!

You live is now truly ready for new challenges and joys of life right now. Trust this. You have more resources than you possibly know! They have an abundance of help - all the time - from their own inner wisdom and from the countless beings that interact with their life stream. There is so much help, that in fact if they could come to understand their enormity, they would be amazed!

Imagine now as you read these words a sense of wonder that grows in your energy field, filling all parts of you and then being anchored in your heart. When in doubt or need encouragement, return to this feeling of wonder.

AUTHOR: Selacia

TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli

SEEN AT: www.Selacia.com

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