The language of candles. Have you heard about this?

  • 2017

Have you ever heard about the language of candles ? In the following article you will know a lot about this topic.

Candle lighting in religious and spiritual ceremonies comes from the very old. The ancient Egyptians made their candles with beeswax and placed in the tombs of their kings to illuminate them on their journey to the other world.

The flame is precisely the part that shines, which allows the passage from the physical to the spiritual world .

It can be interpreted as navigating as a metaphorical image of spiritual enlightenment . The wax, the body of man is the body of the candle, The soul is represented by the wick and the fire, the flame or the flame, it is the vital principle of the divine, of the human being who is eternal and immortal. Illumination comes when one is aware that we are like a candle.

Next we will discover the language of candles through their colors. Learn how to use them depending on the colors. Do not do it to cast spells, but rather to take advantage of all your positive energy.

The language of candles according to their colors

White color:

Take away the negativity and bring peace . Heal and soften emotions. Purify the soul and help you find the truth . White candles can replace any color and be used in any other ritual.

Green color:

It attracts health, fertility and good luck . It is said that the light of a green candle helps to find work. It attracts prosperity and success . Fidelity and reconciliation in pairs. Protect friendship.

Color blue:

Promotes and restores peace and happiness in the home . It helps in communication and understanding, as well as in the ability to discover the truth and find peace with oneself . It helps you in harmony and meditation.

Red color:

This color is very energetic . Increases vitality, gives strength and health. It increases willpower, courage, courage, capacity for action and self - confidence . If you want to increase passion and desire, this is your color.

Pink colour:

It attracts pure unconditional love and friendship . It is the color of feelings, emotions and superior forgiveness. So, the light of a pink candle is adequate when feelings and soul are hurt.

Gold color:

This is the color of male energy . The golden candles are the sun, as they attract solar energy, positive thinking, happiness, self-confidence and generosity. It is often used to attract good luck, success and abundance.

Yellow color:

It increases the mental agility of, wisdom, inspiration, memory, study and creativity. It provides security and strength and facilitates adaptation to changes . It is useful to have clarity of thoughts and therefore have a clear vision when making decisions. It is often used to improve communication with others and gain their trust, or use the same communication techniques to advance their careers.


Yellow and gold are like orange, it is a color of the range, in terms of fertility and abundance of any kind, whether physical or mental. Work on self-esteem, trust and creativity. It attracts luck, success, friendship and positive things.

Black color:

It is thought that using candles of this color is very negative, but that is not entirely true. Like everything, it depends on the intention with which it is done. The black color, which is associated with the underworld and the unknown, is powerful and this means that if we use a black candle in a ritual of protection , it will only become stronger and free of feelings of sadness and negativity.

Brown color:

It is the color of Mother Earth . It is used to find items that have been lost and protect domestic animals. It is useful to have a strong connection to the earth, a firm base. It provides the necessary security to achieve our goals.

Lavender color:

It is the color of spirituality . Call inspiration and contact with the Higher Self. It transmits tranquility. The lavender color is associated with the sixth chakra, so it increases our intuitive ability and greater knowledge of the occult. Help during the stages of meditation. Open the door to the subconscious mind.

This is the language of candles . I hope it helps you to illuminate the darkest moments we all have at some time in our lives.

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