Clarifying the "ambiguous origins" of Kryon's messages - by Mario Lian

Dear Friends! Considering them of general interest, I copy the questions that a reader asked me about the possible ambiguities regarding the origin of the messages of Kryon as well as the answer we could give him.


I am a big fan of Kryon's messages and I am very happy to know that he is also channeled in Spanish by you.

Many times I have tried to understand the concept of channeling, but it is so ambiguous that it leaves the door wide open to distrust and think that someone who says that it channels does not actually do so and is only for their benefit ( without prejudging the type of benefit: economic, fame, etc.). I have come to wonder why you need to channel through several people, to deliver the message in the language that person speaks.

Why a channeling cannot be through any person and in any human language (without that person through whom the channeling occurs, necessarily know the language that your biology allows to use as a vehicle to deliver the Kryon message)?
In other words, Why Kryon which is a multidimensional entity that sends packages of ideas and messages instantaneously cannot do it in the language you want to be heard, regardless of what human it does (which I imagine is very easy for him)?

Luis O. Chile


Hi Lu s Thanks for writing your comments! Answering your questions, the spiritual message that Kryon (or any other group entity) could be transmitted needs to be channeled through several people, because it is necessary for the message to arrive in different ways, structured under different mental models, from the spectrum of the different human beliefs that make up the universality of the experience of the Ser and with the possibility that it can be multiplied and delivered to many humans with subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) differences .

Although previously spiritual messages used to come through mediums, a channel is not a medium: that is, it does not lend its body to be occupied by a being that supplants it and therefore, manifests through it a language different, an intelligence or abilities different from those of the supplanted human. On the contrary, a channel does not allow the occupation of its body (it is the mastery of the New Energy that the human being of the 21st century is able to develop), but it opens its energy channels to be able to “interpret and translate” the image packages and feelings that come to him ... in a totally coherent discourse, without putting of his harvest, that is, letting what comes to him flow and exposing it from his own human capacities: race, culture, intellect, voice, language, beliefs, etc.

The message that comes from Kryon - the message that the channel will try to translate and transmit - does not come from "Him-Kryon" as if Kryon were a subject, because Kryon is not an individual, but a kind of "collective voice" that it collects everything “from everywhere” and transmits a bit of that whole so that the receiver - who has the ability to capture a specific piece that is adjusted to a certain reception frequency (his) - places it in the context of reality social of the moment in which he is participating and therefore, put it within the reach of others who "will understand" ... through the human aspects shared by both the channel and the group that is listening to channel (race, language, social context, etc.).

The fact that there are different channels of a “single entity” barely responds to the human desire to express the need to differentiate messages for different socio-cultural contexts… If we see it, such a procedure represents a true way to get precise explanations to the existential needs of each religious or social group, which do not have to keep great similarities with each other. To show a button. South America and North America, South America and Central America, South America and Africa, Europe and Africa, North America and Asia, etc.

I hope I could explain enough ... Fraternally

Mario Liani

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