Behind the Veil: A look at the phenomenon of Channeling. First Part (Spanish Translation)

  • 2017

Interview with Lyssa Royal, by Kazuni Hoshima. First Part (In English in the original)

Channeling is the process of receiving information or inspiration from spheres that are beyond our physical reality.

There are many ways of channeling, such as vocal trance channeling and divination (using tools such as tarot or runes). Even the simplest form of creativity can be considered channeling, how a musical composition, dance and movement, and artistic efforts. The specific source of channeled inspiration is not as significant as the essence of the gift brought through this reality.

Where does the pipeline come from? Most people have heard about channeling of Spiritual Guides, Angels, Extraterrestrials and Ascended Masters. But perhaps, the most important aspect of channeling is the ability of each person to connect with their own unique spiritual energy (which is the highest of oneself). Without that ability, the process of connecting with spiritual guides may seem bi-dimensional or superficial.

Thus, how we develop the relationship with our own Higher Self (thus committing ourselves in the process of our own personal growth), the Universe comes alive through consciousness and helps us learn about the wonders of divine creation.

This article reproduces an interview with Lyssa Royal regarding channeling and connection with the Higher Self . Many issues have been discussed, but first of all a general issue is explored: that the channeling process can be so clear how clear the channel is . To achieve that clarity, a channel must commit itself to a journey of intense personal growth and discovery.

It is important to remember that each channel is unique . Just like the different musical styles, a channel and its guide learn to create a symphony of ideas and experiences for the listener. Each channel has its own style . If you are looking for a channel, I suggest that you participate in several channeling sessions until you find one that inspires you joy and a new awakening in the heart.

The interview was conducted with the help of Lyssa's Japanese interpreter, Ms Kazumi Hoshina .

How did it become a channel and what kind of training did you have to follow? Please be specific regarding training.

It was how if the circumstances of my life guided me to learn the skills that I would need to become a channel, even long before I knew what channeling was . In 1979 I had a UFO sighting with my family in New Hampshire . Although I had been interested in psychic phenomena before this experience, the sighting really accelerated my interest in paranormal matters. At that time I was at the University. Shortly thereafter, I began to study hypnosis and learned to reach an altered state of consciousness, mainly for stress management.

Those previous situations helped me lay the groundwork for what happened next.

In 1984 I started visiting a channel called Darryl Anka, who channeled Bashar . Bashar's pipes had a big impact on my life. During that time I had a dream in which an entity materialized and played all my chakras. The entity told me: " You will be a channel ." That experience scared me and excited me at the same time. I immediately went to Bashar and asked him what this was all about and what I could do to develop my channeling ability.

Then Bashar recommended a kind of channeling that he knew in Los Angeles and that was just beginning. I called the teacher and it turned out that there was only one vacancy left. The class started one or two months after my call. During the wait, I felt that I wanted to continue learning about channeling before class started.

I went through an exciting process. I began to feel the presence of other entities and a lot of energy around me. I began to enter into that state of self-hypnosis that I had studied years ago, and the spiritual guides began to teach me the first stages of channeling . They would combine their energy with mine, moving my hands and my head, and exercise my vocal cords so that I could feel what it would be like to speak with a new energy in the vocal cords. That really prepared me for the later class.

So the channeling started before you even took the class?

Yes it is. I was already channeling before starting class, but I also felt that I needed some kind of formal guidance. It is a terrifying experience to open up to something like channeling without any assistance.

I entered the class in January 1985 with five other students, and studied 4 or 5 hours once a week with the teacher. Then we met without the teacher, independently, for 4 hours once or twice a week. In class I met a broad spectrum of approaches to channeling - all of which are very important aspects of the experience.

Especially noteworthy was the area of Personal Growth, in which I currently focus when I teach channeling . This aspect is important because it allows a channel to be clear. If a channel processes its own fears, worries and blockages, then it becomes clearer as a person, and therefore it will become clearer as a channel. A channel that is not clear, loving and without prejudices in your life, will not be clear, loving and without prejudices in your channeling .

We also did a lot of work with the subconscious . There were many guided meditations that were intended to release the blocked energy that resides in the subconscious. This energy is expressed through an archetypal language understood mostly by the subconscious and by unconscious aspects of ourselves. This includes the areas of fear, love, judgment, and the integration of polarity (whether male / female, or dark / light).

There were many lessons that we had to assimilate through the exchange of spiritual energy among ourselves with our human form, and the expression of that energy through speed, movement or music (depending on the talents of each individual channel). A lot of concentration focused on the Higher Self, and on how to get everything we need, searching within ourselves, without having to work with external entities.

We also did basic work, developing our physical abilities and stimulating our ckakras (energy centers). We work with divination using tools such as tarot cards, runes etc. In the end our lessons were compressed into a mixture of teachings designed to become flexible and clear channels.

So it was really a serious study

Yes. Even later we accelerate class hours and spend more time practicing. We were entirely dedicated to it.

Finally, you started working with the entities Germane and Sasha. Before they appeared, what other entities guided her? Were they with you just to help you learn to channel?

The first entities that I started to channel (the ones that came before classes started) were mixed. The first one I remember was a Chinese philosopher named Kwan . The entity called Ra also came. There were enough. I do not remember them all. The first entity that stayed with me and helped me develop what a channel was called Raydia . I channeled it for three years. She was the entity that my Los Angeles clientele knew best. At first I began to be known for channeling Raydia . During all the time I lived in Los Angeles doing public channels, I was channeling Raydia along with several others.

What was Raydia like?

She was the female version of the guide called Germane, with whom I currently work. Just before leaving Los Angeles in 1988, I went to Arizona and made its last channel. She told the group: " You will never see me again in this way . " I had no idea what that meant. Finally she integrated with Germane . Like Germane, she belonged to a collective consciousness, but had a strong affiliation with the star Arcturus .

Germane has many different aspects within itself. However Raydia was very heart-centered, and strongly affiliated with Arcturus .

During that time I also channeled an entity called “ the One, ” who had a strong connection to the energy that was worshiped by Ahkenaton in his attempt to introduce monotheism into Egypt .

You mentioned an entity called Ra. Was it the same entity as the one mentioned by the Egyptians?

It was not the same entity discussed by the last dynasties of Egypt . In the minds of the last Egyptians the original Ra evolved into something else.

Ra belonged to another collective.

Once I was in Arizona everything changed. Surprisingly I also started to channel Merlin . He was very enigmatic and told us that he was just a temporary guide and that he was preparing me for a new frequency. Six months later Germane appeared. It was very difficult to channel at first because he had an annoying accent. I begged him to work with me so that this accent could be corrected. He told me that the accent had something to do with the way his energy interacted with my vocalization centers . It took us a few years, but little by little the accent was diminishing. Now it is only perceived weakly. For people who have been listening to my tapes since 1989, they will notice that the accent is decreasing after four years of channeling. That is, in effect, a long period!

Can you tell us how contemporary channeling developed in America?

In the late 1800s the spiritual movement increased both in Europe and in America. The interest in mediums was reinforced. At that time the activity focused mainly on the channeling of entities that had died - dead spirits returning to give information. In the 50s there was a wave of pipes that came from supposed extraterrestrial sources. A channel called George Van Tassel was the true pioneer in terms of Extraterrestrial Channeling . At that time it was a very simple channeling, but quite deep for listeners.

Arguably, the main influence for many of today's contemporary channels was Jane Roberts, who channeled Seth. She began her channeling in the 60s, but her material was not recognized until the 70s and then another wave of pipes was experienced in the 80s .

Jane Roberts' material was very intellectual and was as much about the nature of reality, as about our connection with God, reincarnation etc. It comes from a very well balanced and very exhaustive perspective.

I feel that she is the pioneer of modern channeling in America.

In the 80s another channel called JZ Knight, who channeled Ramtha, profoundly influenced the channeling. Unfortunately, his channeling style was very dramatic and was controversial. So, when the channel began to become popular in the 80s, and the media were forming an opinion about it, JZ Knight was the only one in which everyone focused their attention. The media portrayed it from a very negative perspective, which influenced the way in which the world would perceive channeling at that time. Shirley Maclaine also wrote about her.

The truth is that the channeling was immensely distorted by the media in the 80s . Even JZ Knight's material was distorted by the media.

Another channel that influenced the 80s was Kevin Ryerson, who had also been popularized by Shirley Maclaine . But he didn't have a press as negative as JZ . Knight .

At present, all those involved in metaphysics or self-help issues know what channeling is (but their true understanding is probably inaccurate). Even therapists are using channeling in their practices. However, I still think that, unless someone has experienced first-hand channeling and had a good experience, they will not understand what it is, and will judge it from a disinformation position.

Isn't Edgar Cayce also well known? Is it considered a channel?

I forgot to mention you! I'm sorry. Edgar Cayce influenced American channeling a little, but he is an extremely unique case. His material could be corroborated and was often validated whether it was a prophecy or a medicinal remedy. Its channeling was not necessarily known for being philosophical or spiritual, but for being practical; for providing realistic information. He has done a wonderful service to channeling .

Is there a hierarchy between the entities that are channeled?

You will get a different answer to this question, depending on who you ask. I will start by saying that this is only my opinion, but I think it is the truth. For those of us who are on the physical plane, reality is linear . Therefore we always need to place things in an orderly hierarchy to understand them. This is reflected even in our body structure .

From the spiritual realms, the entities tell me that there is no hierarchy there . The entities see each other as equal to each other, although perhaps with different areas of action. So the most common levels for the different types of channeled entities in America would be the following: Aliens, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirits Guides who have lived lives on Earth and who have died, Collective Consciousness Groups, Beings of Light, Spirits Natural etc.

I have discovered that channels that are very good and clear do not channel on the concept of hierarchy. However, some channels that are not as clear or developed may tend to focus on the idea of ​​hierarchy or some forms of separation. In reality, each entity has its area of ​​action that is reflected in the type of information they bring.

Channeling has been around for centuries, although it has adopted different styles. Why do you think that the popularity of channeling has grown in conjunction with the growth of the New Age movement?

I think there are several reasons. One has to do with the evolution of the species . If we look at the history of mankind, there is always a resurgence of interest in the paranormal, at the end of a millennium . That is positive and negative. The negative is that apocalyptic prophecies are also reborn. The positive is that there is a spiritual rebirth in one way or another. The boom of the New Age movement at the end of the 20th century was in line with the historical trend.

We are also living the increase of a technological world that leads us away from nature and our connection to the universe. I think people are trying to feel connected again. The connection is our natural state of existence . People are looking for some activity or philosophy that can make them feel that connection.

Channeling provides a service, but it is certainly not the only way for people to make that connection.

Do you also think that this resurgence of channeling is connected to the transition that many people feel we are experiencing?

I think it is connected with the transition . If what is being channeled is true, (that the vibration or energy of the planet is accelerating, and that we are transforming in response to that acceleration) then it seems natural that we make more use of our brain capacity than before.

Now there is some research on what happens in a person's brain when it is channeling. However, this investigation is not complete. The channeling is in fact connected to this transformation because the transformation is causing us the desire to reach and expand our potential, especially in the areas of thought and consciousness . Channeling is a way to do it.

It is incredible that no one has done serious research on channeling.

I think some research has been done, especially at UCLA (University of California) . The research I am familiar with was done by Ph. Ds . A doctor studied the psychological changes in those that developed as channels. She wrote a dissertation about her findings. There are also studies of brain waves, in which some channels have been connected to electro-encephalographic machines. When the channels entered the channeling state and began channeling an entity, all brain waves reached their peak. For example, when we are awake in normal life, only beta brain waves are recorded. It seems that channeling uses more parts of the brain, because then all brain waves are recorded. The brain becomes more active. This is exciting because it could confirm the idea that, in effect, channeling expands human potential.

Does it mean that everyone needs to learn to channel to expand their brain capacity? No, I don't believe that. If the theories about the morphogenetic field are correct, only a certain number of channels will be needed to reach the amount considered critical. Upon reaching that critical amount, brain evolution will have passed to most species, thus creating an evolutionary leap .


ENGLISH TRANSLATION-SPANISH: Eva Villa, editor in the big family


The second part of this translation will be published on under the name: Behind the Veil: A look at the phenomenon of the Canalization. Second part

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