Accept your own "shadow" and you can accept others

  • 2012

The key to finding the midpoint between blind trust and systematic distrust lies in connecting with our own psychological shadow. How to do it?

We all have a dual nature and we are not better or worse by expressing it. If you become aware of your own "shadow, " misery and darkness, you will be more aware of someone else's; and, if you accept it in yourself, you can also do it in others. Look steadily at the most "shameful" part of you and, when it emerges, observe it and illuminate it instead of covering it up and justifying it. Be aware and accept that at any given time you may be being selfish, manipulative or interested, it will lead you to achieve greater emotional maturity and inner independence, thanks to which ...

… You stop demanding the other one to be perfect, because you no longer demand it from yourself, and you are more tolerant of their fears, desires, ambitions and selfishness, because you are aware that you also have them.

You learn to move better with the gloomy area of ​​others: you avoid provoking it and it hurts you, you know how to defend yourself from it. You have greater awareness and control of what you are giving and offering at all times, of the limits that you must put on others, and that you should not give an excess of information to whoever can Use it against you.

You understand the game of human instability better: what is going well today, tomorrow can go wrong; He who loves you today, tomorrow may despise you, and also the other way around!

Discover that sympathies and antipathies are like the tides: they vary according to the changes that take place in you and others, approaching you or moving you away, according to affinities and temporary differences.

You re-revitalize people's behavior, seeing their constant changes: there are no love or hate, admiration or rejection, myths or truths, which last for life. Everything is in permanent transformation.

You begin to see beyond the apparent and immediate, and to intuit that there is something good behind all this instability.

You accept inappropriate or disproportionate behavior in others, with the only limit that it does not go against your broader interests: capacity, economy, health.


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