Access to the Fifth Dimension, it is not a matter of faith is a certainty, Jesus the Ascended Christ

  • 2011

September 19, 2011

In these final times, although there are many signs that have appeared in recent times, many still do not recognize them, it is clear that the ascension process seems unknown to most of the incarnated humans at this time, however the divine plan is He has been doing in a timely manner, and although a grace period of more than 10 years had to be granted, so that many more humans could wake up, now the conclusion of the divine plan is imminent, this has been confirmed by the Father. As all the signs and omens begin to be more evident to the awake ones, it is important that they know those who intuit the following information, which will be revealed for the understanding of what is happening and are in confidence, only then, they can ascend In these final times.

I will try to explain in the clearest way possible, much is being said about access to the fifth dimension, but almost nobody has understood it, every spiritual matter necessarily converges with science, that is, with physical matter, we will try to explain scientifically, in the simplest way.

They must take into account that everything is continually in a process of evolution, in a continuous movement that began millions of years ago, this process is just that, one more evolutionary leap, in the history of the earth of the third dimension

In order for this to be understood, I will first mention the studies conducted by Albert Einstein over 80 years ago, where some of the information that will be revealed here was unfinished.

According to Einstein, in general relativity, gravity exists in four dimensions, and the gravitational wave must propagate in four dimensions.

In a very summarized way we can say that in general relativity, gravitational waves are undulations of spacetime, they propagate in all directions. The variation of a Ndimensional space generates the N + 1 dimensional space, thus the null dimension generates 2 dimensions, and so on.

Einstein's gravitational wave requires the four-dimensional geometric frame, since time space has 4 dimensions, but the geometric effect of the gravitational wave generates 5 dimensions, but the issue here is that from the third dimension, the Wavelength is becoming much smaller, we know that matter in the third dimension has an X wavelength, but if we reduce that wavelength, we could start to have access to other dimensions, today they have been made different studies, where they indicate, for example, that fear has a very wide and long wavelength, and unlike it, love has it very thin and short, in other words, as we begin to live in the Love, your vibration is getting thinner.

That was what I really wanted to say, when I said that the door to the Kingdom of God was very narrow, as one begins to raise his vibrations, this wavelength will become narrower and the density of matter will decrease respectively.

What would all this explanation have to do with the last planetary events? At the end of December 2010, a comet called Elenin was discovered, which is approaching the earth and will have an alignment with the sun, between 25 and September 28, what will happen will be related to what we will explain in a colloquial way, so that it can be understood by the majority.

The sun is a kind of projector, which allows through its light and electromagnetic energy, that there is in our electromagnetic spectrum life on Earth of the third dimension, but if at the same time and space, it is placed near the earth a similar energy, but of less intensity, but which can also be intensified, through a characteristic property of comets, which is to be dielectric, this property intensifies electromagnetic energy. At a time between September 25 and 28, a null zone will be created, in which the orbital link tensor is interrupted and a space-time curvature is created, which will allow the frequency at which they vibrate, Dilate much more.

It is as if ELENIN for a few hours takes us to his small solar system, as does the sun with all the planets constantly. Only this time we will be under the electromagnetic influence of a small sun of the fifth dimension. This is demonstrated by the gravitational pulse they are detecting in NASA.

This is what they have done so far through the vibration of love, but it can also be accelerated through a large amount of electromagnetic energy, generated by ELENIN, which will catapult the first wave of human masters ascended to the next dimension, this possibility will be according to your vibration at the time of the null event.

If we understand the above, we will realize that the game of the evolution of life is linked to these cycles, which begin and end. This is what their ancestors tried to explain to them, the Mayans said it, the Hoppis, but they did not let this information be known until very recently, worse still, certain dark characters have contributed to generating more fear in recent years, and all the information has been hidden, including the presence and alterations caused by this comet called ELENIN in the solar system.

The opportunity is now, for the first wave, the end of cycle date (2012), will be for mass ascension, thanks to Mr. CALLEMAN, today they know that the end of the real cycle is October 28, 2011, whose Date coincides with the appearance of the famous ELENIN.

It should be mentioned that Elenin, has not really appeared as it is to the human eye, since it is vibrating in another dimension, as we know, the dimensions leave the electromagnetic spectrum of human vision, but this can be seen through infrared.

For this reason, now is when, you have to vibrate higher, and be happy for this enormous opportunity to access the fifth dimension in body and spirit.

We hope that the information presented here, be understood by all those who are ready to access the fifth dimension, remember that ascension is not a decision, it is a vibration.

Finally, I would like to remind you of the instructions for the final times that appear, in the different gospels that my disciples wrote, that although they were not understood by them, you will understand them.

1-MATTHEW 24-22: And if that time were not shortened, no one would come out alive, but God will shorten it, in consideration of his elect.

As you know the time has begun to shorten.

2-MATTHEW 24-27: For as lightning shines from the east, and inflames the sky to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man.

Elenin's arrival will be from the east to the west (coincidence?)

3-MATTHEW 24-29-30-31: After those days the sun will darken, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars of the sky will fall and the mechanisms of the Universe will wobble. Then the sign of Son of Man will appear in heaven. He will send his angels, who will play the trumpet and gather the elect of the four cardinal points from one end of the world to the other.

4-MATTHEW 24-37-38-39-40-41: The coming of the Son of Man will remember the times of Noah, a few days before the flood, people kept eating and drinking, married men and women, until the day When Noah entered the ark, they did not realize anything until the flood came and took them all. The same will happen with the coming of the Son of Man, of two men who are together in the field, one will be taken and the other not, of two women who are grinding wheat, one will be taken and the other not.

MATTHEW 24-42: That is why they are awake, because they do not know what day their Lord will come.

One last recommendation, DO NOT BE AFRAID, IN spite of what you are seeing, just remember that everything is an illusion, you are and have always been a spirit, your mind is the Who believes that all this is real, keep your focus on love and everything will be fine.

May the light of God illuminate your path


Channeling: Miguel Diaz Morlet

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