History of the Arcturians

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Who are the Arcturians? 2 Arcturus and the Arcturians 3 The ships of the Arcturians 4 Techniques of the Arcturians

The Arcturians are a group of angels who traveled on various planets during various incarnations until they reached Arcturus, where they became beings of light and then continued their journey until they reached Earth.

This is a 5D vibrational civilization that has the gift of emotionally and spiritually healing humans and is a gateway of energy in which human beings pass during death and rebirth. Its energy is a transitional station of non-physical consciousness into the physical world.

Who are the Arcturians?

"We are those same angels who traveled the planets spreading their light, we have passed through Arcturus and also through the Pleiades."

Arcturian DNA comes from the original angels. Pleiadian DNA comes from Arcturians and human DNA comes from Pleiadians. Therefore, we are spiritual children of the Pleiadians and they of the Arcturians. Arcturians are our spiritual grandparents.

The Arcturians have as their goal the realization of Deity, they teach that life in the 5th dimension has as its fundamental component love and negative emotions, such as negativity, fear and hate, must be transformed into spiritual light.

These beings understand humans, because they themselves have traveled the same path . They are here to help us, because they are our family and support us so that we can evolve towards beings of light.

Its energy is an intermediate adaptation center that is used by the Physical Fraternities of the local Universe to manage the experiments performed with physics in the current galactic area. This is described in the book "The Keys of Enoch."

The keys of Enoch is a book that contains the scientific-spiritual teaching of Enoch and Metatron, two Higher Masters of Universal Intelligence, and where you try to open the mind of humanity by contacting it with the meaning of Divine Intelligence and preparing it for quantum changes They are coming.

The Arcturians work together with the Ascended Masters (the Fraternity of Totality), as well as with the Galactic Command.

They travel in interstellar ships, some of the most advanced in the entire Universe, and their cosmic technological perfection is such that other extraterrestrial beings fear them. It is said that the Earth has never been attacked for this reason, since the Arcturians protect us .

One of its most important ships that is stationed very close to Earth is " the star of Athens, " named after the Greek goddess.

The Galactic Command has thousands of representatives on Earth who help humans achieve their planetary ascension; they remember their cosmic name and cosmic key, those that are energetically individual, like a fingerprint and each vibrational tone connects them with different files, for that reason the use of their name is sacred .

Arcturus and the Arcturians

Arcturus is a star of the constellation Bootes, the brightest, and is 36.7 light years from the solar system. This star is 18 times larger than the Sun has 4 times its mass and is 105 times brighter.

The civilization of Arcturus is governed by a system that they call the Wise, advanced entities for their wisdom and their very high vibratory energies. The higher the vibrational energy, the closer it is to God.

The characteristics of the Arcturians are:

  • They are identical to each other.
  • They live 350 to 400 years, do not age and travel through time and space.
  • They do not suffer from diseases.
  • They are short (from 90 cm to 1.2 meters) and are thin.
  • His skin has a pale greenish blue color.
  • His eyes are very large, dark almond.
  • His hands have 3 fingers.
  • They are telepathic and can move objects with the mind.
  • They dream for short periods of time, traveling to the higher realms of consciousness.
  • They feed on a liquid with vitalizing powers.
  • They are able to ingest energy.
  • They are loving beings and never judge anyone.
  • Their ships are the most advanced in the Universe.
  • They can travel through space and time.
  • Physical matter is not an obstacle for them, since they have a physical and also ethereal body.

The ships of the Arcturians

The ships of the Arcturians are driven by crystals that carry the light energy of the Great Central Sun and come from a planet in the Milky Way not discovered by humans.

These ships are the most advanced in the Universe, but they do not use computers, because according to the Arcturians they no longer need them, since they use more advanced systems .

The starship has an area that is a replica of Arcturus and can take any of the crew members back to their planet in their etheric body, which allows beings to strengthen and rejuvenate away from their place of origin.

Arcturus ships have a very complete and complex database that contains all aspects of life on planet Earth, as well as other worlds in the galaxy. They can have access to all this information through their telepathy, a hundred times faster than a human can assimilate the information.

A room inside the ship strengthens the vibration of those who enter by canceling the effect of the vibrations of planet Earth. In addition, there is a sector that can make people disappear and is used when someone has died. Everything that disappears there can be merged at any time in the future through the ship's records.

Another of its features are its balloon-shaped shuttles, which are used to activate energy points on the planet . There are arcturian bases on Earth and also on the Moon. On Earth, its bases are found within the mountains, in all countries of the planet.

Many people are taken to the Arcturian ships during sleep . What travels is the human soul, the one that makes that trip in order to be helped, in addition, the Arcturians never force a person to travel if he is opposed to doing so.

These beings have arrived on Earth to help human beings to enter the 4th and 5th dimensions of reality, because they are protectors and guardians of the higher consciousness of the Universe.

Arcturian techniques

The Arcturians who are among us teach various healing techniques and spiritual evolution through the integration of new energy. It is about using our 3rd dimension energy to provide an energy perspective of the 5th dimension, which helps us prepare for that level change. Once that change of dimension arrives, we will be fuller and happier beings.

Some of these techniques are the photographic breathing, the meditation, the affirmations, the titillation of places, the use of the ten ethereal crystals, the pulse, the visualizations with the chakras, the cleanliness of the cellular memory, the connection with the Cosmic Egg, the biorelativity, the sky-earth connection, the activation of the light body and the exercises of magnification, among others.

Seen in Jananguita, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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