AA Uriel - "The veil is falling", channeled by Hester Aira

  • 2012

April 19, 2012

Today Uriel has said:

[ ] today is a special day. The power of the Dark Moon is impacting on all of you, with the necessary strength so that you can connect with your Higher Self, so that you can see where it is not seen, on the other side of the veil. The veil has already begun to fall. For many of you it is a certainty, for others a discovery that is yet to come.

To all those who already know that the veil is falling, to all who can see part of the invisible, have faith and trust. Soon you will have the totality of the abundance of the communion and interaction of our worlds and dimensional planes to be able to use it as a tool in the construction of a Common Good. You must do nothing. Wherever you are located, you know that there is nothing to do, because in this multidimensional and timeless space the paradigm is based on vibratoire frequency, on electromagnetic irradiation. Ethics from complete harmony and always for the Common Good. When you emit from that frequency of vibration, everything is harmonic, everything flows, everything is. All turbulence disappears and all the abundance that is legitimate to you in its own right comes to you to feed the current of the Higher Good.

For those who still have to discover that we share space with you and that you have not yet ascended to the vibrational frequency that allows you to reach and remember your higher knowledge, do not worry and trust. Trust fully in the power of your intention hand in hand with the creative power of each one of you. And in that way you will ascend progressively and adequately. Any turbulence should simply be observed as a vibrational mismatch that is indicating a friction between your current frequency and the frequency of the environment you are addressing. All turbulence is a warning signal and it is at that moment when you must focus more on your interior and calm down. It is in those moments when you must become fully aware that you must stop "doing." It is precisely that three-dimensional "doing" that causes you the frictional friction or scrubbing that preturbs and worries you. Look inside to find. Peace and Stillness are already within you, but in 3D you have been perversely taught that stillness and peace depended on external circumstances. Nothing is further from reality. Because reality, the true reality that many of you fail to see, the true reality that many of you refuse to see, is an unlimited reality, outside of all conventions bounded by your partial perception. Your reality is not reality, it is distortion, and until you accept this fact you will not be able to reach the Truth.

That "Truth will set you free" is a great certainty on a day like today, in the middle of the Dark Moon, when the Moon cannot be seen by your eyes simply because the Moon now has its true and own light. That invisible light is the Truth that you must reach and it is a totally necessary step, a mandatory step, in order to achieve true Freedom, the freedom that the butterfly achieves by breaking the chrysalis where it was locked to stop being a caterpillar. The caterpillar is not afraid of the chrysalis or its darkness. They accept it, honor it and bless it. And only then is when the chrysalis is ready to be broken.

Dear New Age butterflies, daughters of the Rainbow, the Golden Age has arrived. Spring is here. Now you can fly curiously and flutter through the exuberance and lushness of the New Earth. Gaia is happy. The universe is happy. Everything rises in consciousness and the cosmic community is ready for your arrival in our dimension. You should know that even that and those who do not rise in consciousness and who choose to stay in your hitherto known reality will live an awakening and begin a new stage in 3D at a more advanced level of emotion and distortion. Go in peace, brothers, because everything is ready. Enjoy this exciting human experience and this exciting transition. The pillars that support the vibrational transition are all in their positions. Vibrate all in love and everything will happen. I am Uriel. ”

Hester Aira

Priestess of Isis Priestess of Isis

Spiritual Medium and Reiki Master // Spiritual Medium & Reiki Master

High Healing and Human Alchemy // High Healing & Human Alchemy


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