Monthly Visions of January, February and March 2012

  • 2012

Wait More for Dana Mrkich
January 4, 2012

So here we are, in the long-awaited year 2012. They could find themselves doing a great spring cleaning in their life in the days and weeks before the new year, feeling that they did not want to carry any luggage, work, relationships, living conditions or any another circumstance to 2012, unless it really felt good and appropriate for you - even if that meant jumping into the unknown without having any idea of ​​what awaited you. While this may be true on a level in any new year, this year there is a greater sense of urgency: that now is the time to act, change, transform, release. We are delving deeper into our souls in search of all the courage and strength we can gather to do what we know we have to do. While in past years the circumstances may not have allowed us to make changes, this year we are saying: “In the circumstances, I have to make this change / go after my dreams / follow the call of my heart and my soul, even if I have no idea how it will happen or result. ”

For some, this may mean that they are traveling quite lightly right now, having dropped a lot, but that's fine - more space to start over with new situations that are totally in alignment with who they really are. The attraction of this total alignment will be like a magnet leading us in the right direction. Just as the radio dial has to be exactly at the right station to receive a clear signal, so all of us are going to be taken to our exact correct stations - anything else just won't feel right. Again, while this has been happening to us all our lives up to a point, this year will move to a whole new level. When we wandered before, we turned aside and we postponed, this will no longer be the case. We are reaching the highway and moving straight ahead! Some will experience this as feeling very excited, and even if they don't have a clear idea of ​​exactly what they are doing or where they are going exactly, they definitely know that they are going in the right direction, simply because they know they are no longer going in the direction. wrong!

Others may experience this, temporarily, as being in limbo - they have released whatever they had to release, but they are not moving as they wish. Know that even if you feel that you are immobile, many things are happening energetically within you and in front of you. Your "future" self is sweeping the path ahead, clearing the way for you, so even if you don't feel the movement, things are moving forward and happening. Instead of feeling frustrated, it is useful to ask yourself: why am I choosing my current situation? Take out your pen and diary and start writing and see what comes to you. If they are trying their best to make progress but they do not, there is probably still something that still works for them (or they think it still works) about their current circumstances. The clearer you have what it is, the faster you can move on to a sense of appreciation and calm about your NOW, and the more easily you can reach the path that has been prepared for you.

This spring cleaning energy will stay with us all year long, as we will continually be called upon to become more authentic, stripping ourselves of everything that exists primarily due to fears based on the reality of the old illusion. This year, integrity and authenticity nullify fear. This is such a strong theme that it is worth repeating: this year, integrity and authenticity nullify fear. This is true both personally and globally. Our new 'real' reality is nullifying the reality of the old 'illusion', therefore, many of us are executing the changes we have wanted to make for years, but we have always been too afraid, or we didn't know how to do it, or We even knew if it was possible. For those who are leaving well-paid 'safe' jobs, long-term relationships or established homes / places, to follow their dreams and their hearts (more of you who never did this before the end of the year), well-meaning friends and your family They may be saying: “What are you going to do? You are crazy! ”You will be responding:“ I can no longer do this, I simply cannot. ”

Accounts payable may be imminent, but deep down you do not care and feel a great peace that emanates from somewhere within you. They know that they will be taken care of and that every time they follow their hearts the universe will always support them. This is the year of practicing what we preach, and living what we know is true. That is another phrase worth repeating, so read it again and really breathe it in. This is the year we show the world that our 'crazy' really works, and that it is really the old ways of working that are crazy! It is the year in which many conscious souls who have not been able to find their place in society will leave their hiding place, as if an internal alarm had begun to sound saying: 'go out there'. More people will be asking, and needing help to understand the high energies that are coming and the resulting changes that are happening to them and around them. You will be shining your light more resplendent than ever, but this will no longer come from a 'I have to save the world' mentality. By making your light shine, you will help others find their own light. It's like being in a dark forest, with a huge torch, so that others can look and find their own torch that has been with them (in them) all the time. One has to enter the new reality from a space of self-empowerment, but that does not mean that we are alone - support is available to anyone who asks for it in any way that needs it. Looking down at humanity from above, it will be like the scene when flying over a city while the sun goes down - millions of little lights all begin to light one by one. It is beautiful and magical.

In many ways, it seems to be a year of contradictions. Every day we will be immersed in more and more high-energy energy, giving us more support than ever to incarnate our true divine nature, create a magical and cooperative life. -create a magnificent world. At the same time, there is less and less energy supporting the forms of the old world, so we will witness the collapse of many systems and structures, which will be experienced either as a cause for celebration or cause of despair, depending on which side of the currency of reality they reside predominantly. The two realities are like a sticker peeling off a sheet of paper. Both of them have co-existed for a long time, but now that the spending TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.TENNESS DO NOT COME BACK, CANNOT `` RETURN TO Glue ''. As the sticker peels off the paper, we could experience it as a sense of disconnection and detachment from the old reality and those who still reside there. Sometimes it may feel as if they are passing a movie somewhere, but you know that it is not real and if you do not want to watch it you simply do not tune in to that channel. This does not mean that we ignore the true suffering and difficulties of the people - quite the contrary, we could find ourselves wishing we were more out there, actively working for social reform and collaborating on humanitarian efforts Rather, we will not feel any connection with people who get involved in old dramas, and we will be able to see through the facade of the news, political speeches and perspectives that give us the means of communication It will feel like we are watching a fictional movie, because we really are.

Much of the discomfort, chaos and difficulty that we will see this year or society in general experience, is directly proportional to the degree of individual and collective resistance to letting go of the old (the illusion), and allowing the new (new reality ). It is important to know that the new reality is not something where we all collectively will wake up during some mysterious big-bang event, that is, the rapture . Ascension is not about all of us being suddenly transported to heaven ascent is an ascent to a higher dimension / frequency / vibration. Dimensional change has to do with opening your awareness to other potentials, perspectives and realities, it is not necessarily about being in a different physical / geographical space. The new reality is here right now, coexisting with the old, however, returning to the decal analogy, the two realities are moving further and further away. There is an energy bridge between the two, which we have to travel to change reality. Those in the new reality may return to the old when they want to help those who are making the trip, but it will be increasingly uncomfortable to do so. All this sounds a bit like a rare science fiction movie, but if they are living predominantly in the new they will know what I am talking about.

The Change of the Ages

Imagine an accordion that has gradually closed over many thousands of years. Used as an analogy of our reality, the accordion is a symbol of our evolutionary journey in this great current cycle that is now coming to an end. This cycle has been intense and perfect and has served us well, but now it has also served its purpose. Once something has served its purpose, what was once essential to our growth, on the contrary, becomes an obstacle to our growth, and at that point we have to let it go. The closer an accordion is close to being completely closed, the less space there is between the folds and therefore less air. So too, the closer we get to the close of a great cycle, the less energy there is to sustain that cycle, and therefore, our experience of that reality that is ending is more suffocating and restrictive. Although this is not always pleasant, it actively helps the process of releasing because we begin to consciously recognize that things have to change, that what was once comfortable now no longer fits with what we have become and aspire to be. For the minority that was using (and abusing) the old illusion to gain power over the majority, this release will feel intolerable and inconceivable. They underestimated humanity and our innate destiny to go and grow towards the light, and thus one day recognize and fully assume our inner power. That day is here.

The analogy of the accordion is also similar to what the ancient yogis call 'the Breath of Brahma' - it is said that one cycle of creation is caused by the exhalation of the Great Creator, while the next is caused by inhalation. The Exhalation, during which we move away from the Creator, we forget our true divine nature and experience ourselves as separated, it is ending now. The new Mayan / galactic cycle is marking the beginning of the Inhalation, bringing us closer to the Source Energy, back home, towards unity consciousness and remembering who we really are.

Traditionally, the Exhalation is associated with the Expansion, since the Universal Breath moves outward to know different aspects of itself, while the Inhalation is associated with the Contraction, back inwards, towards itself. However, in regards to our current level of soul memory, we certainly experience the Exhalation as a contraction (limiting, although we were actually growing / expanding) and similarly we will experience the return home in the Inhalation as an Expansion of reality and potential, thanks to the awakening of our conscience and the memory of who we already are. With this, we begin a new phase of the evolution of the Earth and Humanity.

Wait more

What does this new phase mean for us in 2012? The theme of the year feels that it is Expect More, since it is time to expect more from our reality. It's time to raise the bar. It is time to expect a better, more harmonious, peaceful and abundant world for all who wish. To expect something they have to believe that it is possible, they have to feel that they deserve it, they have to know that they have the right to receive it. When we expect something, we can create it, but our main problem has been that, until recently, the amount of energy available on Earth that supported this higher expectation was much less than the amount of energy that did not support it. This amount of energy is not necessarily determined by the number of people, but by the strength of our individual expectations, which in turn is determined by where we are both in our personal and collective evolutionary timeline.

We have been situated in the Exhalation, therefore, the Universal Energy itself was not available to us in the same way as it will be now that we dive into the Inhalation. What seemed impossible a few years ago or even months or weeks ago, will not only seem increasingly possible, but will actually begin to materialize in our physical reality. This will be a process. We are not going to wake up tomorrow in a global utopia where we are all going to teleport to our next vacation, but we have definitely set our train tracks to that. Does it sound idealistic? Science fiction? Another theme of 2012 and beyond is that what has previously been discarded as an idealist, utopian or science fiction, is really reality, a reality that has been hidden from us.

The number of people who do not support a better reality for humanity has been tiny (the so-called 1%), but clearly, although they were small in numbers, they were giants in relation to power. It was helpful for us to stay in the dark, and on a higher level, it also served us. Remember that This time it is not about facing us in a battle of 'us against them'. Our power will come from recognizing our part in the complete work: We have learned a lot, but it is time for a new work. We no longer need those old malicious characters, we no longer need to be puppets or victims, so it is time for the curtain to close in that story. Bye!

Now that it is time to re-enter the light, many people will be surprised by the amount of deception and restriction that humanity has endured. We will witness one revelation after another in all areas, including politics, health, science, religion, economy, energy and extra-planetary beings. It will be difficult for many people to digest the fact that the minority has had knowledge about free energy technology and disease cure for decades, that it has deliberately created wars and suppressed the truth, simply because they benefited from doing so despite the detrimental effect on others. For a heart-centered person, who is the majority of humanity, it is inconceivable to think that someone with a cure for cancer, for example, or the ability to ensure that all people have access to electricity and running water, would suppress this information in order to earn more money or gain more power, however, we will discover that there are people like that. We will also discover (eventually) that this minority is being used in the same way that they were using us, by some of the less pleasant extra-planetary beings, promising them incalculable power in exchange for selling to the earth and humanity. However, it is not our destiny to be sold in this way, and therefore, those beings have also underestimated both us and those who protect us (benevolent extra-planetary beings - our Star Family and other good Star People).

The so-called Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement are not casual events, they are the beginning of something we will see increase: the rise of a humanity that has already endured enough. Now we are all active participants in an evolutionary revolution triggered by our growing awareness that something is very wrong and needs to be corrected, and caused by the awakening of our true selves and our true power. The world does not end in 2012, the illusion ends. Instead, a new reality is going to reveal itself, a new humanity is going to emerge and a new world is going to be born. These are truly special times.

What they can do to maximize the energies of 2012

* Follow your heart: do what you feel called to do, even if your logical mind, fears, or well-meaning people are trying to convince you otherwise.

* Trust your intuition: if something doesn't feel right or true to you, it probably isn't.

* Believe in yourself: you are your own best teacher and source of guidance. They are the only person who really knows who they are and what they came here to do.

* Stop judging yourself and others: know that everything you have done was for a reason, and that others have a reason for what they do too.

* Expect more from your life and your reality. If you wrote a list of dreams for your ideal life and reality for humanity and the planet, make it as incredible as possible. Realize what your personal limits are and lift them. Then lift them a little more. If they used their imagination to write a magic book they would have no limits, right? So expect the same from your life, because it is our imagination that is now in the driver's seat! Play your part in creating a magical world for all of us.

© Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to freely share this article on condition that credit is given to the author, and the address is included .


Monthly Visions of February 2012:

Strange Sounds and Show Time
by Dana Mrkich
February 1, 2012

the air right now, where the storm represents a massive change beyond our current understanding. They could be experiencing this 'calm' not as calm but rather a feeling of anxiety or fear, but that is only because what we have ahead of us is a great mystery. Others are feeling an effervescent emotion, but they are not sure what excites them so much. For many people the contracts of the old reality have expired, but it is not yet exactly time for the new ones to take effect, and therefore there is a feeling of being in limbo, hoping that Something happen, but without being able to identify what that something is.

This space in limbo can manifest as feeling depressed, disillusioned or an energy of lidas, which swirl and accumulate around us as: If Change does not take place, sentido What sense does it all ?, and if it is about to happen, what does it make sense to do? something now?

There are so many different energies flying everywhere right now, because although more people are never feeling that something is happening, each individual responds in a different way. and even within each individual, we are all experiencing multiple emotions, often contradictory, about what is happening. Our emotional and nervous system goes to the maximum, heating the car's engines to prepare for mass acceleration, but our mind cannot calculate everything we are doing, where we are going and how We will get there. Change is beyond the mind. It is beyond just old systems and structures that fall apart to give way to new, more ethical and harmonic ways of doing things. New things are replacing old things all the time - that is evolution. From what we are now in the middle and on the cusp, it is an evolutionary quantum leap but how exactly it will develop in our physical world is the great mystery of which no one knows exactly the reply. What we do feel is that we will find out very soon, but the suspense is becoming unbearable!

It is as if we were a cast of actors waiting for the premiere of our new play to begin. 15 minutes to show time. We have rehearsed our inside and outside lines and backwards, there is nothing more we can do to prepare. There is a feeling that if we do not know our lines now we will no longer know that, for many in the vanguardia, they have been on an awake path For a long time, there is a withdrawal in terms of receiving more healing, reading more books or attending more workshops. They have done what they had to do in this old game, they learned what they had to learn, and now they are waiting for the signal to start their new role. Your new role, whatever it may be, will be, must be based on mutual empowerment, authenticity and integrity.

The boys of sound and lighting have done the final tests, and the costume department is ready. Some of us are sitting there drinking nervously, asking ourselves: what if nobody comes? Others walk back and forth, repeating their lines, hoping not to forget what they have to remember. We all have butterflies in the stomach, fast heart and adrenaline to the fullest. All our hard work and rehearsals have been to prepare us for this moment about to arrive. We feel a surge growing towards a climax, and we hope we don't have a disappointment that things were not as we expected.

Our nerves are at the maximum, because with everything we have prepared for this, as clever as we know deep down that we are, there is a crucial piece of the missing puzzle: we have no idea what is about to happen!

So far, one thing has been true: we are moving towards a new reality for humanity and the Earth. We can no longer continue in the way we have been. As the planet changes at a higher vibrational frequency, so also all living beings, systems and structures on it must also change - or collapse. Where the mystery was was how this change would develop. Would it happen gradually or quickly? How many people would be aware of what was happening while it happened?

My purpose since I have memory has been to help wake up as many people as possible until a certain moment. One of the analogies that my guides have used to show me what has to happen is: as many people as possible crossing the bridge and entering the ship, before the bridge is lowered and the doors to the ship are closed. The bridge is a metaphor for our process of awakening, to move to the higher levels of consciousness in which we have to be for a given moment. The ship represents our new destination, both physically and vibrationally. This includes new ways of living and being that are already being experienced, as well as temporary vibratory / emotional / physical spaces that keep us safe until certain new, personal and collective forms are ready to be created completely. They could be experiencing these temporary spaces as a sensation of being in a bubble, somewhat isolated from the demolition process that is taking place in the old world. Know that this is a protection bubble and part of a positive process. Misunderstood, this bubble can be attributed to the feelings of apathy, depression and disappointment mentioned above.

The doors that close indicate a window of opportunity that will only be open for a certain time. The feeling is that this time is before us. The bridge is coming down and the doors are closing. Apart from a few stragglers who arrive running at the last moment, it really feels that at this point, they are either on the ship or not. This process has happened before in our human history, but it has never happened with so many people living on the planet - and it has never happened with so many people destined to go on the journey together with Mother Earth. More people than we realize is on the ship. Being 'spiritual' in the new age sense is not a prerequisite, so do not assume that your neighbor Larry will be left behind just because he does not engage in meditation or read self-help books. Our boarding pass must have one main thing stamped on it: that we are living from our hearts, or that our soul has a real desire to do so.

Some people believe that the ship's analogy is literal and that it alludes to huge spaceships that transport us out of the planet during any seizure (who knows, it could be - yipiii, how fun!), But do not get illusions, because the purpose of our star brothers and sisters is not saving us. We have to save ourselves, and we will do it from within through our own abilities to access our higher levels of consciousness and wisdom, and live in an authentic way in alignment with our hearts. Thus, during any commotion, our safe spaces are more than likely to be our states of consciousness and less likely to be of the 'Teleport Me, Scotty' type . That said, there are a lot of UFO sightings / ships happening daily all over the world, growing in number every day, so the general awareness of our heritage and galactic family is only a matter of time, but it has to be in a moment in which we are not in a space of massive fear or mass worship towards them. Assuming our autonomy and taking responsibility for ourselves and the lives / world we create is an important part of the graduation process before becoming 'galactic' citizens.

Many people ask: "What happens to people who do not change?" It seems that one of two paths will open for them: a) Their souls will choose to move to another place and space, to continue their particular evolutionary journey elsewhere. This does NOT mean that they 'failed' - every soul has a superior plan, and it is not necessarily everyone's plan to continue living in what will be a new world here on Earth. Therefore, just because someone died before the Change, does not mean that they were not sufficiently 'aware' or did not do their soul work. It simply means that they finished whatever they intended to do on this planet, and they may well continue to work for our humanity and planet from another area. Or do something totally different. Your choice. The second way b) Some will stay here with a newly discovered awareness of how reality really works and they will need support to face the shock and other emotional consequences of revealing many truths. (Remember, the meaning of the word Revelation is "what is hidden is revealed.")

Life can no longer continue as the mouse game on the wheel in which humanity has been for so long, but with all the tedious life was, it was the comfort zone for most. While our new lives will be based on joy and freedom, many will need time to adapt to the loss of what they thought was real, time to adapt to discover to what extent they have lied to us and used us for the benefit of others. Imagine discovering that you have spent your entire life working twelve hours a day digging ditches with a shovel, and meanwhile, just beyond the hill you have had excavators that do in five minutes what it has taken you a lifetime to achieve - time they could have spent doing what they love. While there will be reasons for celebration to regain our right to be autonomous beings, there will also be reasons for a lot of sadness and pain, something that is already being felt right now.

The majority of the conscious community has long known that we are on the cusp of a quantum leap in consciousness and reality. Many of us agree on what our new reality will look like (see the Thrive movie - Prosper - for a wonderful description), but it seems that we cannot reach any consensus or clarity on how exactly we will get there. As we have been through the first weeks of 2012, many people may feel that something important is about to happen in connection with our quantum leap, however, no one can specify what it will be. It feels like something that is beyond our current level of understanding. El mensaje que capto es que sería como tratar de explicar el color azul a alguien que nunca antes ha visto el azul. Ya saben, como cuando uno simplemente no puede explicar ciertas cosas a alguien que no está despierto, no importa cuánto se esfuercen. Bueno, esto se siente algo así, excepto que esta vez somos nosotros quienes todavía no podemos entenderlo. El espectáculo comienza en 15 minutos de un reloj cósmico, ni un momento antes, y hasta entonces lo único que podemos hacer es beber nuestro té y considerar nuestras distintas teorías sobre lo que podría sacudir tanto a la humanidad como para provocar un salto cuántico.

Se están escuchando sonidos extraños por todo el planeta, lo que sin duda contiene una pieza del rompecabezas a nuestras inquietantes preguntas. Estos sonidos fueron escuchados en el 2011 por personas que conozco personalmente, pero a partir de enero del 2012, un aumento masivo de grabaciones se están publicando en YouTube todos los días desde países por todo el mundo, incluyendo Chile, Costa Rica, Canadá, Australia, Noruega, Irlanda, los EE.UU. y Ucrania. Para escucharlas vayan a YouTube y busquen Sonidos Extraños. Tengan en cuenta que algunos videos son imitaciones y son falsos o terminan con alguna broma, pero así como con los círculos de las cosechas, no dejen que unos cuantos que son artificiales los distraigan del hecho de que un montón son reales.

Hay varios sonidos diferentes, y todos ellos al principio parecen venir del cielo, aunque el sonido bien podría provenir de la Tierra, con el eco rebotando en la atmósfera de vuelta a nosotros. Algunos suenan como un martillo gigante golpeando un pedazo de hierro. Otros son más como un crujido, un poco como si se estuviera doblando una barra de acero. Algunos científicos han ofrecido sus teorías, incluyendo el impacto de las erupciones solares y una intensificación de la fase de transición del núcleo de nuestra Tierra. Lo que es muy emocionante es que las profecías antiguas se están uniendo ahora con acontecimientos actuales tangibles.

Mientras termino las Visiones Mensuales de este mes escucho la siguiente frase que se repite una y otra vez: “Gira y gira la rueda, y nadie sabe dónde frena” (“Round' and 'round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows” ). Como me sonaba familiar fui a buscar de dónde viene esta frase, y al parecer se utilizaba en un show llamado 'La Hora Amateur Original', mientras hacían girar la Rueda de la Fortuna – que en el Tarot representa un punto de inflexión, moverse en una dirección distinta con un sentido de destino. ¡Estamos listos!


Visiones Mensuales de Marzo 2012:

Lo Ajeno de La Libertad por Dana Mrkich
March 3, 2012

La Tierra se parece mucho a un coche de carreras en estos momentos, el pie en el acelerador, avanzando a una velocidad vertiginosa hacia más y más de una luz de mayor vibración que está cayendo sobre nosotros. La luz y la velocidad con la que estamos entrando en ella, están arrancando nuestros velos y cadenas antes de que puedan decir: 'Ya no estamos en Kansas, Toto'. A veces la luz nos hace sentir abrumadoramente apacibles y felices, cuando no importa lo que aparentemente esté pasando en el mundo externo, todo está bien en nuestro dominio interno. Otras veces, como en los días anteriores a marzo, nos sentimos como desventurados pasajeros aferrándonos con fuerza a nuestros cinturones de seguridad, con los nudillos blancos y apretados. Sacar la cabeza por la ventana por un poco de aire no trae ningún alivio – nos encontramos con vientos de 500 millas por hora dándonos en la cara. Miramos hacia el conductor – una do a Madre Tierra, que tiene un sorprendente pie de plomo para una mujer de varios miles de millones de a os, esperando que la mirada apremiante en nuestros ojos pueda hacer que se apiade de nosotros y disminuya la velocidad. No tenemos esa suerte. Ella nos mira con un brillo salvaje en los ojos y grita: No les encanta la sensaci n de libertad? Ejem, es eso lo que es?

S, amigos. Ese nudo en el est mago, el miedo que se apodera de ustedes y la hiperventilaci n presa del p nico, es el resultado de despertar cada d am sa una mayor libertad energ tica, allanando as el camino para una mayor libertad en nuestras vidas f sicas, materializadas. Ya no tenemos que representar los mismos viejos papeles de siempre. Ya no tenemos que repetir las mismas viejas historias. Viejas creencias? In the trash. Trabajos y relaciones que ya no funcionan para ustedes? El Consejo Tribal ha hablado pueden desterrarlos de la isla. Sin duda esto suena como el para so? No es as como se supone que se siente nuestra nueva realidad? Un para so feliz y maravilloso? De alg n modo nos olvidamos de leer la letra peque a en nuestro contrato de Vengan a la Tierra en medio del mayor Cambio de todos los tiempos! : La libertad podr a sentirse ligeramente aterradora y completamente desconcertante despu s de vidas enteras de represi ny limitaci n generalizada.

Las energ as de la Libertad est n verdaderamente con nosotros, y marzo est intensific ndolas una muesca o mil. Mientras que nuestra Alma est sentada en lo alto del coche de carreras, sonriendo como un jinete a punto de ganar el Derby de Kentucky, nuestro ego/mente/viejo yo es el que est teniendo dificultades abajo de nosotros. Qu quieres hacer qu ? Dejar tu trabajo? Est s loco? Nunca vas a sobrevivir financieramente. Qu vas a hacer? Crees que hay un alma gemela por ah para ti? Crees que vas a cambiar tu vida con tus nuevos pensamientos positivos, objetivos positivos y lo-que-seas positivos? S, c mo no, eso va a durar unos pocos d as, como todo lo dem s, qui n te crees que eres? Que tienes qu, dices? Necesidades?? Qu t tienes tus propias necesidades? Y quieres que sean satisfechas? Jajajaja muy gracioso, regresa a trabajar.

Estamos enfrentando un per odo de altibajos energ ticos conforme pasamos por una importante transici n de paradigmas. La necesidad de expresar creativamente y aut nticamente nuestro verdadero yo est ardiendo ferozmente a trav s de nosotros. Sabemos que ya no puede haber m s concesiones. Ya no m s postergaciones. No m s promesas rotas a nosotros mismos. Ya basta de postergar ser quienes realmente somos, postergar hacer lo que sabemos que queremos o necesitamos hacer. Sin embargo, si bien esto se siente emocionante y excitante en un nivel, tambi n activa hasta el ltimo resquicio de los patrones de auto-sabotaje dentro de nosotros y esos patrones nos son reflejados por medio de situaciones o personas fuera de nosotros que parecen estar bloque ndonos, as como nuestras propias voces interiores cr ticas. Parecen es la palabra clave porque s lo hay un auto-saboteador en casa. Adivinan qui n?

As que toda esta libertad puede sentirse en realidad bastante pesada y triste al principio, sinti ndonos decepcionados y desilusionados de nosotros mismos, nuestras vidas, nuestros sue os, nuestro mundo. Cada c lula de nuestro cuerpo quiere lo que sea que queramos, y ahora m s que nunca sabemos verdaderamente que no podemos seguir avanzando en nuestras vidas siendo menos de lo que verdaderamente sabemos que somos. Simplemente no podemos seguir haciendo lo que sol amos hacer, no podemos volver a, ni permanecer en, aquello que energ ticamente ya hemos dejado atr s. Tenemos que ir a hacer lo que necesitamos hacer, y hay una fuerte sensaci n de es ahora o nunca en esta urgencia. Sin embargo, hay todas estas cosas dentro de nosotros ya nuestro alrededor diciéndonos que no podemos hacerlo, no podemos tenerlo, no va a suceder, es imposible. Así que estamos pasando mucho tiempo sintiéndonos atascados y confusos. Sin querer quedarnos donde estamos ni volver a de donde vinimos, pero sin saber muy bien cómo avanzar.

Nos estamos sintiendo así porque el concepto y la realidad de la libertad sin límites se sienten totalmente ajenos a nosotros. La libertad sin límites, por supuesto, no es ajena a nosotros, es nuestro estado natural de ser. Sin embargo, hemos estado sin ella durante tanto tiempo, o por lo menos hemos estado en la ilusión de que estuvimos sin ella durante tanto tiempo, que casi hemos olvidado qué hacer con ella y cómo usarla. Somos como prisioneros que acaban de ser liberados después de años de aislamiento en la oscuridad. La luz de un cielo abierto lleno de sol puede ser cegadora, y es un hecho real que dos tercios de los prisioneros reinciden una vez en libertad, porque no saben cómo funcionar de una forma sana y empoderada como adultos libres. La prisión se convierte en la zona de confort.

No podemos permitir que nuestra vieja realidad sea nuestra zona de confort, porque como ustedes saben, en realidad no es tan confortable. Sí, algunos aspectos de ella pueden habernos proporcionado algo que necesitábamos –seguridad financiera, por ejemplo– así que otra razón por la que nos está resultando tan difícil soltar lo viejo y saltar de cabeza junto con la Madre Tierra hacia lo nuevo, es que tememos que lo nuevo no nos proporcione las cosas que necesitamos. La ironía es que lo nuevo tiene el potencial no sólo de darnos lo que necesitamos, sino también de abrir las puertas a experiencias y oportunidades que nunca pensamos siquiera pedir. Estas puertas no suelen ser visibles desde la perspectiva de nuestras vidas viejas, así que por mucho que nos gustaría tener garantías antes de hacer ningún cambio drástico, a menudo es sólo cuando por fin nos comprometemos con lo nuevo que aparecen nuestras nuevas puertas.

¿Cómo funciona esto en la vida real con cuentas que pagar e hijos que mantener? Pidan que se les muestre un puente entre lo viejo y lo nuevo que les ayude a llegar de una forma más llevadera. 'Sólo confía' sí funciona, pero es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo para muchas personas. Así que si 'sólo confía' les suena un poco lalalá, pidan un puente. No pidan con los brazos cruzados como diciendo 'bien, si se supone que cambie, pruébalo, tráeme un puente'. El universo no va a hacer el trabajo por ustedes y su creencia de que el cambio no es realmente posible va a anular su deseo genuino de atraerlo. Va a hacer las cosas más fáciles para ustedes si dan el primer paso, pero tienen que dar el primer paso. El puente es para aquellos de ustedes que genuinamente en su corazón de corazones saben que es hora de hacer un cambio en uno o más aspectos de sus vidas, pero no saben cómo llegar desde aquí hasta allá. Desde su corazón, pidan un puente.

Otra razón por la que nos sentimos estancados durante la transición de 'aquí para allá', es que nuestro verdadero poder se ha vuelto tan ajeno a nosotros como nuestra libertad. Estamos escuchando la voz de nuestros sueños y deseos clamando cada vez más fuerte, pero nuestras voces interiores y creencias que nos dicen que no podemos hacerlo han sido mucho más fuertes por mucho tiempo. Nos hemos acostumbrado a dejar de lado nuestros sueños, nuestras necesidades y nuestros verdaderos deseos, y como resultado, nuestro poder interior se siente más como un globo desinflado interior.

Hay cientos de herramientas de sanación disponibles ahora para ayudarnos a enfrentar nuestros problemas de no asumir nuestro poder y libertad, ¡pero algo que pueden hacer ahora mismo es simplemente decidir que ya basta! Díganse a sí mismos: “Carencia, ya no creo en ti… Limitación, ya no creo en ti…. Parte de mí que dice que no puedo hacerlo, ya no creo en ti.” Visualicen su Poder y derecho a la Libertad como si fueran viejos amigos a quienes no han visto hace tiempo. Abrácenlos y digan: “Ha pasado mucho tiempo, y en realidad no puedo recordar cómo utilizarlos ni cómo funciona todo esto, pero estoy listo para recordar. Por favor, muéstrenme. Por favor, guíenme.” Otra cosa que puede ser útil es algo que yo digo todos los días: “Estoy alineado con mi mejor yo posible, mi mejor realidad posible y mi mejor movimiento hacia adelante posible.”

¿Cuál es su sueño anhelado? ¿Qué es lo que siguen postergando o diciéndose a sí mismos que no pueden hacer todavía porque…? ¿Qué es lo que sienten que estarían dejando atrás al seguir su corazón? ¿Por qué sienten que su sueño anhelado no puede satisfacer cualquier necesidad que haya estado satisfecha en su antigua vida? ¿Qué tiene su sueño anhelado que han utilizado como una excusa para no ir por él y crearlo/atraerlo? Tómense su tiempo para responder a estas preguntas si están listos para abrazar su libertad, por muy ajena que pueda parecer.

En general, las personas abnegadas están despertando a sus propias necesidades en este momento, y esto también se siente extraño después de toda una vida de poner a los demás en primer lugar. Esto no quiere decir que nos estamos volviendo egoístas y desconsiderados, sino más bien que nos estamos dando cuenta de que a veces no nos hemos considerado a nosotros mismos y que ahora ha llegado el momento de hacerlo. Se están trazando líneas en la arena por todas partes, se están fortaleciendo los límites y estamos aprendiendo que a veces tenemos que decir que no a los demás y decirnos sí a nosotros mismos. Ya no podemos servir a los demás desde una posición de no servirnos a nosotros mismos – a nuestro verdadero yo. Hagan de la encarnación de su verdadero yo su máxima prioridad en este momento, y eso en sí mismo funcionará como una brújula y un imán para que puedan crear y atraer las relaciones adecuadas, el trabajo adecuado, el servicio adecuado y un montón de cosas adecuadas en su vida. Esta encarnación va a garantizar que estén siempre en el lugar correcto en el momento apropiado (algo por lo que muchos están preocupados ahora), y también los guiará a hacer el mayor bien para el mayor número de personas de la mejor manera posible para todos (incluyéndolos a ustedes). Para ayudar a este proceso de encarnación afirmen: “Mis pensamientos, palabras y acciones están alineadas con mi verdadero yo”.

Nuestro auténtico poder se está reivindicando y puede ser estremecedor darnos cuenta de lo mucho que lo hemos cedido por no creer en nosotros mismos, por no pararnos firmes, no ser fieles a nosotros mismos y no amarnos. Esos días han terminado. Estamos entrando en la era de la Luz y del Amor. No de una forma dulzona nueva era, sino de una manera real y práctica, de practicar lo que predicamos. Los tipos de decisiones basadas en el miedo y el ego que hemos visto tomar a nuestros gobiernos, medios de comunicación, grandes empresas e instituciones bancarias son, en última instancia, resultado de la falta de luz (conocimiento de la verdad) y falta de amor, sobre todo amor por sí mismos, que se manifiesta como falta de amor y consideración por los demás. Esos días están terminando. No pueden existir al otro lado de este cambio, no más que lo que puede existir la oscuridad una vez que han encendido la luz en su casa.

Es tiempo de creer en la Luz y en el Amor más de lo que creen en la falta de ellos, y creer en su capacidad para transformar nuestro mundo – interno y externo. Al ver y sentir el caos –y todos los proyectos de renovación están precedidos por un poco de caos– confíen en esta capacidad. Confíen en su propia capacidad, no, más bien su propio destino, de ser una parte poderosa del proceso.

© Dana Mrkich 2012. Se concede permiso para compartir libremente este artículo con la condición de que se dé crédito al autor, y se incluya la dirección

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