Message from Saul - The Moment of NOW is the Only Time There Is

  • 2017

Message channeled by John Smallman, 05/14/2017

"On Earth as in Heaven!" That is what humanity seeks . In the book A Course in Miracles, Jesus speaks of the "happy dream", the place or state from which God will take you to Unity with Him.

The awakening of humanity, its personal awakening, is the entrance into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists

The awakening of humanity, its personal awakening, is the entrance into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists . In that state everything that is not in complete alignment with Love has dissolved because none of them is Real, and only the Real exists. The Real is eternal, without beginning or end. What you experience as a human being, even if it seems intensely real, is just a dream, often a nightmare, full of pain and suffering, from which you will wake up because it is impossible to remain lost in the dream and dream indefinitely.

As a human being , the time you sleep is a time to rest your physical vehicle and restore the energy that physical or mental activity demands and has used. While the body sleeps, the eternal you, the You who is One, is where you always are, at peace in the Unity that is God.

The egoic self is a very small but very strong and vociferous concept of what separation would be if that state were possible. It is like a separate part of Being with a life and a mind of its own. Like the body, it needs to rest because the concept of separation is very intense in energy and uses the body's energy for the games in which it is involved.

The main game is " I am alone and scared, and I need to be loved and protected ", and that game is played in innumerable ways, as many as the person tries to find within the illusion what he lost by choosing to hide from Reality . But reality is unconscious of the unreal. The simplest analogy is that of young children who play with imaginary characters that they perceive as real and are upset because their parents cannot see or hear them and therefore refuse to believe in them. Parents may pretend that they believe in them, but children see through that facade instantly because the parents' responses are quite inappropriate due to their inability to see or enter the imaginary world of children.

As children grow up, they leave behind that imaginary world and enter the " real world " of their parents, the illusion in large size that replaces their small and individual illusion. On occasion, the child's imaginary world retained very weak memories of Reality, which they were reluctant to abandon, but which, for the most part, had to be discarded as they grew to operate and engage in the illusion, the "real world " from his parents. All those who incarnate as human beings have chosen to experience the intense and frightening sense of separation, which provides the lessons they have chosen to learn, along with their main task, which is to help humanity to awaken. But, as we have noted here before, illusion, once embodied in it as a human being, is experienced as intensely real, so real, in fact, that even remembering the main task of one's life is often impossible.

The main point here is that the human experience is unreal, even if it seems very real, because pain and suffering, exciting adventures or falling in love bring to your consciousness extremely intense feelings, feelings so intense that most of people identify with them as if they were themselves, or at least as an essential and inseparable part of themselves . Without feelings, most people think they will lack a valid identity, so feelings are highly valued . But in reality, although sometimes extremely intense, feelings and emotions are like the weather, temporary states that come and go but do not last. However, they can be maintained, and often done, in order to prolong the sensations, whether pleasant or painful. In the latter case, it is often an attempt to blame someone who thinks or thinks has caused pain or suffering.

Other people do not provoke the feelings that you perceive, your feelings are merely reflections of how you see yourself, and what others do is show you those feelings in the foreground of your consciousness . If you are deeply painful and embarrassing, you can deny them and project them out, away from yourself, from your consciousness, and towards another or others. When they cling to feelings, they can continue to relive the intensity of pleasure or pain that arose the first time they experienced them. Feelings can make what has happened and disappeared seem to be happening again in the present moment as you relive them in your mind. If something happens that requires your immediate attention at this present moment, for example, while driving your car, the memory you were reliving fades so you can focus on the moment of now .

The moment of now is the only time that exists, and in the moment of now you are constantly renewing yourself as the perfect son of God at the moment that is happening that is of eternal creation, where you are always perfect because that is how God created you, and what He creates never changes . The change is of the illusion, and within the illusion is constant because it is always trying to move you away from Reality . On the other hand, Reality always calls you to return to your Home, to your natural state of eternal joy, where you are fully and eternally alive.

Life is eternal, unceasing, endless

Life is eternal, unceasing, endless . Therefore, they never stop living. Human death, a human body lying on the earth, is nothing but a change of state, leaving illusion and returning to Reality, which they have never left. Another analogy : they watch a movie, go to the theater, or read a book and get totally caught up in the story that unfolds - emotions arise, thoughts arise, judgments that affect history arise - then the story ends and they return to their own life and its own history, which is very different from the one in which you were temporarily involved and to which you felt part.

Your human life is a bit like that, but, because it lasts for years instead of the two hours in which a movie is developed, it is difficult for you to know and understand that it is just a story. They will wake up to Reality when history no longer fascinates them, when they decide that they have learned all the lessons it has to offer. You all know someone who seems to live in a different world from the common everyday that most human beings experience. Understand that this person has just chosen to experience a more individualized life experience within the illusion that you have.

Your more " normal " collective experience is not really very different from that individual's " abnormal " individual, but because you share it with others it seems more real than the experience that that other person is experiencing, which you perceive as unreal or crazy. And, in the illusion, where they feel so separated despite their collective and similar experiences, it is comforting to belong to a group of like-minded individuals. And groups, like people, tend to judge other groups as less valid, less good or less valuable than their own. Within the illusion one could say that there are only different levels of madness.

Most of you have had experiences or have been presented with lessons that have drastically altered your perception of life and of yourself. It may have been meeting and interacting with someone whose beliefs were very different from theirs, or having an accident or serious illness, or even a Near Death Experience . And as a result, they have altered their approach to life and other people because it has indeed been a great " awakening " within them that has demanded this change. Normally, when that kind of experience arises, it is initially very disturbing. However, as time passes, and the acceptance of your "new" perception of life grows, you become more at peace with yourself, more able to "be" yourself and no longer seek approval or positive encouragement from others trying to be different from who they are. They have realized that what they are is what they should be, and they know that this is fine, and immutable .

All of you are, without any exception, the beloved and perfect children of God, infinitely loved and completely accepted as you are, just as God created you, forever One with Him, unalterable and immutable.

Rejoice then in the sure knowledge that you are always One with your Source, which is, of course, also You. Unicity means Unity, that there is only Unity, and that, therefore, separation is impossible, unreal, totally illusory. You will wake up in Reality because that is where you are forever, with what you just nodded for a moment.

With much love, Saul.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina Belli, translator and editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Original in English, John Smallman. (2017). Saul ~ The NOW Moment is The Only Time That Exists. 05/24/17, from Love has won Website:

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