You Hold The Geometries Of What Is Sacred

  • 2013

We have existed a long time before you were created. We will exist after the Earth has become a Star. We come from a place that has always existed as Light. You have memories of us in your genetic encodings.

We are the Council of the One and each of us is stationed in a sacred access and exit on Earth. We are aligned with what has been holy long before the Earth was ready for life. We align ourselves with what was holy before its Solar System existed. We are aligned with what is holy and with what can never be destroyed.

Throughout time and space, you have ventured into new degrees of experiencing life. They have ventured into situations where time has slipped like a sailor's knot. You exist simultaneously in a multidimensional way and it cannot be in any other way, but you have forgotten the rules of the game while taking multiple break times and staying on the bench. All these experiences come to show you in a clear and precise way exactly what you should agree with yourself in order to become what the Universe asks you to be.

Inside there is a genetic coding programmed to 'search'. You ask questions when many others do not even bother to think in that direction . You try to remember where you come from, you look for the Unity of Love that you know lives like a singular event in your heart and you look for that in the eyes of everyone you meet. You are known in the Universe as the 'seekers'.

Time dances around you, winding and unrolling with such precision that the other elements are jealous. Imagine all the gears on the wheels of time that rotate to create events, opening them to more possibilities than you have contemplated. Imagine that the veil is being lifted and that you can see the internal organism of each human you meet, each reflection in each mirror of each interaction within each individual.

As they move to these events of time, they will see the many costumes that a person wears, the many 'do' and 'do not do' that have given themselves, the many 'must' and 'must not' in which they are wrapped like a camouflage cloak.

These timelines ask you not to fear death, life, love or success. You have come here voluntarily to this planetary jewel. Many of you are angry at your humanity. They want to be light, not human. In truth, my dear ones, you cannot be anything but Light, no matter which form you assume in any incarnation on any time line.

As a liquid that is poured into a special container, you hold the same vibration of Light at all points of the incarnation; You choose to simply carry different containers.

You hold the geometries of what is sacred. They hold the promises you made before incarnating in your original being, stand firm to who you really are through these changes and do not lose yourself in chaos. You are a living vortex, you are a living Light, and you are an Emissary of Heaven.

They trust what the heart tells them. Every time they think they have control of their life or their situation, something changes immediately. Every time they think they have tamed the wild beast in their family, in their boss, she raises her ugly head. Know without a doubt that when there are disorders around you, that means the Light is shining brightly. When everything is upside down, it shows that your life is a Light shining majestically enough for the darkness to take note of you. You are on the registered list. You are the first listed on the label.

You have held the Light for such a long time wading through this time and energy that you have accumulated goodness and good qualities in whatever way you choose. You have saved the many blessings for difficult times. Use them as you wish according to your heart. Do not use them to get away from rising waters or the collapse of the economy. You cannot use your blessings in a place that will not receive them.

No matter what the test is, you have to believe in the greater good, in the highest Light, in the highest frequency no matter how it appears to be until you reach the very end. Energies to imagine that you find yourself fighting on a battlefield in ancient days and suddenly stop to pray as Joan of Arc must have done when fighting injustice. Praying and talking with God in the middle of the battle - that's what they are asked to do.

You are becoming a wonder, the event of the horizon, for yourself and no matter how much you love another, you cannot make that person become that singularity of Light. She has to choose for herself.

From now until the end of the year you will find yourself with a visionary ability - with open-eye visions that happen while you are driving, while talking with another, while sitting just pondering inside your baths . This energy , this ocular frequency, is opening portals within the structure of the eye. Their eyes have many parts that are like a bee hive - there are hexagons inside them. Eight portions of these geometric frequencies within your eyes will be happening around the iris of your eyes and you will notice that your eyes change color. People will talk that their eyes have changed color from one conversation to another. These sighted portals are coming as a gift to you.

For many years some have lost their visibility. It is like a string that was cut or knotted and nothing flowed. This period of time will allow them to see [be seers] and then keep that information true. If you see someone in a store that you know is a pedophile or who abuses children, you will see this energetically and want to do something about it. You cannot physically say this to this person or to those around you, but you can send the vibration of protection to the children with whom this person could interact.

As you have eyes again to see again, this carries a great responsibility. In this responsibility, each person will be shown how to handle what you have found to be the truth. We do not ask you to get nervous, fearful or angry about what you see, whether it is the person next to you who you love, your children, or whoever you are, but we do ask you as a priest to whom someone has confessed something to keep that truth a secret.

There will be times when you will interact with those of your own Light and talk to them about it, and they will know what you are talking about, but you will be given the secrets. Now, every priest or psychologist or lawyer who considers these secrets sacred is asked to weigh it well and hold the Light without telling the secrets to another.

As seers, what they see is not always beautiful. You are all becoming great listeners, you listen to the thoughts of others. Allow these truths to choose you at higher octaves of your own DNA pattern, you have played every role over time and hold that information within.

We are trying our best to prepare them to help them move forward effortlessly, in a fluid way through these changes. You are the ones who hold the Light and the anchor. Even when everyone has stolen every hope you had, every seed of faith, you have returned to the Light. You know nothing more than the Light, and that is what you are. We are the Council of the One and we are part of your Light, just as you are part of ours. Let's go.

You Hold the Geometries of What is Sacred

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