"All that has the vibration of love is reality," by the Council of 12

  • 2011

Ann to the Council of the Twelve: Are you on the line?

Yes, dear. We are always on the line. You just have to pick up the headset to listen to us. We are whispering in your ear throughout the day, helping you make positive decisions in the world of duality. Positive decisions that will eventually eliminate the world of duality, which is the iron and the paradox of duality. We refer to the end of one of the extremes of the dualistic poles: positive and negative. How can they focus on an aspect of duality that is erased? There really is only one pole; love. All that has the vibration of love is reality. All that has the vibration of its opposite - fear - is duality, which is another word to lie. Fear is the nightmare, or perhaps daytime is a better word.

If it feels good, do it! That was a slogan of the 1960s, and at the same time it led to some unfortunate excesses, but the principle is basically good. If it feels good, that is, if your heart feels warm and expands: do it. If it feels bad, that is, if your heart feels tight and defensive, you have made a decision based on fear.

They have read a lot lately about the use of the body as their caliper and we would like to reinforce that. You have a built-in gauge. It is his physical body, and that is another irony of duality. Once in a physical body and living in the perception of duality, many people buy the illusion that they are their physical body. psycho And then we proceed to deny the body as a source of sin.

Sin means missing the mark, by the way. It is just a misfire, so to speak. It is bad aim. Sin is hitting the ground instead of hitting the target, so your shot is intentionally wrong. You hit your mark, only you were pulling towards something wrong.

When viewed as a source of sin, people do all kinds of things to their bodies to dampen the physical sensation. But it is the physical sensation that will keep you on track. By the way we mean to go in the direction of the light, hence the term iluminaci n . Their bodies are very wise. The more attention you give to the health of your instrument (body), the better it will serve you in terms of orientation in your daily life. If it feels good, do it.

Of course, it is very easy to get to an excess by doing that too. There is no need to make the body a fetish or it will become a sanctuary. It is a tool. You have to take care of him as they would with a valuable piece of equipment, but they don't love it. He has to go one day, and when that happens, he lets go. But while you are using it, you have to be aware of your care.

It was not easy to get one, you know that. There was a waiting list. That may seem absurd in light of the exponential increase in population in recent decades. But with respect to all the souls who want to be here and now, we believe that the lottery was won.

Soon they will present themselves to other beings with different "models", so to speak. They will seem strange to you, but somehow they will be very attractive for their efficient utility, among other things. Many life forms have been reduced to nothing more than essential elements through vast eons of time in evolutionary processes very different from Earth.

They have often wondered why the wisdom teeth? Why the appendix? These are residual characteristics that in other worlds have been discarded. But Earth is nothing but earth, so there are several components of your body that simply come with the total package. It's an interesting trip, isn't it? In any case, you have the privilege of having a seat in the best show in the city, and by city we mean the Universe.

We would like to tell those of you who believe that the body is a torment, we understand your difficulties and walk with you in love. You can call us when you feel you are caught struggling. Tune in and see if you can breathe the light. See if you can change the experience of pain and discomfort with the impressive power of your mindset. Much is available for all of you to make your trip more comfortable and comforting. We are here for you. Ask for our help at any time. Pick up the handset. In Love and Light. The Council of the Twelve.


The Council of the Twelve through Ann, September 16, 2011

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